• @biter-wylie actually I find getting commendations something to look forward to in games and so do many others. This change takes that enjoyment away since the change now Ive just been sailing the seas and hunting down players and trolling them till they rage quit.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @stew360 most fort hoppers were close to 500 some people would fort hop and get 10+ forts a day and were done with it awhile ago

    Even by fort hopping not only they would have had to make over 8 forts a day but wining them by killing the boss themself wich mean getting on top of the competition and kill the boss themself ( wich they certainly did not in servers agains us ) or getting into empty servers all the time playing every single day since launch and doing at least 6 to 7 fort a day ... so all these peoples pretending they did it ... is kinda ridiculous if you ask me

    So let me respectfully doubts his claims and others who have similar claims ...

  • @jacketedlawyer6 said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    You guys have something new to brag about! “Guess what guys, I got to the harder commendation before it was made lower!” They did this because it was too high in the first place for casuals, but apparently not for all you 24/7 gamer bois and g0rls

    Some of those achievements are we assumed were supposed to be legendary and the fact that they were difficult gave them value because not everyone would have it, only the dedicated

  • @blatantwalk4260 How can you talk, your profile says you don’t own the game...

  • @zodemere
    I think the explaination is quite simple, Rare looked at the numbers and noticed that less than 1% of all players had managed to make decent progress on these commendations. They decided to lower the requirement so people will get commendation popups more often.

    It's not about making things easier, it's about making it fun for more people. Mindless grinding isn't fun, it doesn't involve skill it's just investing time. Sure it's dedication, but at what cost? So that leads me to a simple question:

    Did you have enjoy grinding 500+ fort battles?
    Yes? - Why be upset about it then?
    No? - Why should others be forced to an option in the game that's 100% not fun to do?

  • @stew360 said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @blatantwalk4260 said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @stew360 most fort hoppers were close to 500 some people would fort hop and get 10+ forts a day and were done with it awhile ago

    Even by fort hopping not only they would have had to make over 8 forts a day but wining them by killing the boss themself wich mean getting on top of the competition and kill the boss themself ( wich they certainly did not in servers agains us ) or getting into empty servers all the time playing every single day since launch and doing at least 6 to 7 fort a day ... so all these peoples pretending they did it ... is kinda ridiculous if you ask me

    So let me respectfully doubts his claims and others who have similar claims ...

    ** If you have xbox live then search for my profile & you can see my last 2 screen shot, 500 out of 120 skull forts cleared and 500 out of 60 skullfort skull turn ins. Its also ridiculous that i'm now REQUIRED to do 1 more of each to "complete".

  • @haydensolo I dont know why it would say that unless it doesnt count the fact that I actually own the game on another account and play on this one

  • at least now I can 1000/1000 in far less time and sell the game. Thanks RARE

  • @admiral-rrrsole i agree with you (but complaining people also did the hard way about commendation thats My point (but buying letters is okey

  • @rusty-xbone said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    at least now I can 1000/1000 in far less time and sell the game. Thanks RARE


  • @rusty-xbone I lold

  • Can Rare respond before the weekend? WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS????

  • @zodemere said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    Can Rare respond before the weekend? WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS????

    I don't understand why you keep asking this. No good team leader is going to come in and throw someone on their team under the bus like you seem to be expecting. You know very well who you should be directing your criticism to and acting as obtuse as you are is not likely to get a response.

  • @lifewcoke said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @zodemere said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    Can Rare respond before the weekend? WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS????

    I don't understand why you keep asking this. No good team leader is going to come in and throw someone on their team under the bus like you seem to be expecting. You know very well who you should be directing your criticism to and acting as obtuse as you are is not likely to get a response.

    i was hoping said leader would speak for themselves & who crytel should i be directing my criticism to? ty foe ryour elocant response sir

  • @zodemere The main folks at the top are @The3SheetsNeate, @MikeTheMutinous, and Craig Duncan (dont know his tag). In all honesty though, you are more likely to get a response on Reddit vs here. Just remember though, you catch more flies with sugar, or some such nonsense.

    It would not surprise me if they release some kind of video addressing the negativity. Just might take a bit of time for them to edit out all of Joe's "uhmmms".

  • @lifewcoke said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @zodemere The main folks at the top are @The3SheetsNeate, @MikeTheMutinous, and Craig Duncan (dont know his tag). In all honesty though, you are more likely to get a response on Reddit vs here. Just remember though, you catch more flies with sugar, or some such nonsense.

    It would not surprise me if they release some kind of video addressing the negativity. Just might take a bit of time for them to edit out all of Joe's "uhmmms".

    i agree and i do aapologize for my anger showing. I really was simply hoping for a higher up to own this & explain their personal reasoning behind such a drastic change after the game has been out so long. Also i don't like/use reddit or Twitter. ty 4 yo response.

  • time to get in the rowboat and row out of here. oh wait thats not in the game yet and if it was the oar would be broken.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @biter-wylie actually I find getting commendations something to look forward to in games and so do many others. This change takes that enjoyment away since the change now Ive just been sailing the seas and hunting down players and trolling them till they rage quit.

    If I had £1....for every guy that came on a forum and tried to justify his argument by alleging not getting his way caused him to PvP and make players Rage quit I would be a rich man!

    Today’s pirates are made of pretty tough stuff, maybe you did not notice that with all your PvE.

  • @rusty-xbone said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    at least now I can 1000/1000 in far less time and sell the game. Thanks RARE

    I try hard not to reply to a negative with a negative.. but your essentially saying you were leaving once you completed the achievement anyway. So now you can leave earlier... and that makes no difference to anyone really.

  • Can sit here all day with my popcorn watching tryhard tears ... good work rare u did a nice show 4 ppl who have u know a life !

  • @zodemere As the opening post of this thread does not contain material for discussion by the community, it will now be locked. Please ensure that topics you create foster legitimate discussion, rather than incite argument or attempt to call out others.

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