
  • Just a good seafarer looking to have some good times with others, looking for some easy sailing, skeleton raiding, or some rattling swords engagements. I am in EU timezone GMT +1. English speaking and looking to make some epic sea stories!

    Xbox tag GOCHILLBRO

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  • @gochillbro said in Ahoy!:

    Just a good seafarer looking to have some good times with others, looking for some easy sailing, skeleton raiding, or some rattling swords engagements. I am in EU timezone GMT +1. English speaking and looking to make some epic sea stories!

    Xbox tag GOCHILLBRO

    Hey! I am in the UK, so timezone Is only an hour difference :) If you want to set sail on the open seas, would be happy too!

    We have a discord channel also, aswell as a community, if that is something you are interested in, if not, that's absolutely fine! Let's go get some skeletons! :)

  • @miss-wotsit

    Sure, send me the discord in a link and I will give it a chance!

  • @gochillbro said in Ahoy!:


    Sure, send me the discord in a link and I will give it a chance!

    Of course, apologies I thought I had added it, here it is: [https://discord.gg/qCX93c9](link url)

  • @gochillbro
    Ahoy there,
    Welcome to SoT
    If a crew ye be looking for, look no further.
    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

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