Trying to make sense of this player's profile stats...

  • I was just ambushed while selling my loot (my bad for not taking a proper look around first 🤦‍♂️), and out of curiosity I checked the other player's profile afterwards...and their stats just don't make any sense to me:
    [mod edit]

    How does one rack up 31 days of play time (750 hours) and unlock the ghost curse while only sailing 100k meters and visiting only 49 islands? I understand that if someone exclusively played hourglass or just hunted players they could get that kind of play time without completing any voyages or really cashing in any loot (if they just let everything sink), but how would you do that without amassing a large distance sailed?

    Even visiting only 49 islands in that time seems unreasonable since (I think?) each outpost you load into when starting a session counts as a visited island. They'd have to almost exclusively join an existing crews that have already left their starting outpost.

    These numbers are what I would expect from a relatively new account, not someone who has several hundred hours of play time. Can someone explain how this is possible?

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  • Stats don't track accurately quite often

    and in general other people's stats aren't really everyone's business unless they bring it up themselves. It's a thing people do in this game to validate/justify whatever narrative they are gonna run with against a person but it doesn't really mean anything.

    Typically cheating accusations, or calling them bad at the game, etc.

  • If you believe a player has been toxic in the game or suspect foul-play, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support. As this is a matter for Support and not the Forums, I'll be dropping anchor here.

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