Voyage at Plunder Valley glitched.

  • I got a voyage with multiple chapters, the third of which lead me to Plunder Valley. When I eventually followed the riddle to the destination I was rather disappointed. The riddle in question stated as such. "At the Eagle Hunter high East, you be close. 6 paces North East and dig your treasure will be." It's not the exact quote but it's close enough from memory. The whole voyage was normal enough until I realized that the painting of the Eagle Hunter was faced North East. If I wanted to take 6 paces that way I would need to somehow go through the stone and find the chest. Even after I went behind the stone there was nothing but a cliff and some foliage. I checked all around the painting to no avail, leaving me without a chest or satisfaction. Just thought I needed to share this on the forums to bring some attention to it.

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  • Same thing is happening to me, but the crew and I had four chapters before it and then final charter is bugged saying to walk 7 paces northeast towards the Eagle Hunter statue.

  • @sssnake120 There are two Eagle Hunter paintings. You want the one that’s painted on the side of the mountain high up on the east... Not the one on top.

  • @sssnake120 Was this the Eagle Hunter you were at? This should be the correct rock painting that you were looking for.

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