En Garde - A Rogue Legends Swordplay Event | PVP | Sat Sept 8th 2018

  • Ahoy Pirates!

    Inspired by Fortunes’ Skullball and Brigatta events, as well as Sea of Thieves Italia organizations recent event, the Rogue Legends have been hard at work creating a brand-new event for the Sea of Thieves Community!

    We are excited to announce: the first ever En Garde tournament, that will pit our fiercest Sea of Thieves fleet and union members against each other in a battle of skills, strategy, and wits!

    A cunning sport for pirates, made by pirates!

    En gard poster

    What is En Garde?
    En Garde is brand new Sea of Thieves' swordplay event focused around competitive entertainment for the masses. The event will take place on the main deck of the Brigantine and the sails of the Galleon.

    When does it happen?
    The 1st Season of En Garde is scheduled to happen on Saturday, September 8th, 2018.

    PST - 12:00 pm
    EST - 3:00 pm
    BST - 8:00 pm
    CEST - 9:00 pm
    NZST 7:00 am (Sunday Sept 9th)

    Registration: please register your team by Tues Sept 4th. Leave a message below or pm. @CodeName-Jenova with your Team/Organization Name, logo, stream URL, and other pertinent information

    If extra spaces are remaining when registration closes: Currently registered organizations will be notified and given the option to submit additional members raffle for spots will be done.

    En Garde will be hosted by Rogue Legends quarterly.

    Where can I see this!?!
    You will be able to follow your favourite team through their designated Streamers! You will also be able to access the Streams of the Commentators and Referees of the tournament! We will post the links to the different streams with the name of the teams they represent.

    Official ShoutCasters: Rogue Legends is so excited to announce the return of "The Beasty Boys" as our official shoutcasters. Show them some love and follow their streams!

    ELLISisBEAST: Mixer
    TheBeast_NY: Twitch

    Team stream links will be posted as soon as possible! Stay tuned!

    What teams are playing?
    Eleven teams of ruthless pirates have stepped forward to duel; however, we are still looking for a few more teams to step up and show us what they’ve got! Leave us a note below or send a pm to @CodeName-Jenova if interested. Registration Closes Wed Sept 5th

    Here's a list of the participants in the 1st En Garde Season:

    Rogue Legends' Blackguard
    Fortune's Golden
    Frozen Fleet
    The Iron Fleet
    The Fleet of Thieves
    Angels of Death
    The Thirsty Thieves
    The Blue Devils
    Steve Irwins Revenge
    Buccaneers of Crimson Tides
    The Dread Fleet
    Sea of Thieves Italia

    How can I show my support?
    Wish to support your team? You're a diehard fan and want to make it known? Easy! Wear your favourite team's kit and post a picture here! Tune into the official streams and let your team know you are cheering them on!

    Gameplay, Rules & Penalty
    The goal of the game is to be the last pirate or team of pirates standing. Opponents will face off and sword duel each other while their respective teammates wait to be tagged in.

    Each participating team will submit 1 team of 2 players, and (where possible) have 2 alternates as a backup in case a payer is unable to participate.

    The Tournament events will take place on the main deck of the Brigantine and sail beams of the Galleon.

    The first team to win 3 rounds or with the most rounds won after 15 minutes will advance to the next stage. If there is a stalemate, a Sudden Death round will be played.

    If there is a storm during the event, we will delay until the storm passes.

    Kit: No black jackets or shirts - bright colors are preferred.

    Main event
    The main event will be a duel 1v1 on the main deck of the Brigantine. 1 team member will face off with their opponent with 1 reserve member per team to “tag” in. The team with one or both player(s) remaining will advance to the next stage.

    • Opponents will face off and sword duel each other while the other 2 opponents wait on opposite ladders to be tagged in by their teammates dueling.
    • Rounds are first to win 3 matches (Best of 5)
    • 15 minutes per bracket round
    • Players switch starting order with their teammate each round
    • Starting positions: 1 player on the main deck at the bow, 1 player at the stern - players feet must be on deck.
    • Tags will wait on the ship ladder. One player per side.
    • Jenova will start each match with a “countdown” using non-verbals -”Cutlass Ready” to prepare players, followed by “En Garde” to signify the start of the round.

    Grand Finale
    The Final Round to determine the En Garde Champions will be 1v1 on the sail beams of a Galleon, 1 team member will face off with their opponent with 1 reserve member per team to “tag” in. The masts will be rotating. Mid mast will be stationary.

    • Opponents will face off and sword duel each other while the other 2 opponents wait on the top rung to be tagged in, one team on each side of the crow’s nest.
    • All 4 players will wait in the crow’s nest at the start.
    • At the “Cutlass Ready” queue, starters will move down to the top rung, one team per side
    • The Final Match will be played first to 5 matches won (Best of 9)
    • 45 minutes maximum.
    • If the time limit is reached, a Sudden Death Match will determine a winner.
    • Jenova will start each match with a “countdown” using non-verbals -”Cutlass Ready” to prepare players, followed by “En Garde” to signify the start of the round.

    Sudden Death

    • The first team to kill an opponent wins the match
    • 1v1
    • No tag in
    • Teams have 1 min to decide who will represent their team
    • No sword lunge on beams if Sudden Death is in the Grand Finale.
    • Jenova will start each match with a “countdown” using non-verbals -”Cutlass Ready” to prepare players, followed by “En Garde” to signify the start

    General Rules

    • No Guns
    • No Bananas
    • 2v1/2v2 is not allowed
    • Please refrain from playing in-game music as to not distract players or referees.
    • No vomit or water in a bucket.
    • If a payer is knocked from the ships or masts, it is considered a forced tag in.
    • All players must equip pistols prior to the match start (To save time, guns do not need to be unloaded - refs will trust that shooting will not be done. If it is, a penalty will be added to the offending player)
    • Do not fire cannons from the spawn ships/staff ships/island at the event ships, only use cannons for transportation between rounds.
    • All players will start each match round with full health. If they have taken damage ref’s or Rogue Legends staff will provide bananas between match rounds to restore health.
    • Tagging - (if you jump off or die, your partner takes your place)
    • Tag in can be called by the active member of a team or the assigned referee.
    • Tag in will occur when a player dies or is removed from a ship.
    • Players can call a tag at any point during a match, either by calling it out and jumping overboard or just by jumping off over their teammate.
    • If a player does not call a tag and he leaves the ship, a referee will call out for their teammate to join.
    • Do not perform or promote the intentional use of glitches, hacks, bugs, macros, lunge cooldown exploits, or any other moves that could be considered exploits or that will cause an incident within the community of players joining the event. Violating this rule will cause the team to be warned, the 2nd offense will be immediate disqualification of the offending member and their team and depending on severity future en-garde seasons.

    Main Event/ Brigantine Rules

    • Each player is allowed to land 1 sword lunge attack, per player per match round. (2 lunges attempted).
    • Regular Attack, Blocking, and Jumping allowed
    • Dead players, once they return from the Ferry of the Damned will need to wait on the spawn ship for the next round to start.
    • To perform a tag a player must jump from the ship into the water, if a player gets knocked from the ship into the water they are also forcefully tagged.
    • Please do not attack members tagging in until their feet are on deck and sword out, facing thier opponent. Opponents should wait at the grate between the 2 masts to ensure thier opponent has had time to climb up before attacking.
    • Players are not allowed to go into the cannons to avoid being hit
    • There cannot be 2 players of the same team on the ship at the same time
      As there is a risk of taking unintentional damage while waiting on the ship ladder when the game is in play, we ask that players waiting to be tagged in move down the ladder to avoid being hit while gameplay happens near them.
      Out of bounds: Below Deck, Mast Ladder, Bow Spread, Mast beams and Crow's Nest are off limit, Ship Ladder - unless waiting to be tagged in.

    Grand Finale/Galleon Rules

    • No sword lunges on masts.
    • 2v1, 2v2 is not allowed.
    • Alternates will wait in the crow’s nest.
    • Players are not allowed to stay on the mid-sail, they must move back and forth across the 3 masts.
    • If a player falls from the beams and lands on the deck or on the mast ladder they can go back up to become a tag, but if they die they are out.
    • Players switch starting order each round.
    • There cannot be 2 players of the same team on the mast beams at the same time.

    Out of bounds: Below Deck, P**p Deck, Captain’s Cabin, Main Deck, Stairs to P**p Deck. Crow's Nest and mast ladder are off limit unless waiting to be called for a tag



    • Offending player is removed from the round.
    • The damaged player will be given 2 bananas
    • If a player is killed by gunshot - the round point goes to the team that took damage, and a new round will begin.

    Additional Lunges:

    • Offending player is removed from the round.
    • The damaged player will be given 2 bananas.
    • If a player is killed by lunge - the round point goes to the team that took damage, and a new round will begin.

    Attacking Tag while entering match:

    • Offending player is removed from the round.
    • The damaged player will be given 2 bananas.
    • If a player is killed while entering round - the round point goes to the team that took damage, and a new round will begin.

    Attacking player while below deck:
    • Offending player is removed from the round.
    • The damaged player will be given 2 bananas.
    • If a player is killed while attacker is below deck - the round point goes to the team that took damage, and a new round will begin.

    Firing Cannons:

    • Instant team disqualification.

    Eating Banana during gameplay:

    • The timer is paused, the player who ate banana will be shot 1x with a pistol by ref and gameplay will resume.

    Rules and penalty are subject to change prior to the event. All updates to rules will be provided to all players should a change occur


    Special thanks to:

    • @SirioNDB and the rest of Fortune for their ongoing support of Rogue Legends.
    • @LordMareep for his help during initial planning and testing.
    • @xLoneLionx for his assistance with the event poster.
    • The Pirate Council Discord, and its representatives from numerous unions and fleets. The encouragement, support, comradery, and friendly rivalry we provide each other is one of this communities greatest strengths. It is an honour to be a part of it.

    Last but not least – the Rogue Legends Blackguard and event testing team for their tireless work in making this all possible for everyone to enjoy.

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  • How does one sign up to participate?

  • Can't wait for this

  • @enf0rcer Hi there! I have sent you a PM with the information.

  • Cutthroats are HYPED!

    alt text

  • We are still accepting registrations for the event.

  • The Angels of Death will attend. Thank you for the invite. Will send the required info via pm

  • Waiting for Sept 8th like
    alt text

    Can't come soon enough!

  • Great idea. I'll be definitely watching this. Good luck to everyone. Should be a fierce battle for 2nd place. (1st is obviously already reserved for Fortune...) :D

  • @sir-lotus Thank you! We have some creative minds in Rogue. We are continually coming up with fun ideas.

    I think there will be a few fleets giving Fortune a run for their money. Look forward to seeing you cheer them on though.

  • @princeofpromise us too!

  • Official rules, skrims and shoutcaster 'dress rehearsals' are less than a week away and 2 weeks to En Garde. Who's excited?!

  • @codename-jenova said in En Garde - A Rogue Legends Swordplay Event | PVP | Sat Sept 8th 2018:

    Official rules, skrims and shoutcaster 'dress rehearsals' are less than a week away and 2 weeks to En Garde. Who's excited?!

    I'm Ready.

  • 2 spots left! Anyone else going to claim them?

  • The Dread Fleet is proud to be apart of this event and I wish the best of luck to all the other Fleets. May Poseidon smile in your favor mateys.

  • Official rules will be posted before the end of the day today - we are ensuring that there hasn't been an oversight.

    Stay tuned Pirates it won't be long.

  • Well... Cutthroats will have to completely re-learn how to fight with a sword the old fashioned way.. but the event sounds really fun overall!

  • Aye, The Blue Devils lend their support, and are excited to participate!!!

  • Quick update to the ruleset that was omitted in error.

    Each player is allowed to land 1 sword lunge attack (2 lunges attempted until landing an attack)".

    Each player is allowed to land 1 sword lunge attack, per player per match round. (2 lunges attempted until landing an attack).
    This means that should you make the attempt twice to lunge, and you do not land any - you are unable to lunge attack again, until the next match round

    This rule applies per player per match round.

  • Edit to rule: Each player is allowed to land 1 sword lunge attack, per player per match round. (2 lunges attempted until landing an attack).

    Each player is allowed to land 1 sword lunge attack, per player per match round. (2 lunges attempted)

  • Edit: Brigantine rules

    Please do not attack members tagging in until their feet are on deck and sword out, facing thier opponent. Opponents should wait at the grate between the 2 masts to ensure thier opponent has had time to climb up before attacking.

  • AHOY - T minus 4 DAYS and counting until En Garde!
    The Hype Galleon is weighing anchor.* ⚓
    Scrims happening today at 6:30 EST contact @CodeName-Jenova for details.

    *Need more pirates to help raise the Hype Galleon Anchor! Push!
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  • The time is at hand! The Iron Fleet is ready to compete!

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  • Today is the day, good luck to all participants!

  • Good luck all! The rum is on Jenova lol Cheers

  • Thank you everyone for coming out and supporting our event.

    Our team has much to take away, so we can make changes for the next season. I would appreciate any and all constructive feedback participants had.

  • Did anybody put the video on YouTube? Also how did you get all the players in a server at the same time?

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