Merchant Alliance Ideas

  • The merchant alliance is the one alliance that is hardest to upgrade and get commendations for. It has repetitive quests for the same items of chickens, snakes, and pigs. Sometimes the player can find a crate of sugar, exotic spices, or silks to bolster their reputation. Another issue with this alliance is that it is the only one that does not have a special item to be formed in a forte horde. To fix these issues my idea is to add casks of rice, fish, and dyes. Crates of cocoa can be added. For the special item for the fort horde a crate of medicines could be added that can only be gotten here. On the animal side of the merchant alliance the cut but poisonous Solenadous, the tree climbing badger Tanra, and the Green Vervet Monkey could be added to be caught. By adding these animals, the player would have challenges overcome. The player would have to calm the poisonous as well as catch the other two animals before they made it out of reach into the trees

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  • @vandapanda78
    I think if they add fishing in the forsaken shores update as they have said they will, they should add a ‘sell fish’ option to the merchant alliance meaning your making rep from fishing and also making the merchant alliance quests a bit different

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