Rafts - buy, craft, quest, cooldown

  • To expand on the different vessel types I always thought a raft would be quite natural. These rafts could be pre-built or hand crafted.
    If an axe becomes an item it could be used to chop palms to make the raft and the palm leaves as the sails. Barrels could be used also. Would work well as an X button interaction

    It could also be worked into quests and perhaps as a different way to respawn, as a 'fine' for a lost ship (as there is no loss atm)
    or if there would be a way of capturing pirates where you would then be dumped on a remote isle and have to build your raft to escape.

    Also as a tribute to 70 years ago of Thor Heyerdahl exploring the Pacific on his kon-tiki raft.

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  • Idea sounds usable.

    Now I tend to sacrifice the ship over the treasures and use it as decoy when taking the loot inland and selling them. I'm not even really collecting planks or cannonballs 'coz you just get more after your ship has sunk. The disadvantages of losing your ship are not great enough at the moment in my opinion.

    When losing the ship you should make the raft and get to nearest outpost etc to get a new ship. Maybe the chopping down the trees option is not possible 'coz the landscape seems unchangeable but maybe you should go and get planks from barrels or something.

    It would be great to see unfortunate crews sailing on a raft and use the proximity chat to say them some encouraging words how close they are to a outpost ;). Maybe raft takes cosmetic damage from cannons etc but couldnt be sunk. It would be awful to be sink like 4 times in a row when trying to get a ship.

    Would like the idea implemented.

  • @ebolacola-fin said in Rafts - buy, craft, quest, cooldown:

    It would be great to see unfortunate crews sailing on a raft and use the proximity chat to say them some encouraging words how close they are to a outpost ;).

    That's so cruel hahaha

  • The stranding captured pirates thing sounds amazing. Could make an awesome adventure.

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