Customize our Pirates Appearance/Physic, rather than Deleting our current one.

  • I said this before in my list of suggestions long ago on what they should add to SOT, but I (IMO) think that we should have the option to change our current pirate's appearance/physic, without having to have the option to DELETE PIRATE and start back from square one. By appearance I mean by:

    • Facial (Shape (overall nose, eyes, etc.), Eye Color, etc.).
    • Physic (slim, buff, chubby, etc.).
    • Height (debatable).
    • Persona, Personality (debatable).
    • Skin Color

    Now, some may think, is it possible and how is that possible? Well I don't know about that, at all, but I do at times see other pirates and think that I want to change my pirates physic and what not (I might want to have a different pirate look, without starting all over), because I mean who would remember what player will look like, without having to lose everything that I did from the beginning? I'm sure if the RARE developers managed to produce and create DLC's like the Hungering Deep & Cursed Sails, I'm sure that hopefully (within the next few updates to come) we can change our appearance/physics of our pirates.

    BUT HERE'S THE CATCH, we have to pay like a certain amount of Dabloons or gold to do so. Like for example:

    • 1,500 Dabloons
    • 1,000,000 Gold Coins
      To change your pirates appearance/physic.

    What do you Pirates think?

    UPDATE 01-31-19: I am making some minor changes to it, increase in the pricing of the Dabloons and/or Gold.

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  • @prorapidkiller
    I agree as far as re-rolling your character. I get the point of RARE's pirate generator; they want every pirate to be unique. However, nearly every other player I come across expresses the desire to change how they look in-game. I think a good compromise between the player base and RARE's vision would be to have the option for a one time re-roll.

  • @guarez Exactly. Because I mean like they way my pirate looks, but I just don’t like the facial appearance. Then I saw another one and I was like “I rather my pirate to look like this now”.

  • I would hope to at least know if there was some resource based issue, or strain, or other total rebuild that prevents this most basic concept in gaming - that players enjoy fine tuning their look AND that not everyone wants to have the same pirate forever.

    Even I built an Alt using a secondary gamertag and it's annoying every time I play the character to know that the progress made with it is ultimately wasted time since the cash grind (and rep for that matter) is soooo slow and isn't shared since it's a distinct account.

    My motivation for making the alt was born from two factors... one... my characters name is related to a username for Xbox that is old and needs an update anyhow and I hate my characters being known as "blooddoll22"when there are much more illustrative titles I'd choose for a game like this.

    And two, I've been long annoyed by my initial choice in character appearance. Sure, I felt at the time that the character was "good enough" and reflected the spirit of a character I'd like to play... but honestly, overall... I hadn't figured I'd play the game with as much dedication as I have since and now regret the characters look rather entirely.

    Simply put, why we can't have an assortment of characters we could make and keep in slots like many other games... perhaps imagining them as a crew of their own... who share the cosmetics and rep and gold... and simply chose upon log-in which we'd prefer to play. Or alternatively, just let us tweak varied elements of the characters such as body size, skin color, or even the whole faces for a price...

    I mean I don't know how the "Ultimate Pirate Generator" works on a fundamental level or how much effort or how many issues it'd create to let us get customizations... but I can't imagine skin color, body size defaults, or full faces are THAT overwhelmingly overlapped that some choices couldn't be offered in game to players.

    If it is that borked and too much effort... well fine... just give me a repeated opportunity to re-roll from scratch then... but without the loss of 5 months of in game effort please?

  • @blooddoll22 I like your statement on this as well.

  • I don't mind the switch, provided there's some sort of high payment involved, and the current selection process is still how it's done - none of this custom-designed fluff (I like the unique variety in pirates; besides, most were ugly, not pretty Barbie dolls). I spent 3 hours ensuring I got a pirate I liked, and I still don't understand why everyone else just kind of hams it up and suddenly regrets it later - get it right the 1st time! Why wouldn't you!?

  • @galactic-geek At first I didn’t know you could save a pirate during the shake up of the eight and also change the pirates (I just picked one out of the eight at the very beginning). I was searching for the right one myself. At first I was like “this is the one”, but then when I see these other pirates that others are getting. I look at mines and is starting to show signs of regret—at little.

  • I would love for pirates to lose weight when running around an island and gain weight when they're just idling on the ship the whole time. Ofc session based so at the end of the session your pirate is back to normal. Also they should age the longer you stay in a session.

  • @prorapidkiller I hate to say it, but that was your own fault for not paying attention - at the bottom of the screen, there is a "favorite" option. Had you tried it, you would've realized that you could continue searching for other, better pirates while keeping said saved pirate in the listing.

  • I'm perfectly agree.
    It should be free.

  • I would like the option to have alternative appearances for my pirate, so I could change the look of my pirate without deleting my progress. About 5 different appearances should suffice, with the option to be able to re-roll each of them.

  • @prorapidkiller
    Well since we only eat bananas there's should probably be only one body type present in the game.. superslim/skinny xD

  • @prorapidkiller

    I'd very much like the opportunity to tweak certain characteristics of my pirate, it's a staple feature of most mmo's nowadays - hair, facial features and so on for an in game fee or a token that you acquire.

    I don't think at this point I'd create a second pirate, but it would be good to know if features were planned so we'd be able to do a little tweaking eventually.

    Also I've noticed that during some emotes my pirate has some very strange facial expressions going on, plus you have the 'hands through skirt' problem when sitting, character appearance definitely needs a bit of love and attention.

  • They will never do this. We have been asking since beta and they still don't care enough to make this simple change. My guess is that is if it does ever happen that we can do this in game it will be behind a pay wall. We can have all the "Content" we want for free but something like this will end up being how they make money on this POS

  • @galactic-geek But that happened when I just got the game XD, now I know when I used a sort of default character, and then finally did to shake up, for a good while until I found the one that suited me.

  • @violator776 It’s kind of sad and disappointing that they can’t make something like “change pirate appearance” happen, when they are putting much of their time in making free DLC (for those that constantly play the game). I like the game don’t get me wrong, but agreeing form a comment before, some people wanted to give it another go with changing their pirates, without deleting all of your progress.

  • Personally I'd rather have the full customization treatment some of the streamers got, being able to choose every aspect. I wouldn't even care if the option to do so was via the premium shop.

    I did have one idea where essentially once the potion shop above the OoS shop opens there could be a "transfiguration" potion that would require players to travel across the sea getting ingredients (unstealable mind you) from various locations to help the potion brewer devise the potion. From there they'd warn them that there would be a "cool down period" between each potion, to avoid possible mishaps in the process. Perhaps maybe a week. Then once the potion is made you "describe" your desired new appearance to the potion maker so they can add the additional necessary ingredients. By describing I mean literally go into the full customization menu, from there a small scene of you drinking the potion, blacking out, then waking up and inspecting your new form.

  • @prorapidkiller i agree. appearance do over , it should be a easy option to add to SOT

  • It would be a perfect micro transaction opportunity for Rare, but not much like £3 or something along those lines.

  • I hope they do it as a gold sink.

    My pirate has really puffy eyes that i would love to change. Probably does have my likeness though since I stay up way too late playing this game.

  • @katttruewalker If they did this you can't argue everyone would look the same, its nice to have some diversity. But hey don't forget the potion shop over the Order of souls tent, maybe you'll find yourself a potion for the job!

  • They should let ipg rerolls for gold or money, dont actually know why this isn't a thing. For the people that say that "they chosed wisely with 3 hours", I spent 2, my girlfriend 3 and a half, and none of us are pleased with the s**t that we saw at the ipg and were forced to chose (cause is a random tool and some times you have bad luck). And then, you sail away, meet someone at the FotD, and say "woah, I dont saw that face at the IPG, is the f*****g handsome Jack from Borderlands!" and you get deeply depressed of the look of your pirate with no nose and only half the teeth...

  • @prorapidkiller said in Customize our Pirates Appearance/Physic, rather than Deleting our current one.:

    I said this before in my list of suggestions long ago on what they should add to SOT, but I (IMO) think that we should have the option to change our current pirate's appearance/physic, without having to have the option to DELETE PIRATE and start back from square one. By appearance I mean by:

    • Facial (Shape (overall nose, eyes, etc.), Eye Color, etc.).
    • Physic (slim, buff, chubby, etc.).
    • Height (debatable).
    • Persona, Personality (debatable).
    • Skin Color

    Now, some may think, is it possible and how is that possible? Well I don't know about that, at all, but I do at times see other pirates and think that I want to change my pirates physic and what not (I might want to have a different pirate look, without starting all over), because I mean who would remember what player will look like, without having to lose everything that I did from the beginning? I'm sure if the RARE developers managed to produce and create DLC's like the Hungering Deep & Cursed Sails, I'm sure that hopefully (within the next few updates to come) we can change our appearance/physics of our pirates.

    BUT HERE'S THE CATCH, we have to pay like a certain amount of Dabloons or gold to do so. Like for example:

    • 500 Dabloons
    • 150,000 Gold Coins
      To change your pirates appearance/physic.

    What do you Pirates think?

    I think the price is a bit too steep but I'm all for this. I absolutely love this game. I re-rolled and lost everything once because I hated the way my character looked. I then sat in the character generator literally for several hours in an attempt to get a toon that I didn't mind playing with and there are still tons of things I'd like to change about him though (the size of his giant @$$ nose mainly).

    I honestly don't think it has anything to do with wanting all pirates to be "unique" or "play with avatars you normally wouldn't choose to look like". I'll go ahead and put on my tinfoil hat and say it's an alt-Left Censorship attempt by the Dev's to prevent Sea of Thieves from being full of hot young busty/muscular perfect white people (which of course is more racist than allowing it to happen in the first place).

    The only real down side to a true character creator is that there would be some PvP elitists that would create tiny skinny m****t sized characters in an attempt to reduce their players hit box and visibility. So at the very least we would have to have some minimum sizing standards, whether the hit box stays the same size or not.

    Overall, not allowing character customization is a very poor executive decision that has and will continue to result in a loss of revenue. Character customization is a basic and standard feature in pretty much every online role playing game ever created. People who try the game (from Xbox Gamepass or Gamepass free 30 day trial for example) probably picked a random Avatar assuming they could update their appearance later. They then spent hours and hours playing the game only to realize that they can't adjust their appearance and in order to change their character they would lose everything and spend hours spinning a slot machine hoping for a decent roll. Or they can keep what they have; which is a character they have no personal emotional connection with. So rather than start over they simply put the game down and are never seen or heard from again.

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