Looking for a long term sloop partner.

  • I would like to find a sloopmate to sail with on a fairly regular basis. I play some weekdays from 3pm-9pm CST and weekends during the day and evenings. I have 2200+ hours in game and I enjoy a mix PvP and PvE. Looking for someone that would be available to play around the same timeframe in the afternoons/evenings, and someone that is chill, but can hold their own in a PvP encounter. Preferably 18+ with a mic. Don't really care about playtime, just that you're decent or have some prior knowledge of the game mechanics. I'm pretty open as long as we vibe.

    If this sounds like your jam, reply here and we can chat.

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  • Hi redeyezero,

    I will be available during these times, especially the later half, and I'm also looking for a sloop partner. Im sort of new to the game, but already have some PVP experience, and friends with hundreds of hours. I'd be happy to sail and help you with whatever you need. Im also 18+

  • I’m around usually between 6-11pm cst weekdays and off and on quite a bit on weekends. I’m still newer but will be pirate legend probably today or tomorrow. Been doing some PVP and 18+ with mic.

  • @alune9409

    Hey! Sounds good man. You can add me on discord and/or Xbox if you want. Discord is redeyezero#3017 and Xbox is redeyezero. We can link up for a game soon!

  • @seventhsquash3

    Sounds good man! Like I told the other guy, add me on discord and/or xbox. Discord is redeyezero#3017 and Xbox is redeyezero. We can get a game in soon!

  • Still looking. If you want a laid back, chill crewmate on a sloop with 2400+ hours of experience and want to sail regularly, please add my discord or gamertag. redeyezero#3017 on discord and redeyezero on xbox. I play on PC and am looking for someone chill but serious to play with regularly.

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