Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2

  • @drunkpunk138 Good point. I was making the assumption you would have to do the thrones multiple times to hit 100 but if you get 10 for each then it's one and done... Unless you can get more than 100 doubloons?

  • @mmountain said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    I think the 2nd currency is an odd move.

    I think it's actually a good idea. Even if it's a currency, I see it more as experience points. If I'm not wrong, this way we won't be forced to have the 100 Doubloons to unlock the only item we want for example. Look at the athena's progression, I have to be level 10 to unlock the hat. Here with 20 Doubloons I will be able to buy the hat :D

  • @khaleesibot that outfit... its beautiful

  • @thekitchner sagte in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @gloog said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:
    Lol at all the angry homophobic Americans getting angry about the fact I'm correctly identifying a) what they really mean when they say "it's contraverial" and b) which country they are from though.

    Can you stop your racism now? We all got it. You have a problem with Americans. And maybe anything else, not fitting your point of view.

  • Great update. As for the flag, they’re colors man. If colors bring you to a place where simply pondering the idea of sexual preference is a triggering “political” issue, reevaluate your idea of politics.

  • @xcalypt0x said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @drunkpunk138 Good point. I was making the assumption you would have to do the thrones multiple times to hit 100 but if you get 10 for each then it's one and done... Unless you can get more than 100 doubloons?

    The Skeleton Thrones event will have only 100 Doubloons to earn. But with future events, you will be able to have as much doubloons as you want. With them you'll be able to buy the Bone Crusher outfit, any other faction reputation or skins related to future events :)

  • I would like to ask you guys to stop talking about the flag, two pages went by and no word on either the double snake poison screen or the brig bugs that have been severely affecting gameplay since last update, this flag discussion is literally sabotaging the patch notes discussion, it doesn't add anything to the table, basically derailing the thread.

  • Second attempt here.

    Is it known that the double snake poison bug and the random brigging of players bug exists? Has it been fixed in this patch, is it being looked at as a known issue?

  • @urihamrayne said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Second attempt here.

    Is it known that the double snake poison bug and the random brigging of players bug exists? Has it been fixed in this patch, is it being looked at as a known issue?

    I opened a few support tickets for the random brigging, you should do the same if you have not done it yet :) I'm sure they are aware of them and it might be more complicated as we think to resolve this bugs :)

  • @skulliah i did, the problem is that it isn't listed as a known issue or a fixed issue, which is incredibly confusing. Do they know about it or not?

  • they add sme nice thing tomorrow ,but whats goin on with this

    "Bilge Rat Trading – If you’re feeling a thirst for a little extra gold in ye’ pocket or fancy some Reputation in any of the three Trading Companies, the Bilge Rats can also pull a few strings and allow you to trade your Doubloons towards a bit of progress. These latter progression items will be a permanent part of the Bilge Rat shop and aren’t time limited, so make your choice wisely!"

    my english could be better,but it sounds for me they will add microtransactions tomorrow.we can buy dubloons tomorrow for real money n with that dubloons we can boost the fractions/reputation?

  • @urihamrayne said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Second attempt here.

    Is it known that the double snake poison bug and the random brigging of players bug exists? Has it been fixed in this patch, is it being looked at as a known issue?

    As far as we know it's something Rare are aware of and continue to investigate.

  • @weedstar-deluxe doubloons are rewards for the skelleton throne event which is a time limited event, which means that although you can buy the items at any time until the 26th of may you may not have the money enough to buy all of it if you spend it on other things, like proression levels.

  • @urihamrayne ye i got that but maybe we can dubloons also buy for real money ,for boosting to be a legend.i mean that would be a way for rare to get money.

  • @weedstar-deluxe would be nice but the doubloons seem to be a new currency for time limited events, so if you could buy them without playing the events that could be very dangerous for future content, as it would allow "bypass gameplay" microtransactions later down the line, which I am not very fond of. In any case, pets will be coming out soon, they are going to be microtransactions so you can spend your money on those.

    Apreciatted the reply @KattTruewalker , but I'd still would like to see them putting it up on the patch notes as a known issue, this ambiguity also was a bit odd with the erratic cannon fire that only now (as of 1.1.1), several patches after it was known it is listed as a known issue. I only want some more precision on the timing of Rare's team in regard to these issues. Take as much time as needed to fix them,but make sure we know you are fixing them.

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @urihamrayne ye i got that but maybe we can dubloons also buy for real money ,for boosting to be a legend.i mean that would be a way for rare to get money.

    I'd really hope not to see this, it does talk about being able to buy letters of recommendation from the Trading Companies though in this interview with Shelley - around 9:25

  • Rare adds a nice slew of content and starts there weekly events, no one really notices.. Rare adds a rainbow flag..Everyone loses there minds xD

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    they add sme nice thing tomorrow ,but whats goin on with this

    "Bilge Rat Trading – If you’re feeling a thirst for a little extra gold in ye’ pocket or fancy some Reputation in any of the three Trading Companies, the Bilge Rats can also pull a few strings and allow you to trade your Doubloons towards a bit of progress. These latter progression items will be a permanent part of the Bilge Rat shop and aren’t time limited, so make your choice wisely!"

    my english could be better,but it sounds for me they will add microtransactions tomorrow.we can buy dubloons tomorrow for real money n with that dubloons we can boost the fractions/reputation?

    The dubloons are earned through the Bilge Rat Adventures!

  • @specialadvisor said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Sounds like some good swag is on the horizon! Skeleton Thrones....ahoy! Anyone else note those most interesting Grog Tankards on the bar in the Official Patch Notes page?

    Quite a keen eye you have there!

  • @moxiesan @TheKitchner Kitch! You're a dead man on the seas!😁 Dead I say! How's that for American tolerance?😁😎😈😁😎😈

  • I just hit Pirate Legend 15 minutes ago so here's hoping we get a few sneaky items added to Pirate Legend tavern for purchase or unlock as well ;P

  • @tre-oni Ghost drum and speaking trumpet would be nice.............. just sayin' ;)

  • @musicmee said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @tre-oni Ghost drum and speaking trumpet would be nice.............. just sayin' ;)

    Ghost body skin? ;D

  • When should we expect this patch? Today?

  • Is the skeleton thrones update live already?

  • @i-am-the-law935 @Gordy908

    Ahoy maties! The Skeleton Thrones event will be in the patch which will go live tomorrow (Thursday) after server maintenance around 2 PM BST.

  • @musicmee thanks

  • @i-am-the-law935 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    When should we expect this patch? Today?

    Ahoy mate, bookmark this page and you'll always be able to find the information -

  • @khaleesibot ...ah well, it's the Prop Replica Maker's eye ;-D

    I can see one of those in my future. I'm digging the fish handle and the barnacles. Well done...indeed!

  • @specialadvisor Did you spot the clock/compass on the opposite side of the bar?

  • @khaleesibot
    Awesome addition with the Bilge Rat faction so we can see our commendation on event stuff and way to go with the doubloons towards cosmetics/reputation. Oh and thanks for adding Merrick's Shanty! I was really hoping we'd get it :)

    Personally I really didn't feel the need of adding the Rainbow flag but after seeing how much intolerance just a single post about it attracted I almost felt disgusted about being part of this SoT community. I applaud Rare for making a statement to show they don't tolerate that kind of behaviour either.

    For everyone crying about adding a rainbow flag... grow up please.

  • @musicmee said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @specialadvisor Did you spot the clock/compass on the opposite side of the bar?

    Sheesh @Musicmee! Not without zooming in about 10x! You got quite an eye yourself matey! :-D

  • @specialadvisor Hehehe! It definitely looks like something we may be able to place our hands on soon.

  • @musicmee said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @specialadvisor Hehehe! It definitely looks like something we may be able to place our hands on soon.

    Let's hope so shipmate! :-D

  • dont get it, is it coming today or tomorrow?

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