Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!

  • @trenix90 said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    Definitely not. I've had people brig me before they turned in because they wanted to invite their friend and give him the reward. I ended up staying in the brig, reporting them for being against the pirate's code, and got my reward after an hour passed.

    I understand your situation, but when the brig is being used as it is intended (stop players from grieving via hiding loot, anchors, etc) and it is not even working as intended since the whole mechanic behind it is nullified by a glitch where you can clip out of it. This will lead to players who abuse the s**t out of that with the soul intent of making your time a living hell until you leave. We need a kick system.

  • @shokugeki-kid said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    so how to make someone leave: brig them; then make a hole in your ship to bring the water level above the low deck. they will die over and over again and will leave after 2 or 3 times.

    If you did that to me, I'd watch netflix and stay for hours and have done so. Some people deserve the brig, but majority brig to abuse the system.

  • I think if they added a kick feature, it would be abused way more then the brig feature. It would also give the Elitists there weapon of choice.

  • @trenix90 and then you would be kicked for being inactive ;) it's all been though about mate

  • @trenix90 said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    @shokugeki-kid said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    so how to make someone leave: brig them; then make a hole in your ship to bring the water level above the low deck. they will die over and over again and will leave after 2 or 3 times.

    If you did that to me, I'd watch netflix and stay for hours and have done so. Some people deserve the brig, but majority brig to abuse the system.

    I had to do that when they tried to get rid of me before turning in booty. I didn't actually drown. I got to one health and the ship spawned with me in it.

  • @the-gewehr-98 said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    I don't know how many times I have encountered players on my crew that want to sabotage the ship or throw off hard earned loot into the sea. Don't get me wrong, the current system of having a brig is great and adds a passive-aggressive approach, so either a bad player can leave or they can make a plea and be allowed to join the crew again. However, when you have players joining your crew and intentionally taking skulls, chests, and other hard-earned loot and throwing it into the ocean, or crashing your ship into rocks... that's where the brig system fails. A kick system would be extremely beneficial to counter players that want to ruin the gameplay for others.

    Also, what about those pesky players that you put in the brig and they don't leave and a friend wants to join? Or you're doing a skeleton fortress or voyages and that person in the brig doesn't leave and just bandwagons for loot? That needs to be addressed.

    Kick option would make you booted from some crews without the booty. Jail those who troll and leave stalemates without loot involved.

    Matchmaking indeed needs more features. For example:

    1. invite only
    2. roulette
    3. mic-free match
    4. open table

    Invite only is the private party we need. Roulette forms random parties from those friends of yours in your friend list who have this marked. Marking mic-free match option adds the enlisting silent crews to the pool as well. Open table allows you to enlist new crew members only while you are unoccupied at a pub and drinking grog.

  • @search-n-donte said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    @trenix90 said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    Definitely not. I've had people brig me before they turned in because they wanted to invite their friend and give him the reward. I ended up staying in the brig, reporting them for being against the pirate's code, and got my reward after an hour passed.

    I understand your situation, but when the brig is being used as it is intended (stop players from grieving via hiding loot, anchors, etc) and it is not even working as intended since the whole mechanic behind it is nullified by a glitch where you can clip out of it. This will lead to players who abuse the s**t out of that with the soul intent of making your time a living hell until you leave. We need a kick system.

    Glitch abusers should get their account suspended permanently and clearly the glitch should be fixed. After that, the brig would be fine. So far what you're saying, is the minority of cases. I've yet to have people grief and those that did, I wasn't able to vote them out because they came with a friend. This is why I suggested an idea called seniority. You've been on the ship the longest, you should have the most say.

  • @the-gewehr-98 nonononono.
    Join random crew
    enter party of 3
    grind for an hour, do a fort, multiple-voyage runs
    finally heading to port
    gets kicked, the party of 3 invite their 4th friend who gets all the loot.

  • @trenix90 so you think asking someone to leave nicely that doesn't talk back is ok to leave him running around like a headless chicken on your ship? you have no logic in your argument.

  • @shokugeki-kid said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    @trenix90 and then you would be kicked for being inactive ;) it's all been though about mate

    Except I have two computers. I've done this before, so I hope you brig me one day and I'll show you how it's done. Last crew couldn't handle it after 2~. I've had new crew members come and bail me out, lol. I also enjoyed getting free rewards with no effort. But to be fair, I did play music and inspire my immoral crew. :D

  • @trenix90so you'jll join a 2 man galleon and play with one pirate while the other just sits there? and you think that's fair to that? haha wow that deserves a ban

  • @shokugeki-kid said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    @trenix90 and then you would be kicked for being inactive ;) it's all been though about mate

    Not at all, I would just watch something on my other monitor and keep pressing buttons. There is always a way to be inactivity active.

  • @trenix90 said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    @shokugeki-kid said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    @trenix90 and then you would be kicked for being inactive ;) it's all been though about mate

    Except I have two computers. I've done this before, so I hope you brig me one day and I'll show you how it's done. Last crew couldn't handle it after 2~. I've had new crew members come and bail me out, lol. I also enjoyed getting free rewards with no effort. But to be fair, I did play music and inspire my immoral crew. :D

    and don't you worry we only gcrew up on a ship if we're 3 or more so they're be no space for you and your ego on my ship ;)

  • @trenix90 said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    @search-n-donte said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    @trenix90 said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    Definitely not. I've had people brig me before they turned in because they wanted to invite their friend and give him the reward. I ended up staying in the brig, reporting them for being against the pirate's code, and got my reward after an hour passed.

    I understand your situation, but when the brig is being used as it is intended (stop players from grieving via hiding loot, anchors, etc) and it is not even working as intended since the whole mechanic behind it is nullified by a glitch where you can clip out of it. This will lead to players who abuse the s**t out of that with the soul intent of making your time a living hell until you leave. We need a kick system.

    Glitch abusers should get their account suspended permanently and clearly the glitch should be fixed. After that, the brig would be fine. So far what you're saying, is the minority of cases. I've yet to have people grief and those that did, I wasn't able to vote them out because they came with a friend. This is why I suggested an idea called seniority. You've been on the ship the longest, you should have the most say.

    I agree. There is 2 sides to this story and the Brig is abused it both ways for both contexts. For my situation , it really sucked. We were a party of 4 irl friends just chillen and one had to go and we had another coming later, someone joined and we didn't really care we actually like strangers cause we like to mess around with pirate RP yada yada, but he was just being a nuisance and that seemed to be his goal. Even with 3 of us wanting to do nothing with him there was absolutely nothing we could do and he had free reign to do whatever outside of the brig while the game recognized him as "in the brig".

    But, the other situation sucks to. Being brigged for no reason is annoying af and I see no wrong in staying to rake in free profit. At the same time though, is this fun for you? Don't we play this game for fun? Atleast I do, the gold and cosmetics are just extra, some people seem to put huge emphasis on that even tho the rewards will provide 0 gameplay benefit what so ever since playing field is so level. Idk it's apples to oranges and the whole system has a lot of flaws to begin with for abuse on both ends of the system.

  • @shokugeki-kid said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    @trenix90 so you think asking someone to leave nicely that doesn't talk back is ok to leave him running around like a headless chicken on your ship? you have no logic in your argument.

    Have I ever been against the concept of a brig? Lock them up and they'll leave. They're griefers, they only get joy when they grief. The problem happens when people kick others to invite friends and give them the rewards the player worked for. This is why democracies are... completely failed and moronic at best. It is mob rule, has nothing to do about morals.

  • @trenix90 said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    This is why I suggested an idea called seniority. You've been on the ship the longest, you should have the most say.

    This would give an interesting depth to the feature. Nice catch.

  • @trenix90 said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    @shokugeki-kid said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    @trenix90 so you think asking someone to leave nicely that doesn't talk back is ok to leave him running around like a headless chicken on your ship? you have no logic in your argument.

    Have I ever been against the concept of a brig? Lock them up and they'll leave. They're griefers, they only get joy when they grief. The problem happens when people kick others to invite friends and give them the rewards the player worked for. This is why democracies are... completely failed and moronic at best. It is mob rule, has nothing to do about morals.

    oh yeah i agree with that part just not everything else you said

  • I never go two man sloop unless I am with a friend. I generally join four man crews or go solo. Grievers want a war of attrition, you give them one. I'm not leaving until I get my rewards. You vote me to the brig you don't want me to play, but I'm not leaving until I get the booty I put my time into. Not gonna happen.

    As for no fun in it, Its a double edge sword. I'm trying to hit level 50 in every faction. When I get there I'll worry less about losing out. Cosmetics are for the birds and I got everything I want already.

  • @dirtysecrets I can certainly understand wanting a way to stop players who are doing nothing but grefing you and then holding out for a free cut of the loot. Their needs to be a way of denying those people a share without the potential for other players who to get cut out if they have put in the work.

  • How bout they do something like this; when a crew starts a voyage, the game keeps track of who voted for it and participated, then it automatically gives out the money to EVERYBODY that participated in it. or something similar

  • no never mind thats stupid

  • @the-gewehr-98 It’s called getting friends

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