[Mega Thread] Pirate Legend and Pirate Hideout

  • Ahoy there Pirates!

    Now that the Pirate Legend Hideout, the kinds of voyages and cosmetics currently available to them has been shown on a stream we're seeing a huge influx of topics!

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    As a result, we're creating a mega thread to keep all your discussions, ideas and feedback in one place. We will be redirecting threads to this post, please feel free to point others in this direction too!

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  • Pls let skill be involved to be pirate Legend!

    EDIT: RARE constantly mentioning that you can play the gameas a beginner with every "expert" to make it more fun. That the only difference between both is the experience and maybe a skin that doesnt really effect gameplay.

    I Just want to know why there is nothing that really shows your skill. Statistics about K/D in PVP? Accuracy of your weapons, a ranking system, the time you need to end a voyage or to dig up a chest upon arriving on an island. Nothing is shown to represent skill which is the only difference there is between the Players. People realy love competition, yet there is nothing that we can compare and/or be proud of to other people.

  • Come on rare, the vast majority of players are not happy this guy was allowed to boost his way to pirate legend. lets see some action from you else is this a sign we are all allowed to get freinds and boost each other through game hops?

  • This was disappointing...

  • What a crock of (Mod removed)

  • I hope there's an investigation into his Pirate Legend status, and that he isn't given recognition as the first.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Pirate Legend and Pirate Hideout:

    He doesn't deserve recognition for exploiting and abusing game mechanics and his community to artificially boost himself.

    @personalc0ffee how did he exploit his community? as far as I can tell they were all working collaboratively and knew exactly what the goal and the means were. This is an online video game the first person to hit maximum level never means anything except that person plays entirely too much. The sooner you realize that you can start to put all this behind you and focus your attention on something that actually "means" something.

  • @khaleesibot Pirate Legend looks beautiful please continue what your doing and work on new content as well. I love the game but optimization and content are needed otherwise I was truly impressed by the way legend was implemented and the rewards. Was hoping for a more linear Athena story-line though.

  • @lifewcoke said in [Mega Thread] Pirate Legend and Pirate Hideout:

    This was disappointing...

    best president ever, the smile on his face after he dodged that shoe is priceless

  • @khaleesibot Please acknowledge that this reputation system requires a change. Because it really needs one. He didn't even quest once.

    It wouldn't have ever spoiled anything if reputation was awarded for completing a vojage and not cashing in goods from random crews.

    EDIT: ops sorry. Replied to you and not to the topic.

  • @personalc0ffee Look at it this way though...there will now be more and more ppl who get to tell stories of sinking the legendary galleon Captain'd by Prodigy the Pirate Legend. :)

  • So as feedback to this - where are the "legendary" skins for the ship? I mean just one extra skin for your character isnt enough. And these "legendary" quests are useless.
    You maybe can get more gold with them ... but for what? - there is nothing you can buy with all the gold.

    Prodigy (the first legend pirate) has about 700k gold ... and cant buy anything new. I hope you bring lots of more legendary skins into the game, because in the moment I dont have any motivation to continue my Grind for 50/50/50.

  • Where are the legendary quest?

    Just a mix of all types of maps in a voyage?

    What happened to "The game starts when you reach pirate legend"?

    I was really supportive of the game even against the waves of haters. But c'mon Rare, Give us something new. At least try...

  • @cpt-peach-beard exactly this. "boosting" or "powerleveling" is common practice in MMOs. this isn't "cheating", as some are saying. most people are probably salty because they didn't figure this out for themselves. for me, i much prefer taking my time working through a game/grind.

  • @cpt-peach-beard said in [Mega Thread] Pirate Legend and Pirate Hideout:

    @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Pirate Legend and Pirate Hideout:

    He doesn't deserve recognition for exploiting and abusing game mechanics and his community to artificially boost himself.

    @personalc0ffee how did he exploit his community? as far as I can tell they were all working collaboratively and knew exactly what the goal and the means were. This is an online video game the first person to hit maximum level never means anything except that person plays entirely too much. The sooner you realize that you can start to put all this behind you and focus your attention on something that actually "means" something.

    Exploit can be defined by using an unfair advantage to your gain people seem to think using his large community of stream followers to boost is considered an unfair advantage.

  • @thefarsz i don't think they were expecting anyone to jump that quickly through the ranks.

  • Annnnnnnnd it's all about the grog!
    It's all about the grog!
    You're putting too much thought into a legend!
    Because it's all about the grog!
    It's all about the grog!
    The game may or may not get content that's the legend!
    Because it's all about the grog!
    It's all about the grog!


  • @blackguardbeard They called around 2 weeks for the hardcore players.

    2-3 days close. If something new should have been there, it would be here...

  • @tavishhill2003 He probably wont touch the game now that he is the first legend ever, it was mind numbing watching him play

  • sigh

    It was a legend afterall.

  • @klon54 The purpose of gaming isn't to 'grind'. It's to have a great time and bring something memorable away from those experiences.

  • @khaleesibot
    Are you going to make a sort of list with all that we offer you users for the development of the game and will you go to create the content that you like?
    If you give us a chance to make a vote on this list, it would be very cool!

  • He took a shortcut from grinding endlessly. Just to find out there is more grind. Of the same thing. Billy Mays style.

    So technically there is no escaping the repetitive grind.

    I love it, don't get me wrong, but it needs some "meat" on its bones in regards to voyages.

  • The lack of new content was disturbing

  • @Misha-Boyarski This thread is to discuss Pirate Legends, if you have a different topic you want to discuss check out the Mega Threads. If your subject isn't covered make a new topic to discuss!

  • Still #notmylegend

  • This guy [mod removed] does not deserve pirate legend in my opinion, getting boosted is not a good thing sadly.

  • @tavishhill2003

    Exactly, so what ? ^^

    You think this is gonna be fun for how long exactly ? 'It's up to us' or something like this ?

    Well guess what... it's done.

  • There should really be some new type of voyage. Having just a mix of the other three was kind of disappointing. Maybe some new kind of loot the voyages can get too

  • #notmylegend

  • Hi all, this is gonna be my rant about the game after seeing the first legendary pirate content.

    So when the twitch streamer hit legend I was really hyped. I was looking forward to a legendary ship, a legendary voyage and the legendary clothing. For now, I'm not seeing a legendary ship skin, which is a huge disappointment. When you hit legend, you should be rewarded with a legendary ship.

    Then on to the legendary voyages. This is absurd in my opinion. The legend voyages only let you do what you already did for over 100 hours. Why isn't this a unique and special quest? I mean, legendary voyages should be legendary. ''A legendary skeleton ship spawned somewhere on the map, defeat it!'' or ''Kill the kraken!'', anything of this scale would be nice. But c'mon, you do the same stuff when you reach legend? What a joke.

    Don't get me started on the kraken. This was such a clap in the face for me. No danger, no body, no rewards. Just nice visuals and sounds.

    Rare, you really managed to disappoint alot of people. Yes I have faith there is more to come, and that people worked h*****n the game. But 4 years of development, which resulted in 2 ships, 3 types of quests, 4 clothing sets and ship skins and asking 70 euro (in the netherlands) for it, is insane. There is so much you could have made for this game, and it should have been delayed if you ask me. Content would have made this game, and its what destroyed it aswell.

    I would strongly advise Rare to make a video about upcomming content. Be honest and treat us fairly, we payed for this game. Communication is very important if you want to save this game.

    I still enjoy the game as a sandbox, but I needed to get this out of my system. Thanks for reading.

  • Legend stuff looks appealing, hopefully more stuff will be added (love the banjo btw) but i believe something should be done about he who shall not be named (due to new form rules) as he does not deserve legend status, especially when he doesn't understand how to play the game.

  • He doesn't know anything about this game, hes simply not worth Beeing legend besides the way he got there.

  • Our Pirate Legend...
    (mod edited), link to external video
    Can't even find the tavern.

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