Your drink of choice while playing

  • Ahoy, everyone! While we wait for the beta and celebrate the holidays, I thought it'd be nice to find out everyone's (Everyone who is of legal drinking age in their country) favorite alcoholic drink to accompany them while they were playing/ play in the future! I like rum in general, so I thought it'd be appropriate to drink Captain Morgan while playing. It lead to some fun nights on the open sea!

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  • I enjoy partaking in a nice Bombay and Tonic during my gaming sessions! :)

    Maybe not very piratey... But darn tasty none the less!

  • @zenzuki Yarr nothing wrong with being tasty while on the high seas, matey! :D

  • Drinks? nah man. I go real hard for Sea of Thieves. I go crazy, I go all out.

    In all seriousness.. This is much more like me :D

  • @whenkoalasattak For the game - Kraken with coke.

    (Though my drink of choice will always be Scotch)

  • @erinom3 Yeah, totally! Every time! (I actually love drinking a nice tea while playing...Don't tel the others)

    @Yoshirimitsu another good combination (regardless of the game or not :) )

  • @whenkoalasattak
    I was usually accompanied by Rum, Licor 43 (with Milk) or plain old Beer (usually Bockbier, a mostly seasonal Lager, or Störtebeker, a Dark Beer/Dark Lager).

    I believe you are supposed to deliver those flour kegs to the nearest Outpost not bury your face in it. 😉

  • @thor-von-blitz Beer is good, too. I'll usually have a Kirin or, the real beast of Japan, a nice chu-hai (Pretty much 9% malt liquor in a can sold at ever convenience store :D ) if I'm not with rum and coke.

  • @thor-von-blitz
    Shhhhhh. Don't tell them. It's my flour and if I want to get baked.. ehh.. bake using that flour, then that is my right! :P

    I actually stopped drinking alcohol, but SoT inspired me to try and play inebriated. Rum & Coke f*w! It went relatively well, but then I remembered why I stopped drinking hahaha. So, just tea, a smoking pipe, and maybe some Coke for me while I'm playing. (Coke as in Coka Cola, just to be clear!)

  • @erinom3 said in Your drink of choice while playing:

    ...and maybe some Coke for me while I'm playing. (Coke as in Coka Cola, just to be clear!)

    Suuuuuure. That's a good disclaimer and no one suspects a thing. haha! Most of the time I have tea with me, so don't feel bad. I'm not a big drinker, either. Not my favorite activity anymore after the incident.

  • Beer! Since I'm from Czech Republic I love bear... It's not really "pirate like" but who cares.

  • @whenkoalasattak
    Well.. I am Dutch.. and we do some funky things here. ;)

    Oh dear.. Not an incident.

  • @erinom3 Yeah, every time I get too drunk, it's like...

    @Fignnus Don't worry, beer is piratey if you call it grog and swear in pirate, ye scallywag! :)

  • @whenkoalasattak I don't drink, i prefer to smoke instead. If i would drink i would definitively go for a 18 years old chivas, i used to love whiskey and it seems fitting.

  • My usual tipple is Hobgoblin ale. But for the release of SoT, I think I'll be getting some Dead Man's Fingers rum... alt text

  • Mines the hobgoblin too was actually king goblin through my alpha play through but close enough.
    I intend to get some more mead just after Christmas tho so mead on the high seas for me

  • For me, it's Samuel Smith Organic Chocolate Stout!

  • @whenkoalasattak

    Well... I don't drink while playing Sea of Thieves, it'd interfere a bit with me steerin' and shootin' but I am partial to a sip or two o' rum or ginger wine, when the weather gets chilly :)

  • @WhenKoalasattak
    Any kind of birddog whiskey. Gotta love that birddog

  • @katttruewalker Interfere? I think you mean enhance! haha Just because I crashed the ship into those rocks 1 2 3 times while drunk sailing...

  • @erinom3 said in Your drink of choice while playing:

    Shhhhhh. Don't tell them. It's my flour and if I want to get baked.. ehh.. bake using that flour, then that is my right! :P

    Just so you know, you're doing it very, very wrong lol

  • I do love some Captain Morgan. But I’ve also been going through a Bailey’s/Hot Cocoa phase for the holidays lol

  • @erikinthebakery
    What? I can't use flour to bake stuff? What is this?

  • @whenkoalasattak I haven't yet but very much want to enjoy some rum while playing playing SoT when the beta goes live, however, for the alpha play session that recently passed, my trusty smoking pipe lead me to some very memorable occasions :)

  • It's definitely gotta be this (although not strictly piratey, a bit of maiden in the background gets my jollies rogering!)

    Trooper Beer!

  • @whenkoalasattak RUM!!!

  • With the beach theme and beautiful graphics in SoT, my drink is a margarita. The game is a nice little 5:00 o’clock escape from work!

  • @katttruewalker, I won't be drinking while playing either unless there was coffee available, that's my favorite drug.

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