New swabbie from Germany

  • Arr Mates,
    new swabbie here from Heidelberg, Germany. After playing the recent scale test with friendsI have preordered the game and look forward to meeting you on the high seas :)
    Still a bit apprehensive of PvP and I hope we get more cool stories and not just another KoS game with griefers everywhere. My short play was a lot of fun, with a bit of PvP and a bit of seeing sails on the horizon :)

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  • Welcome @Joaquin42 me matey!

    Sea of Thieves offers a bit of everything, as long as players keep an open mind. PVP can be a lot of fun, as long as you don't act in a contemptible way. Whenever I pvp, it is with the intent to gain something, resources or valuables. Once I have what I came for, I leave. No need to make the encounter anything more than that, if they want to come back and fight for it that's fine too. But then my normal mindset of not shooting first no longer holds.
    Sorry.. I ramble.

    What I mean to say is Sea of Thieves is special, and as long as you have respect for your fellow pirates and uphold the Pirate Code we as a community have determined you'll have a great time (hopefully) !!

  • Thanks. That Hope is what made me preorder the game :) See you on the High Seas

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