Enrich the Athena Reputation!

  • My Idea is, give us an Legendary Item(a Plate or an Cup) that you can find rarely on Islands but 100% in every Skull Fort! It gives you 1/4 Athena Reputation(of a Chest) and some people who do not want the Athena Mission have a new way to make some Reputation!

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  • @king-deka so you don't even have to be or know a PL to get to athena 10?? No, it's good as it is...maybe add some other athena quest-type...
    Now with the alliance system it's easy to get to lvl 10 anyway

  • @king-deka

    Well, I agree with some of this but if this was added in the game then there will be like no good thing for being a PL other than trash purple clothing. And Ship customizations. They should add more unique quests on PL stuff

  • @king-deka This would be way faster then doing the voyages and would encourage server hopping. No thank you.

  • @crimsonraziel sagte in Enrich the Athena Reputation!:

    @king-deka This would be way faster then doing the voyages and would encourage server hopping. No thank you.

    No because of Skelly Ships and 1/4 Athena Rep isn’t that much you’re needing 372 Forts for Athena 10 then! It’s a good deal I think

  • @popcanzombie135 sagte in Enrich the Athena Reputation!:


    Well, I agree with some of this but if this was added in the game then there will be like no good thing for being a PL other than trash purple clothing. And Ship customizations. They should add more unique quests on PL stuff

    Yeah Pirate Legend needs a Trading Company ONLY for Legends!

  • @king-deka said in Enrich the Athena Reputation!:

    @crimsonraziel sagte in Enrich the Athena Reputation!:

    @king-deka This would be way faster then doing the voyages and would encourage server hopping. No thank you.

    No because of Skelly Ships and 1/4 Athena Rep isn’t that much you’re needing 372 Forts for Athena 10 then! It’s a good deal I think

    1 AF voyage takes longer then 4 forts on average, plus the gold payout of 4 forts is higher. Even AF speedruns could take longer and their gold payout is worse.

  • @king-deka

    For sure!

  • @crimsonraziel speed running I've heard of AF quests being done in under an hour. Honestly between load times and cursed ships blocking forts it would be faster to just do the quest.

    That being said there needs to be a shorter Athena quest. 1 map, riddle, skull, and merch step and give you like 40% of the existing chest of legends.

  • @captain-coel said in Enrich the Athena Reputation!:

    @crimsonraziel speed running I've heard of AF quests being done in under an hour. Honestly between load times and cursed ships blocking forts it would be faster to just do the quest.

    And I've seen forts cleared in 5 minutes. But those are exceptions to the rule.

    Btw if they add Athena rep items to forts, Rare most likely will add these to the cursed ships too.

    That being said there needs to be a shorter Athena quest. 1 map, riddle, skull, and merch step and give you like 40% of the existing chest of legends.

    Has been suggested numerous times and it's easy to implement. I wonder whether this just got very low priority or Rare has objections.

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