Another Tale of Two Sloops...

  • I don't mean to steal the title from another fellow pirate, but this starts my tale off on the right breeze.

    I took my first real attempt at solo slooping. I'm new, I'm bad but I'm learning. I pull up to what I believe to be either Golden Sands or Ancient Spire, I forget from too much grog, and I'm just a bit too far away from a clean docking. After a few out and backs for stocking my ship I notice a second sloop. They want to dock. I'm then immediately boarded, I announce I'm without skill or plunder and would just like to go on my way as I'm a learning pirate. I notice these two men to be master pirates by their titles. They search my vessel and find me to be telling the truth. They then took to the map room where I had just plotted my course for my first solo voyage ever. There they saw my plans, set my course and raised my anchor sending me off on my way, I had no clue until I checked my map and compass. A pass!!! I was given a pass by master pirates!!! I take my luck and good fortune and start my journey. I arrive at my destination, figure out my riddle, arrive at my dig site to find a lone random captains chest. WOOWWWWEEEE!!!! I run it back to my boat only to find I have company. I get on my sloop to see that there are two men on my boat, two men I've met before. The Master Pirates from the outpost. I immediately offer my lone spoils to them in exchange for my life and the life of my sloop. They glanced at each other and then exit my ship, I'm so confused, as they soon reappeared. The gave me four villainous skulls and four captains chests. OUT OF THE BLUE!!!! This was by far the most unexpected moment of my sea of thieves experience. Thanking them profusely and bidding them all the luck I could spare, they were off. I was able to finish my voyage and with their help with the bonus skulls and chests, one being stolen from someone and granting me a free x-box achievement as well, made a small fortune to buy some new gear. Sadly I did not record their names. I will be forever grateful to them and if our paths ever cross I will see you tow Master Pirates as my captains. Thank you for the awesome experience I very much appreciate it.

    hope you enjoyed my tale, and if you read this and were one of the masters who helped me, send me a message on X-box live, my name is my gamer tag. thanks to the devs for creating an awesome all inclusive game and thank you world for showing me there are still good people out there!!!

    thank you all

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  • That's awesome and welcome!

    Many of those legendary pirates have no need of the loot. The money means nothing to them. They did a good thing.

  • Had the same type of experience once at a skull fort. As i was approaching I saw a sloop and 2 galleons in battle. Oddly though both galleons were attacking the sloop. Even more odd the sloop sank both galleons. Sailing alone I knew was done for. But this was not the case. The sloop came towards me as I was trying to figure out my next move I heard a voice on my ship asking if I was friendly. Of course was my response. So together we took down the fort and they gave me pretty much every bit of the treasure. As I was off to the outpost I was attacked by a galleon. I may have won but didn't have a chance to find out. Right behind them was sloop from the skull fort. They again sunk the galleon. As they sailed off in the other direction they told me if I see their sails to yell Henrietta and I would have an instant alliance.
    Today I was at a skull fort and my ship sank. A galleon comes up I announce my self through the text not knowing if they had mics or would be able to hear me. I took at the tower skellies for them from the tower in the middle. And was then spoke to in a manner that I didn't want my kids hearing but they did. And was immediately attacked killed and the awful speaking manner continuing. It just had to load so slow. Was pretty upset that all that came through my t.v. speakers and not my headset. This idiot just so happens had a legend outfit on. Such a poor accuse for a legend.
    Sea of Thieves is like a box of chocolates.

  • thanks for the stories, I hope to set up some alliances in the future, maybe even make it to master.

    the two who helped me had the ghost pirate clothes so I'm sure they were pretty well off without what they left me. I have a feeling tonight when I log in I'm going to get robbed or worse to make up for how good I had it last time.

    maybe one day our sails will meet, you all sound like a fun lot!!!

  • 'Twas my title ye stole, and I'll be having it back now, or else ye might lose yer head! Savvy?

    (seriously though, thanks for referencing my clip "A Tale of Two Sloops" - as of this message, it's been viewed by over 973 pirates)

  • The Henrietta happened just after launch. Like within the 1st 4 days.

  • @galactic-geek hey I hope I had a hand in your view count, congratulations on the impressive numbers!

    I like seeing cool stories like this, makes me glad I left another open world style game that I will have the decency to omit their name. I mean I'm still a pirate and will plunder as needed, but I'm chaotic good to be honest with you.

    Fair sailing to all!

  • @beardedelite247 great story bearded! Sounds like a jolly old time. Also, you might be able to recognize them on your recent friends list 👍⚓

  • @mysticeagle21 Ya know, I didn't think of that. Although I hadn't noticed any new requests yet but anymore I've been just logging on and hitting the seas.
    I play with two crews but they are just the same group only at times just splinters of it so we go sloop it up.

  • That's awesome! There are good people in the game. I had to leave the room whilst playing a few weeks ago and could hear a skeleton attack I thought "nevermind" there were two other pirates on the island who had informed me they were looking for a chest. I came back in fully expecting to be on the Ferry Of The Damned but I was being defended by the other two players who destroyed my attackers.
    When I'm not solo slooping I'm usually part of a 3 or 4 man crew, we've had so much fun with two other crews so fire playing music, sharing grog and helping one another get achievements. Not everyone is awful.

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