Bit of a Dissapointing Outcome

  • I just want to put this interaction out there because it made me a little sad and in days of ole, I feel like it could have made for a fun interaction.

    I was playing as a Merchant Alliance emissary tonight and just doing a few tall tales while picking up passive loot along the way when I saw a reaper galleon before I went to bed for the night, doing a Fort of The Damned, with a Skeleton Ship Armada event in the background. I immediately thought of a plan. I would sail to the Fort, sneak up to the galleon, throw up my Alliance Flag and white flares, and Doctor Strange style, yell "I'VE COME TO BARGAIN" to offer to them alliance, where they could do the fort, I would go do the skeleton ship event (Something I'm really good at as I'm grinding for the Hoarder of Barnacled Gold commendation right now) and I would come back with 5 Ritual skulls, something that drops a LOT from those events, and all I would ask was alliance, and 1/4 of the loot from the FoTD that I was actually there for. A pretty good deal, and even if they said no I would just go to bed. So I sailed over, snuck up and it went perfectly, they hardly noticed I was coming till I was 50 feet away with my flares in the air yelling "I'VE COME TO MAKE A DEAL!" and then they killed me over and over, kegged my ship, and set me on fire, which, honestly a little understandable for a reapers ship. But 3 of them DID like my plan, the ship was a random crew so the 4th person just killed me over and over and blunder bombed me while I attempted to talk to the galleon crew, in the process sinking his own galleon somehow? But I did not sink during this, and they agreed this was a great opportunity for gold for both of us. So I waited for them to return, allied, during the hail of EoR fire from the 4th member to the dismay of his crew, and I sailed north to get the ritual skulls. I'm pretty quick at Battle For The Sea Of Thieves, I finished it in about 20 or 30 minutes, and went to sail south when the alliance suddenly ended, I assume because the random galleon fell apart. Then a Reaper Brig sailed nearby started to chase me, (solo sloop), so I decided to restart my plan with them! I wanted to make that gold and use my skulls! So I sailed into the wind to stay ahead of them and yell back to them to make a deal. This lasted maybe 10 minutes. I yelled over and over "I'D LIKE TO MAKE A DEAL FOR MY LOOT" or "HEAR MY PLEA!" and none of it ever got a response, I even typed in chat. I think most ships now just play with all other crews fully muted, and they just fired at me the entire time trying to sink me. So I just stopped, accepting that they would chase me forever for the little loot I had on board, and now I'm going to bed. I just wanted to get my cool plan out there for people to see, and get the little bit of saddness off my chest that the community has sort of moved past peaceful cool interactions or even interactions at all for more PvP style stuff. They just wanted what I had on board and I didn't have a single other thing I could give them, no matter how many times I tried, and they were not new players, all legends like myself with the Fortune ship, so that's a little sad. They didn't really need my loot, and neither did I.

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