Could we ever see a series of Funko Pops! with the Sea of Thieves characters?

  • The tiny vinyl characters bug has completely got a hold on me right now. I have a set of The Big Leboswski Pops!. I've picked up a few from Game of Thrones and The Hobbit. I'm going to get a couple from Little shop of Horrors and The Hateful Eight next. Those little figures make me smile. I think it'd be great to see them make some Sea of Thieves Pops!. A Captain Flameheart with a shadow variant chase. Of course I would want that skeleton parrot. Duke, Meg and Merrick.

    Who would you all like to see realized as a tiny vinyl figure with big head?

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  • @gutterangel
    I want to see ship models kits like airfix kits of the slop galleon or the brig

  • @gutterangel kraken

  • I expect this happening, I'm sure I've seen the social media team reach out to funko during comic con.

  • @firesidelime431 lego kits would be similarly amazing! They already have sharks and pirates and canons from their old pirates range!

  • I have a some Lego ship kits up on the wall here. It would be pretty nice to add a ship from Sea of Thieves on a shelf too.

    @blair187 That would be awesome. I hope your memory is correct :)

    @RoughLeech03117 Thats a good one. A 6" Pop to do it justice, give it a body n all ;)

  • Only a small exchange but here it is, it was from E3

  • Three Sheet Neate and Mutinous Mike ;-)

  • @blair187 Awesome! Thanks for that. Maybe they could do a POP RIDES! with a galleon and a pirate. I know I'd collect all of whatever that partnership could produce, lol :) They could even have a cosmetic code with them. The cosmetic being a tiny carved bobble head for the railing in front of the Helm.

    I've got my eyes on some older vaulted POP!'s that are too expensive in the third market. Looking forward to getting out to hunt them when my back mends. That Bilbo Baggins with Spiderwebs is my grail POP! I'm hunting for.

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