Not liking the dated commendations......

  • I've done all the commendations in the game so far. But I have to say that this time I'm not sure I will do them. All these dates and timeframes we have to play feels more like a chore and work then me logging on and having fun completing these commendations.

    It gives me bad memories from my World of Warcraft raiding days when the game suddenly went from fun to work. And basically when I just stopped raiding with my guild.

    I dont know about the rest of you but as a parent the time I get to play is sporadic but I play when I got the time. Often to do these commendations. But this time it gives a bad taste in my mouth with all these dates....

    Try to keep Sea of Thieves as much as possible about having fun and dont turn it into chores and work that we have to mark on our calendars....please...

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  • @binaryplayerone

    Ahoy mate and thanks for your feedback, Rare have seen that this is very much a concern with the Community and we now have a mega thread where we're collecting ideas, suggestions and discussions around how this might be resolved -

    I'll close this one down and let you sail on over there, you are able to copy/paste this post in the thread if you wish to.

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