[Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC and 'Games as a Service' (Part 2)

  • Ahoy thar Pirates of the Fo'Rum.

    @khaleesibot has requested that we close the current round of Mega Threads and remake them for anyone new to the discussion, so here we go!

    To read past discussions, check out this topic here: Mega Thread - Part 1

    Details have been given on how Rare will further monetise Sea of Thieves post launch.
    Please refer to the following articles for more information.

    Discuss below!

    Thank you :D

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    Cast your good eye over the Articles here: The Pirate Code

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  • As far as microtransactions go I think I'd like to see pets for sure. A lazy cat for my sloop or maybe a big loyal dog companion to explore the seas with. As far as DLC I've heard rumor of a Kraken hunters factions possibly so that's pretty exciting.

  • elite rats, such as pets, would be amusing, for game donations

  • Can I please have a pet monkey?


  • after doing the merchant guild quests i now want a pet pig

  • Well, here's the problem with the system they have:
    They create a parrot, that keeps following your character around. And a monkey, and a few other things like that. Cosmetics, but still more than just a shirt. So people will want them.
    Now, how can you get the people to spend as much money as possible on this item?
    One approach is to put it in a lootcrate that's rather cheap, or sell keys for crates (which is the same), people will buy a lot of the crates. But thats 2017.
    What they will do now is selling the items directly, but for a exorbitant high price. I'm taking a wild guess, and say that the parrot will cost you like 25-35 $. That way they make sure that not everybody gets it, and by making it 'rare' (companys name speaks for itself) they can justify the higher prices.
    And they can play this thing as long as you keep buying the stuff they sell you. So in 12 months u will be able to find 50+ items in the rare store, ranging from 15$ until 150$. Some peope will buy everything they can, and have their accounts worth several hundred $$.
    The 'gambling factor' of the crate system gets eliminated, but that doesn't mean they don't want our money.

    I guess I'm fine with that.
    They made a great game after all, and so maybe they deserve to make a little extra.

    But for my part... you don't have to buy this stuff, and I won't, since the game is already expensive enough.

  • @pikaaroon
    I put this on the wrong thread on accident :/

    I've heard rumors of micro-transactions coming into the game and that they will only be cosmetic. I love the idea but I just wanna suggests that the cosmetics should be able to be obtained through grinding the game. the reason why i say grind instead of play is because if you can get the skins easily there will be no reason to buy the chests and the skins will basically have no value.

    you guys have the ability to introduce loot boxes in a new way. RARE could add mechanic were a clothes merchant can give you special quests to find these loot boxes. There could be a number of different routes you could take with these quests. for example, some timed missions testing the player/crew's wit allowing them to get mass chests for doing well.
    Something could be done with this mission similar to the skeleton raids you could put a beacon on these missions to attract the players together promoting more pvp, the most fun part of the game.

    another idea i had was to have a special map given by the merchant that updates every time you collect a chest and it gives you a new location for you to sail to, but the ocean is providing a challenge for the player/crew, I.E intense storms,or pve combat increasing in difficulty as you do the missions. As a sailor i loved the sailing part of this game but i didn't run into many challenges while sailing (aside from combat) and i think it would be cool to challenge the average player and reward those players that can work the ocean really well.

    I also have some ideas with a trading system. The players can collect these high value items and trade with other players to get things that they want. not only does a trading system bring the community closer its also adds incentive to run these challenging quests and pay for these loot boxes. overall i think that it would be beneficial to the community and to RARE as a company

  • i read about the microtransaction part today.
    i am sad, really sad, because i love the game, but i dont want a p2p game, with f2p microtransaction. the game industry became disgusting in the recent years, and i swore to myself, i wont accept microtransaction in a game where i paid 60 bucks.

    the only thing the game industry want's is more money and a higher stock prices.
    therefore i canceled my preorder.

  • @d3adking said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC and 'Games as a Service' (Part 2):

    i read about the microtransaction part today.
    i am sad, really sad, because i love the game, but i dont want a p2p game, with f2p microtransaction. the game industry became disgusting in the recent years, and i swore to myself, i wont accept microtransaction in a game where i paid 60 bucks.

    the only thing the game industry want's is more money and a higher stock prices.
    therefore i canceled my preorder.

    How is buying cosmetics or pets going to hurt your game experience?

    Are you going to be upset if someone looks more stylish then you?

    I think a lot of this "I don't want microtransactions" is more of "I can't afford it, therefore I don't want it".

    If they were offering ships that had +200 durability or +5 extra cannons then yeah I can see the gripe but literally nothing they're offering is going to hurt your ability to play skill vs skill with another player.

  • @pushrodlsx i can afford it, but i dont want to support gamedesigners, that mix f2p and p2p things.
    if i bought the game, i want to get the whole content. i can understand that there need to be "preorder bonuses" but adding more visuals, and demanding money for it feels like a rip-off.

    i dont know how good the launch of sot will be, but i think maybe it will end like evolved. Maybe the Xbox game pass will save it.

    it's more like a protest, and because companys only care about money, that's my way to go.

  • @d3adking said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC and 'Games as a Service' (Part 2):

    @pushrodlsx i can afford it, but i dont want to support gamedesigners, that mix f2p and p2p things.
    if i bought the game, i want to get the whole content. i can understand that there need to be "preorder bonuses" but adding more visuals, and demanding money for it feels like a rip-off.

    i dont know how good the launch of sot will be, but i think maybe it will end like evolved. Maybe the Xbox game pass will save it.

    it's more like a protest, and because companys only care about money, that's my way to go.

    id just get the game still, im going to spend more than $60 on the store, so that effectively makes the protest null and void

  • @d3adking I agree cause I noticed this as well more and more.
    I'd still get the game though, if you love it just get it and protest another way, you know they got you by the balls and you already desire the game.. XD
    But games do put out beta's more and more, yet still having microtransactions that earn them really big bucks.
    It's not like those microtransactions are only there to support the growth of the game, no..
    They're always going to be there!
    That part I dislike, even on "free" games, as those free games earn a lot more then a company that makes a single good game and brings out all that content at once.
    That's the same reason almost every game if not already every game has DLC's now, extra money.
    But now all kinds of games are adding these microtransactions and I too don't like it..
    Though it's a solid way for a company to make money for as long as the game lasts, which indeed does also takes care of better content, they're just taking it a step too far sometimes. (Hoping this won't be the case for SoT!)
    That being said I freaking love this game....
    No way I'm not buying it out of protest! XD
    And I'm getting that pet monkey too, cause I love monkeys, and yes they got me by the balls too. =þ

  • @d3adking said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC and 'Games as a Service' (Part 2):

    @pushrodlsx i can afford it, but i dont want to support gamedesigners, that mix f2p and p2p things.
    if i bought the game, i want to get the whole content. i can understand that there need to be "preorder bonuses" but adding more visuals, and demanding money for it feels like a rip-off.

    i dont know how good the launch of sot will be, but i think maybe it will end like evolved. Maybe the Xbox game pass will save it.

    it's more like a protest, and because companys only care about money, that's my way to go.

    I can respect that.

  • @liberatethem

    the argument is far simpler (and overlooked). its not ever skill or looks or such comvoluted things that make people hate microtransactions. the best argument is microtransactions usually affect your experience in a negative manner for the greed of companies to "help" pay for games they already made, we already bought, and they (without proof) cut content or got lazy to just lock most things that people are attracted to behind a paywall. dlc can be done good and fine, warframe is a great example of a good microtransaction system and that is a f2p game. do you like spending your money when u realize that it should've and could've been in the game in the first place? some people are oddly fine with doing so for different reasons, and behind many guises, like "supporting the developers" or "cuz i can afford it, get a job handout wanters". if sea of thieves has a good microtransactions pricing system, then i am super down. but to request 5 dollars for a recolor skin or an emote (other games commonly used pricing) is disgusting and almost a gold standard.

  • looking at the current state of gaming and gaming companies. I would be cearful what monitization you do. Having Dlc's for sure if it adds content. But even cosmetics with a huge price i payed of 90 $ already for the base game ... sorry but i wont pay a single penny more for this game after that huge price tag. 700 nok or 90$ is extremely overpriced already. And i wont like any micro transactions at all

  • I HAVE FAITH IN RARE TO NEVER ALLOW MICROTRANSACTIONS INTO THIS GAME. please don't let us down! they make the game so much less rewarding.

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