Being able to remove your mermaids

  • With all of the new features we have gotten in the sea of thieves I believe that we should be able to remove our mermaids so they do not ruin our tucks. Right now my friend and I are tucking waiting for this toxic ship to come but the issue is that our mermaids are gonna give us away. So I believe that we should be able to chose in settings to make it not spawn.

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  • able to remove our mermaids so they do not ruin our tucks.

    And remove the balance of it?

    You tucking is a risk=reward
    If you succeed, you could walk away with loot. Fail and you return to your ship.

    Without mermaids to give people a hint that someone is near. Tucking would be OP

    Besides, even with a mermaid saying “hey pirate” some players don’t even notice, pay attention or assume, it’s a glitched mermaid
    (From time to time. Mermaids never leave even if it’s your own)

    So no.
    If your having a hard time tucking, best find another way to play the game.

  • @burnbacon No, it wont make it OP.
    Rules hasnt changed, you still need to sneak into a ship, and its the ships's owners duty to make sure they dont have stowaways.

    Making it too easy to spot mermaids results to targeting new players over experienced.
    Tuckers like me resort to that, sure its still possible and from time to time I do manage on a decent crew, but not really.

  • I disagree, i think removing the mermaid makes it way more difficult for new players. A new player doesn't know where all the good tucking spots are on ships and islands and also don't know where all the barrel positions are (so they won't know what is a legit barrel and what a barrel hiding tucker).

  • @burnbacon said:

    From time to time. Mermaids never leave even if it’s your own)

    In my experience, it goes away if your entire crew is on the ship. So, if everyone's all aboard, and it's still there, then that typically means that there's still a perpetrator in your midst. Be on the lookout!

  • No thanks.

  • I feel like its pretty balanced the way it is right now.
    As a matter of fact, without the mermaid it would be pretty hard to ever realize someone is trying to tuck you, meaning u would have to search through your ship at all times, you would have to assume every island has hidden players on it, etc. I feel like thats bit overpowered.
    As it is tucking offers a lot of reward, with very little risk. So the risk of being spotted if u do it too bluntly is fine. There are still ways for skilled players to hide the mermaid, either behind the island by engaging in a clever way, or by using a rowboat, etc.

    Additionally, enabling the player to disable the mermaid would lead to a whole issue: Meaning u could disable it would also mean u can call for it whenever u need it back, thus giving u some sort of control over the mermaid, and thats not how it works lorewise.

    The lore (and Rare) specifically states that mermaids are not for the player to control, they are no muppets, they simply help the lost sailor because they do someone a favor.

  • No. Being able to remove your mermaids would make tucking OP.
    Every player at every moment would have to assume someone may have tucked while they were on an island and would have to search their ship from keel to topmast every single time they return to it.

    That would be boring and exhausting.

    So no, tuckers should not be able to make tucking easier. They can work for it.

  • So on my posts I’ve heard mostly that it would be to op to remove it so how about would would be able to make your mermaids move if you are tucking on an island. After my post my friends and I tuck was ruined because of where the mermaid spawned.

  • @groupkiller7026 If you are able to move it out of sight it's no different from removing it. The whole idea is that the opponent can see there's a tucker somewhere.

    Just pick a great tucking spot or switch them around a bit. Tuck on the island first which can be nigh impossible to find. Then when they cleared the ship and are assured there's no tuckers on it, try to get a tucking spot on there.

  • @groupkiller7026 said in Being able to remove your mermaids:

    So on my posts I’ve heard mostly that it would be to op to remove it so how about would would be able to make your mermaids move if you are tucking on an island. After my post my friends and I tuck was ruined because of where the mermaid spawned.

    No. This is no different from removing it.

  • Removing the mermaid would actually remove the suspense of tucking in my opinion. It wouldn't feel as satisfying to successfully pull off a tuck and steal if the opponent was never even looking for you.

    It's like a game of hide and seek. The mermaid is basically there to announce that the game is on. Not as fun to play hide and no seek or seek and no one hiding.

  • @eguzky Your merm disappears no matter on which ship you are - enemy or your own. Checking your ship is easy though. But searching an entire island everytime you make a Fort etc. would be a pain in the neck without the slightest hint of a tucking player.

  • No don't remove mermaids.

  • Quick question. If you are tucking on a ship with one of the hide emotes - for example the barrel. Does your mermaid still show up?

  • @zig-zag-ltu sagte in Being able to remove your mermaids:

    Quick question. If you are tucking on a ship with one of the hide emotes - for example the barrel. Does your mermaid still show up?

    Mermaid dissapears when u board any ship, no matter yours or enemy. So no, mermaid does not show up. If you barrel or not does not matter anymore.

  • Mermaids help keep tucking balanced, theres ways to keep them from spawning if your sneaky, but generally they are good to keep, on average most people wont notice them, or may just brush them off as bugged, but if some one spots it and realizes, well, that gives them a way to actually counter the tuck... Not to mention rare has stated in the past they dont want to give player control over the merms for that very reason.

  • Also I hate waiting for mermaids to spawn. You should be able to call in a mermaid like a cab in GTA 5

  • Also I hate waiting for mermaids to spawn. You should be able to call in a mermaid like a cab in GTA 5

  • Mermaids could do with a minor rework.

    I think if you swim to an island then the mermaid should spawn as normal.

    HOWEVER, if you are on a rowboat, ship etc no mermaid.

    If you jump/cannon from said boat/ship onto dry land without touching water then no mermaid.

    But summoning or removing them is a bad idea for balance. At most you should be able to move them to a less annoying spot with a whistle, one that other players can hear. You look in a direction and it spawns.

  • Nop, not agree with this, this would be ..somehow unfair during fights.

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