A PVE Protest for the pvp Season 8 To make it easier for us pve

  • Not everyone likes an easy win It ruins the game Trust me I know

  • @urgedsniper0009 Sure, some of the harder core players like challenging fights, but I seriously can't believe that anyone would say no to getting a free win streak.

  • @valor-omega Yeah exactly

  • @urgedsniper0009

    Reality check: those are not your friends. Friends do not kick someone just for failing at PVP. Real friends like their friends for their character.

    The sooner you realize this, the better for you, outside of this game also.

  • @valor-omega Are you on xbox

  • @urgedsniper0009

    I am decent at naval, cannons. But I have a fried who I sail with, he is great at close combat PVP. We make a good pair.

    Go find someone similar, and you will be better off.

  • @urgedsniper0009
    Sea of Thieves has had many updates and a lot of those updates have added strictly PvE content. For example, new voyages, new environments, new story.
    Some updates have added things that are at their core PvE, but encourage PVP, like the fort of fortune. It is at it's heart a player versus environment activity. It is, however, made to entice many crews to fight over it, encouraging player versus player moments but with no real PvP mechanic behind it.
    Some updates have had mainly PvE additions but with a sprinkle of PvP additions, for instance chain shots being added. Chain shots have practically no use outside of PvP.
    Clearing out a fort is a PvE activity and the addition of PvP activity to a fort only happens when other pirates/players show up and fight you. In that scenario it's more fitting to call it a PvEvP experience, which is exactly what Sea of Thieves is trying to be.

    The Sea of Bones update is strictly a PvP update and that alone makes it unlike any other update we have had. We have never gotten a pure PvP update. This added mechanic helps crews to find real fights with like minded players. This ends the days of sailing around until you spot a ship, then attacking it only to find out you have upset someone that didn't even want a fight. The time spent searching for another ship, finding it, sinking it quickly and without a fight was too much for too little enjoyment or reward.
    This update gives players that love a good fight the ability to find those fights much faster and more easily. This mechanic is designed to help like minded players get into the action they want.

    The fact that these factions still reward allegiance when you loose promotes the inclusion of everyone. Even if you are terrible at PvP and loose every battle, you still level up.

    It's like a participation award, unfortunately.

    Each battle should help players get better. They learn more about battle, they make better decisions, they get better aim. Practice is required to be good at anything and this game is no different. You have to learn how to sail, shoot, and juggle all other responsibilities on your ship to be successful.

    If you enjoy fighting other players, then this update should be an enjoyable one. If you don't like fighting other players, than maybe the content that came with this update is not for you.
    If you like this game, then play this game, but play it in a way that you enjoy. If you like this game but find it frustrating when you PvP, than maybe avoid PvP and this new content, or practice getting better at it by using this new mechanic, fighting some other players, and learning how to improve.

    These factions are designed and implemented to be a purely player versus player experience, rewarding players for being successful in battle against other players. (and rewarding even when you're not successful) Changing the faction to provide progression outside of PvP would destroy their idea for these factions and ruin the factions for the players they were created to please.

    With your idea of progressing through fighting skeletons, which you consider PvP for some unknown reason, we would end up with another reaper's bones faction, designed for PvP but used mainly by PvE players that run from a fight. Reapers bones was never designed to be this way but mechanics allowed players to play this way. We don't need another addition that was meant to be PvP but evolved into something that lacks the very thing it was trying to promote.

    Again, I want you to be clear, PvP or Player versus Player is strictly fighting other players. PvP does not mean sharing a server with them, it does not mean hanging out on their ship with them, not killing skeletons side by side with them. It is 100% fighting with a human person controlling an ingame character.

    To be completely honest, I get the impression that you aren't enjoying yourself with this PvP content because your crewmate(s) are bringing you down. Fighting along side someone that is going to be negative and condescending like that will make anything and everything miserable. My crew knows my gungame isn't the best, but they never make me feel bad for it. They know my strong points are helm and cannons and they trust and encourage me to strive in those positions. We lift each other up and promote positivity between us so we play with confidence and with a good attitude. Even if we loose, we still had an overall positive experience and end up with no negative feelings towards each other. Usually we just hear encouragement on the things we did right and blaming ourselves for the mistakes we can admit we made. I constantly say things like "I shouldn't have done this" after a battle, but I never say "You shouldn't have done this".

  • @urgedsniper0009


    This is the best update in a long time, finally something revolving around PVP. Most of the updates so far been PVE focused. This IS balance, finally.

  • @pithyrumble said in A PVE Protest for the pvp Season 8 To make it easier for us pve:


    Turn on the Console/controller preferred setting. No PC players lol

    A perfectly reasonable suggestion, why does OP dismiss this?

  • @urgedsniper0009

    PVP stands for Player versus Player

    PVE is Player versus environment

    Skelly forts is not PVP

  • @downtonogood You are still fighting something It's not like you're fighting thin air it is still PVP If you are not fighting something it pve then I understand

  • What is this post even....

    Some vague dribble and moaning without understanding the game, or taking into consideration well written and elaborate responses from others. This feels more like a rant to be honest, which carries zero value.

    I pity everyone who tried to make suggestions here. Our time is better spent elsewhere.

    Best of luck to everyone.

  • @downtonogood PVP can also stand for player versus programmeing or programme which is mpc Not just player versus player Argue about it if you want an mpc is still a pvp

  • @urgedsniper0009 said in A PVE Protest for the pvp Season 8 To make it easier for us pve:

    @downtonogood PVP can also stand for player versus programmeing or programme which is mpc Not just player versus player Argue about it if you want an mpc is still a pvp

    Why don't you look it up instead of changing definitions of established nomenclature to prop up your already weak argument. PvP means PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER...PERIOD!

    If another player (aka live person) is not controlling your opponent, then you are not partaking in PvP no matter how you try to spin it or change definitions. Are you considering a career in politics with that mastery of double-talk?

  • @urgedsniper0009 said in A PVE Protest for the pvp Season 8 To make it easier for us pve:

    @downtonogood PVP can also stand for player versus programmeing or programme which is mpc Not just player versus player Argue about it if you want an mpc is still a pvp

    NO it can't. PvP is Player vs Player you are wrong. Admit it and move on already. Fighting an NPC is PvE. Go learn about video games and terms before spouting off this nonsense.

    I'm done with this post. The OP is clearly misguided.

  • @urgedsniper0009 said in A PVE Protest for the pvp Season 8 To make it easier for us pve:

    @downtonogood You are still fighting something It's not like you're fighting thin air it is still PVP If you are not fighting something it pve then I understand

    If another player/live person is not controlling your opponent, then it is not PvP but rather PvE (player versus environment)...BY DEFINITION!

  • @dlchief58 But you should still get levels fighting normal players in Season 8 Not just Athena and reapers It is still classed as pvp You have to agree with me on that

  • If fighting skeletons is PvP, you should have plenty of practice and therefore there is no reason to make it easier.

  • @urgedsniper0009 I'm not, I play on PC, but if you want to play a few rounds sometime, feel free to hit me up! I'm not a PvP god by any means, but I'm trying to hone my skills again (used to be a lot better, before I took a break).

  • @valor-omega Yeah mate that would be cool

  • @valor-omega I sent you a message On xbox

  • @urgedsniper0009 Word! Yeah mate, just hit me up if interested! I certainly am not the type to get mad or rage at my team mates if we lose, so I can guarantee that peace of mind, haha. I really am sorry that you've had to deal with people bringing you down like that, I'm sure that doesn't make the PvP experience fun.

    100% having a crew that respects you, regardless of skill makes a world of difference. Some players are no nonsense, only skill, etc, and while I respect that's what they want to do for their crews, I don't find that to be conducive for people that WANT to learn PvP. Being brought down isn't going to help anyone get better.

  • Are you saying that rare should discriminate against good players.

    That's not very nice

  • @urgedsniper0009 Roger that, I'll add you and we can play sometime!

  • @urgedsniper0009 said in A PVE Protest for the pvp Season 8 To make it easier for us pve:

    @dlchief58 But you should still get levels fighting normal players in Season 8 Not just Athena and reapers It is still classed as pvp You have to agree with me on that

    It is PvP, that is correct BUT it has nothing to do with the current content, thus not included..nor should it for a variety of reasons.

    If you aren't going to participate in the Battle for the Sea of Thieves content in a PvP sort of way as presented, why would you do so in the natural setting? And if it did count, it would be a slower means of leveling since you would actually have to hunt down targets (which takes time). You'd also be subject to unfair fights, something the matchmaking is supposed to moderate (and will given time to calibrate itself).

    Right now you are doing anything to hold on to your original participation trophy suggestion by throwing out everything and seeing what sticks to the wall...and failing miserably at it.

  • @valor-omega What time do you get on

  • @urgedsniper0009 Honestly depends on work and outside life, tbh. Though, typically I play more in the evenings.

  • @dlchief58 It's a pirate game it should consider everybody even the normal people

  • Since when is pirates ever been fair Tell me that

  • @urgedsniper0009 said in A PVE Protest for the pvp Season 8 To make it easier for us pve:

    @dlchief58 It's a pirate game it should consider everybody even the normal people

    But the content is designed to be played between 2 WILLING players, not anyone you roll up on in the game. You can play as a pirate all you want, but you have to pick and defend a side for this content - not go after every ship on the server you see for easy kills.

    @urgedsniper0009 said in A PVE Protest for the pvp Season 8 To make it easier for us pve:

    Since when is pirates ever been fair Tell me that

    Nice how you change the goalposts when it suits you and are losing your argument.

  • @dlchief58 Well I am going to end it here for now But I am still gonna still do my protest to make the PVP Season 8 More easier for us pver ✌ Levels for all not for sweat 🇺🇲

  • @urgedsniper0009 said in A PVE Protest for the pvp Season 8 To make it easier for us pve:

    @dlchief58 But you should still get levels fighting normal players in Season 8 Not just Athena and reapers It is still classed as pvp You have to agree with me on that

    I do not agree with you on that and I'll explain why.

    Right now, I can get on the game, vote on my hourglass and become a guardian of fate. Now if I want to earn gold, earn allegiance, or just some commendations, I have to battle with servants of the flame. These are crews that are looking for a fight, that are prepared and experienced. I have to fight well and outperform the other crew to earn what I'm after. They are ready, willing, and prepared. Completely dependent on Players competing against one another for the same goal.

    Now lets say your change was made and I can sink anyone. Why fight a servant of flame ship that is stocked up for battle and is ready for a fight when I can sail a couple islands over and sink Joe Bob who is by himself digging up chests? If I want progression, gold, a higher streak, or commendations, I'm definitely going after the easier target to reach my goal with less effort and risk. This doesn't create a good environment for PVP players or anyone really, it creates an environment of hunters and prey. With an update like that, it further splits PvP and PvE players. We would then have a mechanic that rewards going out and sinking anyone and everyone regardless of what they are doing. This is not an opt-in scenario anymore. These PvE players have now come back to a game that incentivizes hunting and sinking everyone and as a result, they are now a bigger target for PvP players through no fault of their own. We wouldn't have battles involving two crews wanting a true fight like we do now, would have crews in search and destroy mode and every ship would be a target.

    This hurts the PvE players not looking for a fight, and does a poor job of providing the good fights most PvP players are looking for. An hourglass crew would have to decide, do we sink unsuspecting crews for progression and likely be unchallenged and bored, or do we fight other PvP crews for the fun and excitement while likely not making very much progress?

  • @testakleze Well worst case scenario
    what wood happens if no one plays pvp Season 8 anymore then what happens Then no one can level up and gets the awards

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