Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!

  • @bobbleheadghost said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @d4u2s0t I've found that the your ship will not drift if you drop anchor then raise again(with sails up)... I know its a hassle, and I hope they fix it, but it works for now.

    Nice, I will confirm that when I get on. My preferred method is to raise sails and not even use the anchor, but I will drop then immediately raise in certain scenarios.

  • @bobbleheadghost said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @d4u2s0t I've found that the your ship will not drift if you drop anchor then raise again(with sails up)... I know its a hassle, and I hope they fix it, but it works for now.

    We tried that and still drifted.

  • @mmountain said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @bobbleheadghost said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @d4u2s0t I've found that the your ship will not drift if you drop anchor then raise again(with sails up)... I know its a hassle, and I hope they fix it, but it works for now.

    We tried that and still drifted.

    Interesting. So maybe I wasn't losing my mind after all.

  • @mmountain Interesting. Hopefully they get this fixed

  • @bobbleheadghost said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @mmountain Interesting. Hopefully they get this fixed

    I think its intentional..unanchored boats should drift slowly.

  • There's another method which I "perfected" last night. I sailed in close to an island with sails at full billow, locked my wheel at full turn, and... accidentally fell off the boat. I swam to the island and observed. 10 minutes later my boat was still doing the same tight predictable circle within easy swimming reach or mermaid.

    Disadvantages -
    hard to board for the player
    may slowly drift off course

    Advantages -
    hard for someone else to board
    Ship looks occupied, may be a deterrent
    Super quick to get underway again.

    Maybe good for scenarios on large islands where you can't keep an eye out - a parked ship will get blown up if spotted and you'll probably mermaid back to it anyway. It may buy you some time.

    Would be interested to see if it ever diverges off course with changes in wind/weather.

  • Can we please make this a "lore book" that all non-microphone people get on the next update? Please?

  • I use Method 2 for voyage islands.

    I use a combination of Methods 2 and 1 for outposts and forts Just to get an ideal parking spot. Sails and Anchor always get raised before the crew is let loose though.

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