Developers silence during these updates is kind of concerning

  • While we did get 1 update about captain which honestly wasn't really full of reasonable explanations as to some of the concerns with captaincy we didn't really hear that much after that. I assumed they released this update on a Tuesday instead of the usual Thursday because they knew they would run into issues and they would be working hard behind the scenes to fix them. Instead its been silence for nearly a week now. I don't think any update has been pushed out. I can't be the only one who feels this way, people use to praise Rare for their transparency during year1 but that seems to have vanished a long time ago.

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  • Transparency and communication aren't what I would consider their strengths but I also am not sure what this thread is about?

    It's running better than most updates even with the issues.

    In general the people that want to play it are enjoying it

    There are definitely things from season 7 and the past that they kept silent on that I 100% disagree with.

    I don't have any major concerns with transparency on this specific season, maybe I am missing something?

  • Holidays are nearly here. Time to slow down and get ready for a break.

  • This does seem a bit "I want to moan but dont neccesarily have anything to moan about." Update wotking well my end. No communication needed.

  • Update isn't for me. I'm not needing to hear anything. Running smooth..

  • I think this is because their idealistic vision of what they want the game to be is for a lot of aspects totally different from what a vast majority of the player base actually wants when you look at the forum/Reddit/Steam/Discords and comment sections.

    And this shows in how people are playing, exploiting, alliance servers, losing on purpose (my strategy as well), deranking, etc

    So I understand why they don't do weekly community updates if the only message is 'we won't change anything'.

  • @magus104 said in Developers silence during these updates is kind of concerning:

    [ ... ] I assumed they released this update on a Tuesday instead of the usual Thursday because they knew they would run into issues and they would be working hard behind the scenes to fix them. [ ... ]

    I assumed they changed the usual day because Thursday was Thanksgiving and they took into consideration

    • that US players might prefer to play on a day off instead of waiting for the servers to go online;
    • that any updates to servers based in the US might be more smooth when not done on Thanksgiving.
    • the Black Friday Sales had to be added (started Thursday I believe)
  • I just feel developers being silent on issues like this or trying to sweep it under the rug is the equivalent of giving people permission to just keep being bad actors. We all know they don't condone it but just staying silent on the issue because they might have some egg on their face isn't a good alternative. They are human. This game has a long history of Oops moments. I just miss the year 1 admittance to the issues instead of now just pretending it isn't happening. In all the youtube videos and press releases they seem so passionate about the game but when it comes to dealing with the community directly... Silence. Deafening silence.

    Like with how big this game has grown... At least in terms of people who have played the game, not sure about active users. These forums move fairly slowly compared to something like World of Warcraft where a thread can be buried in minutes. Yet it seems like mods who are mostly volunteers from the community are here more than any of the devs, if any of them actually come here at all. Kind of reminds of Blizzard forums. Before World of Warcraft you actually had developers having back and forth with the community on the forums. Then WoW release and the game blew up in popularity then the devs checked out of the forums. I always attributed it to how many posts were being made, but I would say these forums move about the pace of the Blizzard forums from 1999. Not saying that as a bad thing just that it's not a forum being flooded constantly with posts so its something that could very easily be viewed by an actual staff member yet I think they turn a blind eye to it to avoid any criticism. Not all criticism is bad. Most people posting here love the game and just want to see it become better but it seems we are speaking into a void most of the time.

  • For me the new pvp is ok, no need for tinkering except for maybe the reputation we get for winning or losing, which is really low since the first levels, even we you win. To grind decently you need huge streaks that requires a lot of time investment every session, which favours only people who don't have jobs or are content creators that live for the game. My last match was against a guy who was clearly running the whole time to make me quit. For the rest, "everything is ok!"
    One of the best updates we have ever got, standard and plunder pass included!

  • @magus104 What issues are they being silent about? What are 'bad actors' doing that is bothering you? Thr update has been pretty smooth for me and my friends so far. I've been dumpsters and done the dumpstering. I've been having a blast. Finished the season in 5 days while snagged a combined ~ 34 levels im the new factions.

    The United States had a major holiday on Thursday, likely the Tuesday update was for that. It's only been 7 days since they updated to season 8, and 2 of those were a weekend. There is no extended silence you seem to be imagining it.

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