A glitch I just have to show people.

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  • @overladenchip said in [A glitch I just have to show people

    (Mod edited) Hilarious. :)

    i think this is intentionally put in by the dev to say.... you hardcore fans u can say goodbye to your grinding for commadetions cuz we giving them away now!

  • @zodemere Dude get over it, how many more posts/comments are you going to spend whining about the change?

  • @octopus-lime said in A glitch I just have to show people.:

    @zodemere Dude get over it, how many more posts/comments are you going to spend whining about the change?

    ba ba blocked!!!!

  • @zodemere Bye felicia

  • @OverladenChip Sooooo hilarious I've removed it as its not suitable in its connotations here on the forum :)

    If you wish to add it as an external link that pirates may or may not choose to click then that is your perogative.

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