What I learned in last session.

  • @captain-coel If you aren't sailing for loot, what are you sailing for?

  • @goldsmen So all of a sudden Rare is hypocritical? Something is only toxic if they say it is? Otherwise everything is game?

  • @n0soup4u Heck ya! While it's on my ship I can do what I want with it and if that is putting it out of reach of everyone well I decided to do that and that is my pirate code!

  • @n0soup4u said in What I learned in last session.:

    @goldsmen So all of a sudden Rare is hypocritical? Something is only toxic if they say it is? Otherwise everything is game?

    It is their game, they decide how it is to be played, and they decide what is allowed or falls under the grounds of toxicity. The person who creates the rules is only hypocritical if they go against the rules they make, not if they make a rule.

  • @huhxyz said in What I learned in last session.:

    @captain-coel If you aren't sailing for loot, what are you sailing for?

    Sailing for fun. Sailing for fights. I'm Sailing while hanging with my friends.

    Sometimes I just sail around and look for megalodons, kill them and move on.

    If my friends are on we work on their commendations (I've only got 11 left in the whole game, so I let them pick)

  • @goldsmen Their rule of "be the pirate you wanna be" Seems pretty open ended, only for them to then decide that it's not actually about being the pirate you wanna be. Actually, based on what you're telling me right now it sounds like it's "be the pirate WE want you to be". If Rare decided using a sword is toxic, we're gonna remove the sword, don't you think that'd be a bit ridiculous? Rare can do what they want, I cannot and will not stop them, but I certainly share my opinion about why they're wrong and inconsistent.

  • @captain-coel Nice to be at a point like that. With your factions capped out and majority of commendations done. Sure would be great to experience that one day if the chance to actually progress was given.

  • @huhxyz said in What I learned in last session.:

    @wolfmanbush Pfft, good joke matey. Nah, I don't have the drive to match the 16 hour a day 4k hours played this game asks for. Nor does it deserve. Trying to learn how to swim in the middle of the ocean is a horrid way to learn same goes for trying to learn how to play in these waters.

    I know you can do well in the game, if there comes a time where you genuinely want to do well in the game, you will.

    you don't need to do it alone, you can post a gameplay tips thread and list out your goals and I'll help where I can

    you can post a tavern tale thread and post your progress there and I'll follow along and contribute

    you'll do alright as soon as you decide that is what you are looking to do

  • @wolfmanbush Oh I've tried to get gud. The last wasted 100 hours have been spent watching tutorial videos and actively fighting back. Even forced myself into HG pvp. Can tell you now and you can accept this or not, doesn't help. Still get crushed still get screwed still get forced off the seas. So take your positive outlook and chew on some reality.

  • @huhxyz faction capping is easy. doing things and getting pirate legend is kind of a joke(I have 5).

    As I said, I let my friends pick what we do. I'm ambivalent to what they want to do. Sometimes we just fight. Its a blast to sail around and pvp.

  • @wolfmanbush said in What I learned in last session.:

    @scheneighnay said in What I learned in last session.:

    @wolfmanbush said in What I learned in last session.:

    @scheneighnay said in What I learned in last session.:

    And at the end of the rainbow is nothing

    how does one know without moving forward and finding out for themselves?

    Because the core problem is the same win or lose.

    Even if you win when the other ship rolls up, you wasted most of your session for nothing.

    the core problem is that people embrace complacency and blame rather than their potential

    People have incredible potential even when things are tough.

    Potential isn't going to add free time to my schedule.

  • @captain-coel Wow! I have 1, took over 200 hours to do. Struggling and getting what little scraps I could get when not being chased and sunk on repeat. So proud you are just better then me and would instantly sink me if you had the desire and chance.

  • Ill say it again and to every blind pirate.

    Find a rowboat before you do anything.

  • @n0soup4u said in What I learned in last session.:

    @goldsmen Their rule of "be the pirate you wanna be" Seems pretty open ended, only for them to then decide that it's not actually about being the pirate you wanna be. Actually, based on what you're telling me right now it sounds like it's "be the pirate WE want you to be". If Rare decided using a sword is toxic, we're gonna remove the sword, don't you think that'd be a bit ridiculous? Rare can do what they want, I cannot and will not stop them, but I certainly share my opinion about why they're wrong and inconsistent.

    With that very same line of logic and reason, that would mean rare is hypocritical for barring people from using exploits, not allowing spawn camping and banning toxicity since they could say "being toxic and spawn camping is just part of the pirate i want to be". But i have a feeling that you would not like rare to allow exploiters and spawn campers to run free.

    There has to be limits and rules in place, and a simple silly slogan doesnt change that fact.

  • @burnbacon I actually like this advice lol, few times we had to resort to having one of us sail away with the loot or fish (fish is better doesnt shine like a "come kill me beacon". So at least we get something out of losing

  • @goldsmen said in What I learned in last session.:

    @n0soup4u said in What I learned in last session.:

    @goldsmen Their rule of "be the pirate you wanna be" Seems pretty open ended, only for them to then decide that it's not actually about being the pirate you wanna be. Actually, based on what you're telling me right now it sounds like it's "be the pirate WE want you to be". If Rare decided using a sword is toxic, we're gonna remove the sword, don't you think that'd be a bit ridiculous? Rare can do what they want, I cannot and will not stop them, but I certainly share my opinion about why they're wrong and inconsistent.

    With that very same line of logic and reason, that would mean rare is hypocritical for barring people from using exploits, not allowing spawn camping and banning toxicity since they could say "being toxic and spawn camping is just part of the pirate i want to be". But i have a feeling that you would not like rare to allow exploiters and spawn campers to run free.

    There has to be limits and rules in place, and a simple silly slogan doesnt change that fact.

    Except they allow all those things, because their system is flawed.

  • @huhxyz said in What I learned in last session.:

    @wolfmanbush Oh I've tried to get gud. The last wasted 100 hours have been spent watching tutorial videos and actively fighting back. Even forced myself into HG pvp. Can tell you now and you can accept this or not, doesn't help. Still get crushed still get screwed still get forced off the seas. So take your positive outlook and chew on some reality.

    Optimism and belief in others is reality

    I've spent time without both, that's why I never recommend going without it for others.

  • @huhxyz said in What I learned in last session.:

    @wolfmanbush ...and actively fighting back.

    I don't think you'll listen but I'll try this anyway:

    You cannot learn effectively when you're only on the defensive. You're too busy panicking and/or reacting to what the other guys are doing.

    The best way to learn good pvp skills is to go on the offensive. Go out and attack anyone and everyone you see (once you get better skills you can be more discerning).

    When you go on the attack, you have the initiative and you can make a plan for how to start things off. You still won't necessarily win, starting out, but over time you will improve.

    And the great thing is that as you improve by doing this, you'll also automatically get better on those occasions when you get attacked.

    If you have the capability to record your fights, do so, so that you can review them later and see what opportunities you might have missed, or what sound cues you didn't pick up on (someone boarding for example).

    If you want to practice being accurate at cannons, take pot shots at rocks as you pass by.

    Soloing the flameheart fleet, skelly fleets, or order of souls fleet will teach good cannon shots and ship management (do I need to repair now or can it wait another couple of shots?).

    In addition, do the above with loot on board. That'll help break the "loot == success" mentality we all came into this game with, and allow you to enjoy the game for the experiences it offers including losing a fight.

    Good luck!

  • @scheneighnay said in What I learned in last session.:

    @goldsmen said in What I learned in last session.:

    @n0soup4u said in What I learned in last session.:

    @goldsmen Their rule of "be the pirate you wanna be" Seems pretty open ended, only for them to then decide that it's not actually about being the pirate you wanna be. Actually, based on what you're telling me right now it sounds like it's "be the pirate WE want you to be". If Rare decided using a sword is toxic, we're gonna remove the sword, don't you think that'd be a bit ridiculous? Rare can do what they want, I cannot and will not stop them, but I certainly share my opinion about why they're wrong and inconsistent.

    With that very same line of logic and reason, that would mean rare is hypocritical for barring people from using exploits, not allowing spawn camping and banning toxicity since they could say "being toxic and spawn camping is just part of the pirate i want to be". But i have a feeling that you would not like rare to allow exploiters and spawn campers to run free.

    There has to be limits and rules in place, and a simple silly slogan doesnt change that fact.

    Except they allow all those things, because their system is flawed.

    For the time being i will leave this debate where it lays and let anyone else take over if they wish. All i can say for now is i disagree, but for now i am done with the debate about what is/what isnt toxic.

  • @goldsmen said in What I learned in last session.:

    With that very same line of logic and reason, that would mean rare is hypocritical for barring people from using exploits, not allowing spawn camping and banning toxicity since they could say "being toxic and spawn camping is just part of the pirate i want to be". But i have a feeling that you would not like rare to allow exploiters and spawn campers to run free.

    There has to be limits and rules in place, and a simple silly slogan doesnt change that fact.

    Right so they have standards, and those standards SHOULD allow people to be able to play the game they way they want without feeling as though Rare is giving them the middle finger. It's a small example but compare hunter's call to the other factions. The lack of attention shown to the hunter's call alienates that group of people. The gold amount for doing hunter's call related stuff isn't even comparable, so if I wanted gold I can't be the fishing pirate I want to be I have to go be the gold hoarders pirate or the OoS pirate.

    There has to be balance, and in the PvP world currently, there isn't enough balance to help those who are a little less fortunate in their PvP abilities. There are people, who will just never be able to get good. They can take all the advice you guys give them and still not be able to come out on top enough times for them to feel like they want to continue playing the game. What would you say to them? Or is it ok to let them go because who cares you cant keep everyone?

  • @huhxyz Just focus on getting the loot you can. My first PL was in June 2018. Took 2.5 months. loot was barely there and it took along time.

    Now there are tools. If you don't use emissary flags it will go slow. you can do some content designed to be easy/quick. Sea fortresses are great for the variety of loot and relative quick time to complete ~10 minutes. Harpoon make moving loot easy.

    If you have more than you are willing to lose, just go sell. The Roar might be rough, but most people avoid it. There are ways to progrss without being a victim immediately. If you have questions feel free to dm me and I'll answer them all. That being you ran and ran and then turned to fight. This means you lost, but you chose when that happened. Picking when to fight is part of the game. And yeah I lost a bunch when I started.

  • @knurd9369 I will say this advice isn't actually all that bad over all and I commend you for this idea. The only problem is those who simply don't want to PvP, a minority of people but they are out there. What's the solution to them? (Ignoring the technicality that defending is PvP, but Im talking about offense here, as you have stated)

  • @n0soup4u said in What I learned in last session.:

    @knurd9369 I will say this advice isn't actually all that bad over all and I commend you for this idea. The only problem is those who simply don't want to PvP, a minority of people but they are out there. What's the solution to them? (Ignoring the technicality that defending is PvP, but Im talking about offense here, as you have stated)


  • @n0soup4u There isn't one.

    Unless they implement PvE servers, which they don't want to do. (Personally, I believe this game doesn't have enough PvE content to support PvE only play for more than a few weeks at most).

    One thing I will add is that learning PvP skills will make your PvE experience 100 times better, because if you see another crew approaching, you'll be able to mount a decent defense.

    It sure turned the game around for me!

  • @knurd9369 Fair enough, and it aint exactly an easy issue to solve either, those people do exist but I guess the game isn't for them then. I do agree that PvE content is a bit lacking in so far as depth goes.

  • @scheneighnay I think full PvE players are a minority, and I only say that as a technicality: Players who literally will not even attempt to fight back (at all).

  • @n0soup4u said in What I learned in last session.:

    @scheneighnay I think full PvE players are a minority, and I only say that as a technicality: Players who literally will not even attempt to fight back (at all).

    In that sense sure, but I'm confident PVP is secondary to the majority of the community.

  • @scheneighnay I agree, and that's obvious because A: There's no more arena, and B: what's the point to all the other content of the game if you're just gonna go around killing people regardless? Might as well just queue up for a TDM in any common FPS these days.

  • @n0soup4u said in What I learned in last session.:

    There are people, who will just never be able to get good. They can take all the advice you guys give them and still not be able to come out on top enough times for them to feel like they want to continue playing the game. What would you say to them? Or is it ok to let them go because who cares you cant keep everyone?

    There are people that feel that way about themselves and they are mistaken

    They just haven't found the compatible approach to exercise their strengths and talents yet

    This is an adventure game, everyone has what it takes to adventure, it's just a matter of putting the pieces together to allow it to happen in a way that efficiently moves people forward in the right direction for them.

  • @wolfmanbush listen man, I know you're all about positivity, but lets talk about reality, there are people who L I T E R A L L Y, cannot do it. Some people just aren't good at games. Period.

  • @n0soup4u said in What I learned in last session.:

    @wolfmanbush listen man, I know you're all about positivity, but lets talk about reality, there are people who L I T E R A L L Y, cannot do it. Some people just aren't good at games. Period.

    It's unlikely you will ever meet someone that plays this game that cannot significantly improve their sessions and it's unlikely you will ever meet someone that plays this game that doesn't have strengths that can be used for more compatible outcomes

    That's reality.

    I am willing to invest time for strategy with anyone that is willing to dedicate to goals that doesn't think they will ever improve.

  • @n0soup4u said in What I learned in last session.:

    @scheneighnay I agree, and that's obvious because A: There's no more arena...

    I don't think you can use arena as an accurate way to judge the number of people who do PvP. I love the battles in this game but arena was an awful experience.

  • @knurd9369 Well there's 2 reason to PvP: TDM cause pvp in and of itself is considered fun, or thievery. If there's no loot there's no thievery, which I guess doesn't even apply to arena now that I think about it cause technically there was a chest to dig up 😂

  • @huhxyz reading through some of this thread feels very "woe is me".

    ...What are you looking for as a result of this thread?

    Solo play in Sea of Thieves is the defacto hard mode no matter how much they balance the PvE... because PvP will almost always leave you outmatched.

    Unless you're willing to sink (and I'm not exaggerating) thousands of hours into "getting good" as a solo player, expect it to be hard. Expect to lose at PvP often and early in your sailing days. Nothing is going to "fix" that. That's the reality.

    If you're dedicated to the solo life, my suggestion would be to minimize as much risk as possible...sell as often as possible...no matter how tempting it is to do "just one more thing" before you sell. I'd also suggest not wasting time running. Either fight or scuttle to a new server. No matter which you choose, either would be more wise than spanning the map hoping the PvP will just go away...99% of the time, it won't...and you will have wasted all that time.

    Or, if you're willing to find a crew (no I don't mean the cesspool known as Open Crew), that can really make things easier...but I understand that isn't for everyone.

  • Oaft this post is definitely a salty one.

    Look, you’ve signed up to play a PvP game with elements of PvE in it. No-one owes you mercy and when you log in every time, you are a potential target.

    If all you’re gonna do is whine every time you sink that you sunk, then you’ll never improve. When people say “don’t like it? Play something else.” It’s meant to stop you from creating toxic posts baiting people into having a fight with you cause you feel you’re in the right over a game you have very little care for it seems.

    How about leaving it down to Rare who built the game to their vision? Cause they didn’t build a game with just PvE in mind, cause in a modern day setting, that’s boring as biscuits.

    I don’t want to be mean, but you should really consider your attitude over other players engaging in the core mechanics of the game, playing how they like. If that “ruins your day” then shake it off, go “okay”, I’ll learn for next time, then don’t take it so seriously, and move on.

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