Your Daily Hourglass Rage Post

  • How am I supposed to win when my gun doesn't shoot? Or when my food doesn't heal me?

    I consider myself roughly average, maybe a little below, but somewhere around the middle of the bell curve. But this match in hourglass was just kinda stupid. Firstly, I shot my opponent SO MANY TIMES (when my gun even wanted to shoot), even with server-side hit markers on, he just didn't die. And when he's on my ladders, I go to shoot him but my gun won't fire and he teleports behind me bc of the ladder animation and swords me to death because my food also won't heal me. Secondly, SO MANY BLACK SCREENS. Takes me a whole minute just to load into the ferry, let alone get back. Finally, why do kegs spawn in the water in hourglass? And why do islands shoot at you? Imo those should be disabled in the area during an hourglass fight. Too unfair.

    Ok, that was your daily dose of hourglass rage posts. I'm done coping. Have a good one y'all.

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    xbox one
  • The first mistake you're making is thinking that the hourglass mode is any type of pro competitive thing.

    Hourglass mode is in Adventure and is subject to adventure rules.

    It sounds like server/client registration issues to me. It sucks but it happens. Sink and move on.

xbox one
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