Solo Ship Concept; with art

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    this Schooner-styled ship is smaller than the sloop, but faster and with roughly the same turning radius. however, it carries no firepower, and because it is smaller with only one deck, it sinks faster too.

    this ship features a Gaff-Rigged mast and sail. the sail is loosely attached to the mast and thus rotates, catching the wind on its own. attached to the lower sail is a rope that determines how loose the sail will be with the wind.

    everything on the ship is within arms length. the anchor, helm, and the rope attached to the gaff rigged sail can be controlled as you are on the helm. control left and right to turn, control up to loosen the rope to give the sail more freedom, control down to pull in the rope and limit the sails freedom, hold down a certain action to drop the anchor (but the anchor cannot be lifted as you are on the helm).

    you can also lower the Gaff-Rigged sail by using the rope toward the front of the ship.

    this is a ship that would be mainly used for solo player. you cannot severely damage other player's ships with it, but because it is small and much faster, it can escape more easily from other players.

    this discussion determined the design and statistics for the ship. thank you all for posting your thoughts on this thread. the thread itself concerns the balance between solo sloops and two man sloops as well as the possibility that such a ship smaller than a sloop would be possible.

    as for this topic, i would like to read your thoughts on the concept so far. i may work on it further, but just in case, i'm showing its general design now so that i know what to change or what i should not change.

    thank you!

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  • Although I would be sad not to have the lower deck from cowering in fear during storms, I love this idea. Very well put together art my friend!

  • @xxxrookxxx And from cannonballs from skeleton towers!

  • @mysticdragon297 This is really cool! I like the idea of steering from the rudder directly! Changes things up a bit. Excellent drawings too, very well thought out. But...I think a swivel gun, or maybe one forward facing cannon, something! I would feel too naked on this thing!

  • @touchdown1504
    How about a single cannon that you have to manually move from one side of the ship to the other?

  • @nebenkuh Bro...Anything! Just for a sense of security. As much as I love the artwork and idea here, no way in hell am I sailing it in the Sea of Thieves!

  • @touchdown1504
    I'm not the OP. :)
    I like the idea for a single player ship. 1 cannon would be good for PvE at least.

  • @nebenkuh I know, just answering your question!

  • @mysticdragon297 I freaking LOVE this. The thing is that I think it would be great if you could use it for 2 people max, since I am not a fan of playing alone. But the design wouldn't need changed, since this is perfect for one person doing all the hard work, while the other person (Probably me) will play some music while running around. :p

    Also LOVE the steery thingy. It would be super fun to have a ship that is controlled a bit differently. :)

  • @mysticdragon297 I absolutely agree with everything you have mentioned, although I have not read the attached discussion, the only thing I would like to add to that is at least one swivel gun; to repel boarders, help with skeletons and kill that pesky shark that keeps hanging around. It would have all that same characteristics of the pistol or maybe the eor but without the scope. Just spitballing as this is my first post.

  • @snake4507 said in Solo Ship Concept; with art:

    @mysticdragon297 I absolutely agree with everything you have mentioned, although I have not read the attached discussion, the only thing I would like to add to that is at least one swivel gun; to repel boarders, help with skeletons and kill that pesky shark that keeps hanging around. It would have all that same characteristics of the pistol or maybe the eor but without the scope. Just spitballing as this is my first post.

    @touchdown1504 said in Solo Ship Concept; with art:

    @mysticdragon297 This is really cool! I like the idea of steering from the rudder directly! Changes things up a bit. Excellent drawings too, very well thought out. But...I think a swivel gun, or maybe one forward facing cannon, something! I would feel too naked on this thing!

    i have thought about attaching a swivel gun to both sides of the ship. something that cannot damage hulls, but presents the same amount of damage. there was a problem, however.

    it can be easily solved, but hard to implement: one problem with such as small ship is that there is hardly any room. i had to take away all cosmetic chests, the grog barrel ( :( ), and the cannon barrel to make more room for the ship. if there were cannons on the ship, than there needs to be a cannon barrel. however, like i said, easily solved but hard to implement: swivel guns would simply use firearm ammo instead.

    also, forward cannons are a no. we've determined in the discussion that this would allow players to launch themselves from cannons as they are chasing players. if they fail, they wait for their ship, they get back on their ship, and repeat until they succeed.

  • @mysticdragon297 Thorough, well thought through, reasonable suggestion, no ulterior motive.

    Upvote because i see no reason not to support this! :)

  • Job well done! Keep up the great work!

    IMO, solo players should be punished and forced to use a row boat with a cannon in the front.. That is all :P

  • That sir...looks like a fun ship ride, especially in a storm..;)

  • i'm enjoying the feedback so far.

    however, we must acknowledge the elephant in the room; what type of ship would this be called?

  • @mysticdragon297 This is not a schooner style, this is a gaff rigged catboat or a dinghy. Great concept though although I would like at least a swivel gun or single cannon. Also the ability to loose/reef AND trim the sails from the same control would be better suited for solo sailing. I hope Rare listens to this. Upvoted!

  • As a mainly solo player...I want this ship. Lack of cannons and all. My usual strategy is to out sail any pursuers or die trying so it would fit me just fine. Would be fun to play with the no cannon handicap as I haven't found too much challenge to soloing or at least nothing some common sense caution hasn't solved.

    Upvote upvote upvote!

  • @john-hatter said in Solo Ship Concept; with art:

    As a mainly solo player...I want this ship. Lack of cannons and all. My usual strategy is to out sail any pursuers or die trying so it would fit me just fine. Would be fun to play with the no cannon handicap as I haven't found too much challenge to soloing or at least nothing some common sense caution hasn't solved.

    Upvote upvote upvote!

    the point of the entire concept is to make playing as a solo-player feel like you have your own special strengths and weaknesses.

    as i'm playing solo, i have my own special strengths and weaknesses when encountering a galleon crew. i'm faster against the wind, and i have more control over my ship. however, this does not apply when solo players encounter a two person sloop because both a solo player and a two-person crew are sailing the same type of ship; except a two-person sloop has one more person to manage the ship, and thus has a somewhat unfair advantage.

  • First, I like the idea of a 5-6 player ship.
    Second, I think the game really needs a 2-3 player ship, because a 3 person galleon feels outnumbered.
    Third, now that I've seen this post, I really think the could use a 1 player ship as well. Nicely done, upvoted!

  • I'd add a small lower deck, even the sloop sort of has two levels beyond the main deck. This could also solve some of the space issue, and maybe you could add the grog barrel back in. Otherwise, as a solo player, I love the idea of not having to constantly adjust the sails to run away, since I can't fight. On the topic of firepower, maybe add one cannon, and because of turning disadvantages (not being able to turn and shoot) have it on the front (I know this has already been discussed in this thread, just stating all of my opinions), or a 360 swivel in the middle? Idk, few changes I personally would make.

  • @mysticdragon297 exactly! While it may be a bit much to ask at this point in time, I think the Devs should have a ship for each crew size, because otherwise some of a type of ship would be at a severe disadvantage, no matter which ship it is.

  • @dreg527 said in Solo Ship Concept; with art:

    I'd add a small lower deck, even the sloop sort of has two levels beyond the main deck. This could also solve some of the space issue, and maybe you could add the grog barrel back in. Otherwise, as a solo player, I love the idea of not having to constantly adjust the sails to run away, since I can't fight. On the topic of firepower, maybe add one cannon, and because of turning disadvantages (not being able to turn and shoot) have it on the front (I know this has already been discussed in this thread, just stating all of my opinions), or a 360 swivel in the middle? Idk, few changes I personally would make.

    i originally had the idea of creating a lower deck. however, because the ship was small and the hull curves inward, a lower deck simply would not fit without making the ship's hull extremely large or unbalanced with the ship's mast and sail. basically, look at the concept art and imagine the hull of the far left image stretched down to just above the "by."

    i wanted the ship to be small and i want it to look like it could sail faster than the sloop. the risk was to give up a lower deck and a little space.

    im fairly happy with the spacing i have set up now. the goal of spacing was to only include the necessities, which means items that actually help the player with their travels, while also leaving space for combat and loot. if a solo player wants grog on their travels, they better take a full tankard with them. same thing for changing clothes.

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