Bilge Rat Hillarity

  • Aye, like most of ya, I have seen some strange things. But this has to top it. While sailing the seas I hear the roar of multiple cannons, not wanting a part of it I plot a course away from the ruckus. With me back to the battle I head south from Marauder's Arch. Oddly, the sound of cannons subsides, then resumes once again. Curious I pull me trusty spy glass out and spot the most ridiculous thing; pirates not in battle, but pirates launching themselves at the island's cliffs. There appears to be several ships, two galleons and a sloop. Now, mind you I've got a strong sense of survival, but this I has to witness for m'self. Turning around, me vessel cuts through the water and we're quickly upon the small fleet of ships. Launching pirates out their cannons. Nobody pays attention to the new addition. Feeling a bit brave, I jump ship and head towards the nearest galleon. Along with the roar of the cannons rounds of laughter could be heard. What the bloody 'ell? I climb aboard, ready to jump ship.
    I approach someone manning the cannons and calmly ask, "What is goin' on? Ya'll lost your minds? Been at sea to long?" "No matey, the Bilge Rats have put out a bounty on them thrones up there!" The crew mate points out something on the cliff amongst an outcropping of rocks. "Well, 'ell! So, what's it about?" I ask. "Well, we has two parts to this bit of foolery. Get yerself another crew an' sail about. There be five thrones for ya to find and sit in. Of course," BOooom, a cannon goes off as another crew member launches themselves at the cliff face, "Sorry 'bout that. Get yerself some new duds, or maybe some reputation from the merchants, or gold. Anyways, get yourself in there, and I'll launch ya to the rocks. Get up there now." Nervously I glance at the cannon and then the cliff face, "An' it's safe?" "Safe, 'ell. It's fun." Right, and so is getting a hangover in the morning. "Well, I s'ppose." Smoothing down my dress, I climb in to the cannon, well it's not the first time I've done this, but that was out of urgency. Booomm! "Whaaaaaaaaaa!" With arms flailing in the air I hear laughter coming from the spot I'm about to crash in to. "Whoa! Got ya lass!" Hands grab me before I find myself bounding off the cliffs like that one crew mate who went in the next cannon over. "Poor lad, he'll be back no worries. Get yerself a grog and a seat now." My brow arches then I sit. I feel it. "There ya go lass." I shake my head, "An' ya say there's more?" "Yep," says the grisly pirate, "five for two crews, an' them Rats also setup for them that likes to sail themselves." I rub my chin and think about this, "Well, I s'ppose if ya'll not mindin' can I come along?" "Sure lass, " says the pirate. "Just follow us an' we'll be off to the next destination. Oh, an' have plenty of grog! And bananas." With a sigh, I climb down the cliff face and make it to the beach, I glance up as another pirate sails towards the throne and glory. If you could call it that. To tell it, the fleet made their rounds an' covered all them thrones in several days. What I thought was funny was when the skull in the sky called out. All pirates glanced to the sky and pointed, "Maybe later! Let's get them thrones!" "Ya, them Bilge Rats know how to have fun." I just shake my head, and ignore it as well.
    Well now that I'm knowin' what's goin' on maybe I can make a bitta gold from this. I offer to those in need of these thrones a ferry. For a fee mind you. Watch my vessel and keep 'er safe, help me dive on shipwrecks and off we sail. To adventure.

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  • @tenableclown15
    What a great read this was!

  • Good one!

  • @emanuel-wynnn @Thor-von-Blitz thanks ya'll. Much appreciated. I managed to crank out another one just a moment ago. But I have to add to it.

  • Wonderful enjoyable story! Good fortunes to ya!

  • @tenableclown15

    Great read, lass...

    I agree. Those Bilge Rats do know something about wicked fun. Can't wait to see what they come up with next.

  • @xdilligafx1974 @Irish-Brigade61 Hey thanks for the comments. Most appreciated.

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