Cursed Sail Commendations

  • I'm in the middle of doing the 200 skelly kills while they are affected with cursed cannon balls, my question is this:

    If you are in an alliance do the kills other ships in the alliance get count towards your total or is it just the kills of your party?

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  • The only commendation that is counted in an alliance is the the one to complete a voyage whilst in one (best way to make sure its completed is for both or all ships in the alliance to set a fresh voyage once your reaper flags are back up and you are allied since the voyages only count from before they are placed).

  • Just kills performed by your crew, by cutlass, handgun or cannon. Shooting a powder keg carried by one of the skeletons will not work, nor allowing one to explode near you when surrounded by skeletons. The skellies may shatter, but they won't count towards the 200.

  • @surveyorpete Yeah, I found getting around the gunpowder barrel skeletons tricky for this commendation. They would show up and ruin the batch I had ready to go!

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