Red Sea

  • hello I'd like to understand what it's like when the sea gets red, will it have a kraken in the game?

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  • No, but i guess you are close to the end of the map, and there your ship gets destroyed, if you don't head back.

  • This red?

    alt text

  • @vipeness yes exactly

  • @sir-castic13 sounds good thx !

  • Last night, we tried to sail as far as we could into the red seas. All 4 of us were repairing the ship soooo good that the game threw us out of the boat and spawned us into the red water so we could watch our ship break and sink. Even if we started swimming towards it, the game kept spawning us back making us watch it go under. Not cool, Rare... not cool.

  • I was norh of Cutlass cay when I got the red Sea, I was no where near he edge of the map

  • @xtripzx420x Same!

  • Just got a red sea outside of Galleons Grave

  • @lsuhomer said in Red Sea:

    Just got a red sea outside of Galleons Grave

    The Red Sea is how the game handles it when you go off the map. For example, Galleons Grave is on the far eastern side of the map, so if you continue east, the sea will start to turn red, the music will get super eerie, and holes will start popping in your boat. You'll want to turn around and hope you don't sink if you head too far out.

  • @vipeness said in Red Sea:

    Last night, we tried to sail as far as we could into the red seas. All 4 of us were repairing the ship soooo good that the game threw us out of the boat and spawned us into the red water so we could watch our ship break and sink. Even if we started swimming towards it, the game kept spawning us back making us watch it go under. Not cool, Rare... not cool.

    Then there is a hard barrier at the end of the map. Which is interesting because most games in similar scenarios would fake it. Like you were on a treadmill instead.

  • @drunkpunk138 I wasnt off the map tho. Galleons was between me and the edge of the map.

  • They did a really good job with that water. I legit don't want to drown in it, let alone touch it.

  • @quebecd32

    I was near the western edge of the map (day 3 playing the game, so still plenty of new things to see)... Sailing with my alliance, the mega shark picked my sloop to attack. And one shotted me. Ship keeps sailing while I wait to respawn. I respawn into what appears to be the demonic hell-sea of a sloop-sized shark because the ocean is red, the music is terrifying and OH GOD the monster is still after me and he's punching 30 holes in my poot boat.

    So now I'm floating in a blood ocean helpless waiting for him to finish me off but no, his 3 smaller shark minions take their time doing that and is this music really necessary in this situation? This game scared the c**p out of me and I park super close to the dock every time now because I do not want to touch that water no matter what color it is.

  • It's called the Devil's Shroud, btw.

  • @Deckhands, we have another necro.

    Honestly, people. Why are you searching through threads from half a year ago?

  • @roscoe-purple Please don't resurrect old threads, it is against the forum rules. This thread will now be locked.

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