Does Devil's Roar provide a fun challenge or is it just annoying?

  • Before I start I just wanna preface this and say that I mean no offense or hate or anything with anything I say. If you really love DR, I'm happy for you. I am a solo slooper, which after reading many forum posts about the DR is a pretty big red flag and often any criticism they give can be instantly dismissed because this is a teamwork-oriented game and DR is meant to be the most challenging region.

    I agree with all of that, I am perfectly okay with DR being out of reach for the average solo player.

    I have an incredibly tough time in that area and most of it I can say is from a lack of knowledge about the mechanics and being a solo pirate, but I really find it hard to believe that DR is any fun. I love a good challenge, I'm not asking for any handouts here but it seems like even with a full 4-man crew, DR is mostly just bullsh*t or boredom.

    Let me elaborate with a description what I assume is the meta strategy for a 4-man crew doing a voyage in DR looks like and someone can tell me how accurate it is. Basically it seems like it boils down to the crew pairing off and 2 people go onto the island while the other 2 stay on the ship and either constantly circle the island and repair the ship when it is inevitably hit by a heat-seeking rock (bullsh*t) or they sail out of range of the volcano and wait (boredom). Do I have that about right? Sure, this requires more coordination and thus is more challenging, but is it any fun? I feel like it cannot possibly be fun for anyone staying back on the ship and for the people on the island, its just a normal voyage with a few more obstacles to overcome.

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  • @isaaac5643 The Roar is the most unique and fascinating area in the whole map. If you take your time to explore it and learn to read the way volcanic and seismic activities announce themselves, you are golden.

    Sometimes when playing solo I actually prefer to run different voyages in the Roar because not many like that part of the map.

  • So annoying. I really dislike the roar. The extra elements do nothing for me, they are just an annoyance (looking at you geysers.)

  • By now its part of the history of the game. SoT at the time, needed something new, something exciting, and that region is a reminder of that time of renewal in SoT history. Also its part of the lore in form of its connection to the Tall Tales.

  • The "fun" part of the roar was that someone might randomly find or steal a box of secrets. The second most rare thing in the game. One of two things that are even rare in the game.

    Now that the box of secrets is irrelevant because of it being flooded into the environment multiple times in the last few seasons the roar has lost quite a bit of the "fun" part, but it's still fine to have in the game.

    Now if someone finds one or steals one they gotta go down the list of,

    "Not an exploit"
    "Not cheesed"
    "Not pop up plunder"

    and it doesn't really matter because the rarity has been removed, which removes the significance of the find or steal.

    That was a lot of the "fun" part of the roar.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Does Devil's Roar provide a fun challenge or is it just annoying?:

    The "fun" part of the roar was that someone might randomly find or steal a box of secrets. The second most rare thing in the game. One of two things that are even rare in the game.

    Now that the box of secrets is irrelevant because of it being flooded into the environment multiple times in the last few seasons the roar has lost quite a bit of the "fun" part, but it's still fine to have in the game.

    Now if someone finds one or steals one they gotta go down the list of,

    "Not an exploit"
    "Not cheesed"
    "Not pop up plunder"

    and it doesn't really matter because the rarity has been removed, which removes the significance of the find or steal.

    That was a lot of the "fun" part of the roar.

    Hasn't the rarity been returned as pop-up plunder was only temporary in game ?

  • @lem0n-curry said in Does Devil's Roar provide a fun challenge or is it just annoying?:

    @wolfmanbush said in Does Devil's Roar provide a fun challenge or is it just annoying?:

    The "fun" part of the roar was that someone might randomly find or steal a box of secrets. The second most rare thing in the game. One of two things that are even rare in the game.

    Now that the box of secrets is irrelevant because of it being flooded into the environment multiple times in the last few seasons the roar has lost quite a bit of the "fun" part, but it's still fine to have in the game.

    Now if someone finds one or steals one they gotta go down the list of,

    "Not an exploit"
    "Not cheesed"
    "Not pop up plunder"

    and it doesn't really matter because the rarity has been removed, which removes the significance of the find or steal.

    That was a lot of the "fun" part of the roar.

    Hasn't the rarity been returned as pop-up plunder was only temporary in game ?

    This season had people sailing around with 10, 15, 20+ on their boat.

    Once it becomes a meme of an item it loses the only real value it has (beyond 25+k). The rarity of the screenshot/clip.

    When people are in a situation where people that go public with their find gotta explain that it's "not this this or that" it takes away from the experience.

    The entire point of the box of secrets is the organic find or steal. Anything that isn't organic harms significance.

    and it was a completely unnecessary thing to mess with, one new item specifically for community events creates an entirely new experience rather than making something irrelevant in the rarity part of the game. 1 new community event item was all it would take. Very unfortunate they didn't go that route.

    The box of secrets is just a different version of the reaper chests, they could literally just throw some new paint on it and call it the community chest (only available on community weekends) and it still would have worked out better than flooding the box of secrets.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Does Devil's Roar provide a fun challenge or is it just annoying?:

    @lem0n-curry said in Does Devil's Roar provide a fun challenge or is it just annoying?:

    @wolfmanbush said in Does Devil's Roar provide a fun challenge or is it just annoying?:

    The "fun" part of the roar was that someone might randomly find or steal a box of secrets. The second most rare thing in the game. One of two things that are even rare in the game.

    Now that the box of secrets is irrelevant because of it being flooded into the environment multiple times in the last few seasons the roar has lost quite a bit of the "fun" part, but it's still fine to have in the game.

    Now if someone finds one or steals one they gotta go down the list of,

    "Not an exploit"
    "Not cheesed"
    "Not pop up plunder"

    and it doesn't really matter because the rarity has been removed, which removes the significance of the find or steal.

    That was a lot of the "fun" part of the roar.

    Hasn't the rarity been returned as pop-up plunder was only temporary in game ?

    This season had people sailing around with 10, 15, 20+ on their boat.

    Hopefully it was stolen from people who cheesed it 😁. Also, hyperbole ? How many pop-up plunders on one server would that take ?

    Once it becomes a meme of an item it loses the only real value it has (beyond 25+k). The rarity of the screenshot/clip.

    Don't put much significance of others posting clips or screenshots, especially if they do "achieve" them via a cheesey method. What's next, give people props because they joined a Distinction 10 Guild and got those achievements while not doing the work ?

    When people are in a situation where people that go public with their find gotta explain that it's "not this this or that" it takes away from the experience.

    Woldn't that be on the people commenting on it ? Probably because of their own memes or just being a jerk against a poster ?

    The entire point of the box of secrets is the organic find or steal. Anything that isn't organic harms significance.

    and it was a completely unnecessary thing to mess with, one new item specifically for community events creates an entirely new experience rather than making something irrelevant in the rarity part of the game. 1 new community event item was all it would take. Very unfortunate they didn't go that route.

    On the other hand, now newer people know about the item being in the game. People who didn't to the TT or rushed through them with a guide probably didn't have a clue it was in game at all.

    The alternative you mentioned would have been content that would be removed afterwards. New players wondering how they would get the PlunderPopUpChest ... ?

  • @lem0n-curry said in Does Devil's Roar provide a fun challenge or is it just annoying?:

    On the other hand, now newer people know about the item being in the game. People who didn't to the TT or rushed through them with a guide probably didn't have a clue it was in game at all.

    Not knowing about something, figuring stuff out, finding out later on, these are all wonderful parts of adventure.

    It's just another example of them doing something really well for an adventure experience and then sacrificing it for some twitter posts.

    Nearly all of the boxes of secrets go to experienced players because they follow the social media part and have the power to take control on servers.

    It's just a - give veteran players their easy screenshots so we get a little bit of a social media bump- program.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Does Devil's Roar provide a fun challenge or is it just annoying?:

    @lem0n-curry said in Does Devil's Roar provide a fun challenge or is it just annoying?:

    On the other hand, now newer people know about the item being in the game. People who didn't to the TT or rushed through them with a guide probably didn't have a clue it was in game at all.

    Good, not knowing about something, figuring stuff out, finding out later on, these are all wonderful parts of adventure.

    You do realise by posting

    The "fun" part of the roar was that someone might randomly find or steal a box of secrets.

    you might have ruined that for the OP... and possible others who read this thread and weren't aware of the chest ...

  • @lem0n-curry said in Does Devil's Roar provide a fun challenge or is it just annoying?:

    you might have ruined that for the OP... and possible others who read this thread and weren't aware of the chest ...

    That's not how that works

    The shrouded ghost and once upon a time the box of secrets were/are a tavern tale.

    "I saw this" "My friend saw this" "I heard about this"

    What ruins that is flooding of evidence of it, taking away the rarity and the campfire tale of it. Turning it into just another giveaway item and another item that has been cheesed.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Does Devil's Roar provide a fun challenge or is it just annoying?:

    @lem0n-curry said in Does Devil's Roar provide a fun challenge or is it just annoying?:

    you might have ruined that for the OP... and possible others who read this thread and weren't aware of the chest ...

    That's not how that works

    The shrouded ghost and once upon a time the box of secrets were/are a tavern tale.

    "I saw this" "My friend saw this" "I heard about this"

    What ruins that is flooding of evidence of it, taking away the rarity and the campfire tale of it. Turning it into just another giveaway item and another item that has been cheesed.

    Only if you're assuming OP (or others) read the twitter posts &c during Pop-Up-Plunder. For all other cases they won't have the surprise when they encounter a never before seen chest ...

    As the PuP was temporarily in the game, finding the chest currently (or turning it in), is rare.

  • The roar has a lot of potential, but i dont find it fun, the only reason to go there is unique rewards.

    The whole regions main issue is that unlike the storm and fog, the natural hazards of the roar feel very artificially boosted and excessive. If they cut down the number of geysers and made them not just try to appear right under you constantly, and reduced the aimbot of volcanic rocks just a bit, it would feel dangerous, but not just completely frustrating.

    The roar has a lot of potential to be fun but still dangerous, but just making everything target you frequently, on top of boiling water, ontop of near no supplies, and not being able to sprint in quakes, the entire difficulty of the whole place just feels too forced and unnatural.

  • The geysers really help against skellies though.

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