Hello! :)

  • Hello, new member here from new zealand!
    Just wanted to say Hi!.
    I Just have a few questions. Sorry if this isn't the place to ask them. Not too sure of my way around the website yet.

    I'm looking at getting this game sometime and I was just wondering.

    Will there be a day one patch, if so does anyone know the filesize? (Limited data a month)
    Do I need a headset to play the game? or can it be played comfortably without one?
    And will a 3mbps to 30mbps internet connection be fast enough to play the game?

    Thank you so much for any help in advance!

    And if anyone would like to add me as a friend then feel free :)

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  • @springofdoom Ahoy there!

    Welcome to the forum. I will try to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge...

    There will more than likely be a day one patch for sure and the game is currently around 20GB but you should be able to get a headstart downloading that soon.

    No headset is needed but it is found to be very helpful if you do have one.

    Your internet speed may hinder you a little bit but should be playable to some degree.

    Hope that helps :)

  • @musicmee Hey thanks very much for your reply! :)

    I forgot to mention I will be playing from a disk based version of the game!
    Will that still mean I need to download 20GB?
    Was hoping that buying the disk version would eliminate a large download as I only get 10GB a month.

  • @springofdoom said in Hello! :):

    Do I need a headset to play the game? or can it be played comfortably without one?

    They have actually made it very easy to communicate if you don't have a mic. There are lots of premade chat options based on what you hold in game. It's even easier on pc because there is a text chat option. Although I recommend using a headset.

  • @springofdoom ahoy kiwi, welcome🙃

  • @springofdoom The disc version of the game definitely will need to download the full game again too because soooo much is changing right up until the last minute.

  • @musicmee said in Hello! :):

    @springofdoom The disc version of the game definitely will need to download the full game again too because soooo much is changing right up until the last minute.

    Oh thanks! I may not be able to join in on the game then :(

    Ah well, will still have fun talking to everyone on here :)

  • Just wondering if anyone has a more direct answer now that the game has released?

  • @springofdoom
    Ahoy matey
    Welcome to SoT
    If you be looking for a crew consider sailing with us. We are a friendly and adventurous grp looking to sail the high seas. Please come on by and check us out.


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