Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper

  • I was on a galleon we had 4 and he was by himself. We were running a chest up a path from behind the outpost and he randomly came out of a bush and blunderbuss me. He then boarded our galleon and killed all of my teammates. He would sword through steps,floors, barrels, and poles. He then exploded a barrel and made us take heavy water. he camped mid level / below deck so we couldn't repair. He used blunderbuss and sword, and appeared to be hacking as he didn't die after multiple blunderbuss hits/swords. he also hit every single shot. he blocked multiple swings, then instantly hit us. Was insane.

    My friend also said he ran into 2 other players the other day on plunder outpost. they killed him took his loot as well. Seems like this guy is getting around now and doing it for a long time.

    Just be careful when you go to plunder outpost. Not sure why that outpost but he was waiting in a bush behind one of the huts.

    between my brother and I we lost 4500-6000 worth of loot to this guy :(

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  • Sorry for your loss matey.

    Looking out for a mermaid in the water around the outpost, guarding your ladders and sending someone on a trial run with a low tier item should help avoid future misfortune when selling your booty.

  • @macdoland
    yeah he must have made a mermaid behind the outpost as we came in to the dock from the front. looked really clean for like 15 mins too. ah well. Will test run for sure from now on

  • I still think the outpost camper issue can be addressed, there should be a criteria that watches for that specific behavior, and then assign them to a special Outpost camper server, where like minded Outpost Campers can camp to their hearts content.

  • @m3nt0red said in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:

    I was on a galleon we had 4 and he was by himself. We were running a chest up a path from behind the outpost and he randomly came out of a bush and blunderbuss me. He then boarded our galleon and killed all of my teammates. He would sword through steps,floors, barrels, and poles. He then exploded a barrel and made us take heavy water. he camped mid level / below deck so we couldn't repair. He used blunderbuss and sword, and appeared to be hacking as he didn't die after multiple blunderbuss hits/swords. he also hit every single shot. he blocked multiple swings, then instantly hit us. Was insane.

    My friend also said he ran into 2 other players the other day on plunder outpost. they killed him took his loot as well. Seems like this guy is getting around now and doing it for a long time.

    Just be careful when you go to plunder outpost. Not sure why that outpost but he was waiting in a bush behind one of the huts.

    between my brother and I we lost 4500-6000 worth of loot to this guy :(

    now this guy seems like a pirate legend I can get behind lol. 1v4 galleon sunk with no ship present.

  • @dwight1833
    There is something that can be done very easy. USING COMMON SENSE. I hate the crying side of this community. Almost everything that is demanded like safezones or even this can be countered by using your own brain.

  • @dennis-box I agree. Not trying to say you can't complain. Losing all that loot hurts. Especially to one guy when you shoulda won. So tell us and we will pat you on the back and share our sad stories too.

    But that is part of the game and the risk and strategy make the game for me. He bested you. Learn from it take the lumps and pass them along lol. See you out there pirate!

  • Yes! We encountered a galleon the other night that was just circling around the area of Plunder Outpost. We went the other way waiting for them to leave. They went towards Thieves’ Haven, so we went back to drop off our chickens. We get near the outpost and a guy jumps off the dock into the water and tried to board us. Then the galleon came towards the outpost. We left. Then we watched them from another island. They went back to Thieves’ Haven and another sloop went to Plunder outpost and the galleon came back and sunk them. We had 4 days left on our merchant contract so we went north and did sunken ships then came back to Plunder and they had moved on.

  • The plunder campers have been around since ... ever xD But ye, beware.

  • @dennis-box
    Maybe if he and obviously you followed the pirate code this post wouldn’t be here. Hiding in the bushes like a coward isn’t a good pirate.
    Article 3
    Disputes Are Settled upon the Waves
    ...... but let every engagement be settled by sword, pistol and good seamanship

  • @thonidor
    That article means, that disputes should be settled upon INGAME and not in forums or somewhere else. It has nothing to do with fighting on an island.

    Further, hiding in a bush like a "coward" is a solid strategy if you are successful. It just shows that you are smart enough to avoid a disadvantageous situation and get on top over everyone else. Not sure why so many ppl like you are against smart tactics, maybe because you cant think about them?

    While i can see the frusttration thats coming from a big loss of loot. Ask youself if you could have handled the situation better. Stop crying and play with some brain!

  • @m3nt0red next time aske them what kind of tent their using lol,hate campers

  • @macdoland said in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:

    Sorry for your loss matey.

    Looking out for a mermaid in the water around the outpost, guarding your ladders and sending someone on a trial run with a low tier item should help avoid future misfortune when selling your booty.

    @MacDoland has is absolutely correct. I have run into so many outpost campers that I never dock without a full lap or two. Also gives me time to make sure I am not missing a ship in the distance that the island might be obstructing from my view. Also, look for sloops scuttling once you commit to heading towards the outpost. I find this comical, but see people scuttle all the time when I am waiting my turn parked out in the open water. When they scuttle, I guess they assume I will head right on over but I just move on if so.

  • Sounds like you need a grog!

  • I noticed a guy hiding on Ancient Aspire outpost recently. I pretended I hadn't seen him and parked at the pier. I put a chest on the pier (as bait) and then pretended to sell a gunpowder to the merchant but dropped it at his feet instead. I got back on my boat and pretended I was doing stuff all the while watching for the camper. As soon as he ran along the pier to grab the chest or attack me, I drew my pistol, shot the gunpowder and sent him to the watery grave that he deserved.

  • @m3nt0red I hope to achieve what that guy did one day :D

  • @Northman737 Please refrain from swearing on the forums, as it is a violation of our Forum rules. Your post has been removed accordingly.

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @dennis-box hit a nerve did I fragile little guy? Never said I had the same feeling or experience.

  • @dennis-box I think you need take a step back and let the OP and others express themselves. If you don't like it don't bump it by clicking and replying.

    I'm sorry but that's what these forums are for. And besides, this seems more like a warning than a complaint. Nowhere, did the OP mention hacking nor did he say that this game is bad and he's uninstalling.

    He has the right to express himself here just like you have the right to 'complain' about his complaining.

  • @lady-aijou Refrain from swearing huh? I love it. We've come to a point where society is so "special-needs" that a series of asterisks are considered swearing? I never typed a single letter of a single profane word. I did nothing except utilize your own corrupted imagination by creating the setting that I was angry and providing blanks which YOU filled in. It was your imagination that created profanity because ******* does not spell anything. Yes, I specifically typed a bunch of asterisks. I didn't type a word or even a letter of a word with some wingdings that got censored by filters. I didn't attempt to bypass anything because no matter how many asterisks I use they never make a word. Not ever... That's a factual statement. I simply know how ridiculous the world has become that you don't even have to say or do anything offensive anymore. Somebody just has to assume (and you know what they say about assumption) and that's all it takes. And we wonder why the world is going to Hades in hand-basket. I would love to see where in the forum rules it states that I can't use lines of wingdings. If you disagree then please copy and paste said profanity in an email to me if you prefer. I'll provide the email address upon request so you don't have to post it here. If you can't prove that then you'll have to show me where in the forum rules (specifically) it says that series of asterisks are legally defined as profanity. Wouldn't want any fragile little minds warped. Any one of those "swearing" words will do.

  • Pretty sure this was me and CJStrongArms. We've been camping plunder a lot now most of the day/night. This scenario sounds exactly what I did yesterday or the day before to a galleon 1v4 at plunder.

    We just got 9000 from this poor sloop who must have been doing voyages for 3-4 hours lol. We demolished them and their ship so quick too. We also got a barrel death trap new meta/strat under the docks. If you dock and run halfway you're gonna blow up ! LOL!

  • @m3nt0red (and others)
    Please be careful with accusing people of using hacks. Based on the detailed description in the OP, everything sounds pretty reasonable. Nothing in the description sounds like cheats / hacks.

    Once you reach a certain level and experience (a level where you do not care or start forum topic about losing 4k-6k gold), you will understand, what happened to you.

    Be on guard all time and train combat!

  • @xpial said in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:

    Pretty sure this was me and CJStrongArms. We've been camping plunder a lot now most of the day/night. This scenario sounds exactly what I did yesterday or the day before to a galleon 1v4 at plunder.

    We just got 9000 from this poor sloop who must have been doing voyages for 3-4 hours lol. We demolished them and their ship so quick too. We also got a barrel death trap new meta/strat under the docks. If you dock and run halfway you're gonna blow up ! LOL!

    alt text

    lol this is the low of low and such a waste of time go rob people on the water, And robbing solos is just sad tbh.

  • @ve111a in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:

    lol this is the low of low and such a waste of time go rob people on the water, And robbing solos is just sad tbh.

    Untrue. I totally enjoy robbers, campers and so on. They make the game alive and fun.
    Playing solo is sad. This is a multiplayer game and if you play it solo, then bear the consequences.

  • @longingfern4785 said in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:

    @ve111a in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:

    lol this is the low of low and such a waste of time go rob people on the water, And robbing solos is just sad tbh.

    Untrue. I totally enjoy robbers, campers and so on. They make the game alive and fun.
    Playing solo is sad. This is a multiplayer game and if you play it solo, then bear the consequences.

    Lol ok. Sure. It's open to all including solos lol even if it is hard mode. personally I give them a pass because I'm not gonna be a jerk about it and rob them all blind. Robbing a solo is like taking the kid in a wheelchairs lunch money and I don't play that way. To each their own I never get caught by cowardly outpost campers because I'm seasoned and spot the signs, But I do feel bad for the people that are just starting to be cheese killed and will probably take that as par and uninstall. It's just sad but to each their own that's what SoT is.

  • @dwight1833 the problem with this is sometimes ppl just hang out at the outposts not to camp but to mess around and if u get into trouble for doing that a lot less ppl will want to play. Some ppl aren’t sailing around all the time

  • @ve111a in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:
    Robbing a solo is like taking the kid in a wheelchairs lunch money

    I totally agree on this. Played solo myself alot. By doing so, I have to be aware of the facts. There are players with "honor". There are players that would even sink a fresh sloop at the outpost. There are also new players, that can not tell the difference.
    So what? In the end, the solo player has to care. He can not rely on anything. And he deserves no special treatment.

  • @longingfern4785 said in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:

    @ve111a in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:
    Robbing a solo is like taking the kid in a wheelchairs lunch money

    I totally agree on this. Played solo myself alot. By doing so, I have to be aware of the facts. There are players with "honor". There are players that would even sink a fresh sloop at the outpost. There are also new players, that can not tell the difference.
    So what? In the end, the solo player has to care. He can not rely on anything. And he deserves no special treatment.

    you do you. I prefer to take the high road on this and a better person on this matter. If I can forego a few castaways and a sunken captains chest, To keep people playing the game and not getting discouraged by cheese tactics I will.

  • @evasive-envy
    @m3nt0red said in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:

    He used blunderbuss and sword, and appeared to be hacking as he didn't die after multiple blunderbuss hits/swords. he also hit every single shot. he blocked multiple swings, then instantly hit us. Was insane.

  • @ve111a said in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:

    @longingfern4785 said in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:

    @ve111a in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:
    Robbing a solo is like taking the kid in a wheelchairs lunch money

    I totally agree on this. Played solo myself alot. By doing so, I have to be aware of the facts. There are players with "honor". There are players that would even sink a fresh sloop at the outpost. There are also new players, that can not tell the difference.
    So what? In the end, the solo player has to care. He can not rely on anything. And he deserves no special treatment.

    you do you. I prefer to take the high road on this and a better person on this matter. If I can forego a few castaways and a sunken captains chest, To keep people playing the game and not getting discouraged by cheese tactics I will.

    Lol it's a sloop vs sloop dude. a pure 2v2. If the guy comes and doesn't win against us that's his fault and problem. he didn't have a few castways and sunken capt chest. Guy had like 5 captains, few villainous skulls and some spices/silks/tea. like 4 marauders. 4-5 hateful skulls. bunch of barrels/seafarers.

    It's not low, and it's not a waste of time if i'm enjoying it. People play this game for many reason. Spamming voyages every day is boring as hell.

  • @longingfern4785 said in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:

    @ve111a in Beware Of Plunder Outpost Camper:
    Robbing a solo is like taking the kid in a wheelchairs lunch money

    I totally agree on this. Played solo myself alot. By doing so, I have to be aware of the facts. There are players with "honor". There are players that would even sink a fresh sloop at the outpost. There are also new players, that can not tell the difference.
    So what? In the end, the solo player has to care. He can not rely on anything. And he deserves no special treatment.

    I would argue not robbing a solo player is like not inviting the kid in the wheelchair to play ball because you think they can't keep up. You think you're doing them a favor and being a good person, but you're doing the opposite. You don't know the player who's soloing, you aren't doing them a favor by giving them a pass. If you wanna be a friendly pirate, be a friendly pirate. Nothing wrong with that, but to imply that a solo sloop is incapable of defending themselves and trying to high road the rest of the players is just dumb.

    When I solo, I want a challenge. Thats why I solo in the first place. I want a galleon to come fight me, I leave all my lights on, and usually leave a skull in plain sight so they can see I got something. Its a pirate game, anybody who isn't cool with plundering aint a pirate imo.

    To the OP, you got beat 1v4, you deserve to lose your stuff. Also anyone who hacks is not using a sword and blundetbuss. If they're hacking they have pin point accuracy with any weapon, they're gonna snipe/pistol you before you can even see them. You can hit swords through barrels and staircases, it works for grouping skeletons, and also works for PvP in close quarters.

    Also you could have avoided this deadly 4v1 battle by staying more observant. Check for mermaids at outposts. Sometimes people will see you coming in after selling their loot, and they'll scuttle the ship, hoping you just stroll in with your guard down.

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