Just a note of gratitude

  • Hello there and please, take a minute to read this please.
    Thank you very much :)

    I'm gonna try and be as brief as it's possible!
    Just a week or two ago, I've talked my girlfriend into trying this game out with me since I was playing it on and off from the start I've fallen in love with this game and altough she did enjoy some aspects of the game really much! Some left a really bitter taste in her mouth for some time to which I can't blame her, this game can't be for everyone after all!
    BUT it made me realise, how much memories I have for this game... only then I've realised that when "The Hungering One" event was released, it was the first time EVER I've had a friendly interaction in this game.
    The friendly atmosphere that filled the air, playing shanties together, getting drunk, fighting the huge megalodon with the little supplies we had left and finally beating it, sailing in a full fleet of ships back to Shark Bait Cove, playing Becalmed as the sun was setting down and at the end... taking a screenshot of everyone who was involved, adding most of the lads to my friendlist.
    One of those lads is a good friend of mine nowdays ... we've met when the event was released and talked almost every night since!
    We both were still studying when we've met and now?
    He is a father to a beautiful boy for 5-6 months now!
    I was able to find someone, share a really huge amount of laughs together, share our fears and feelings when no one else was around, we kept sharing our webcams and having some beers via the video-chat and finally this year, we were supposed to meet, but sadly because of my work and his wife catching covid it didn't happen.
    SO, we are gonna try probably around the winter OR next year!
    But I digress...

    I've just wanted to say THANK YOU.
    To all the developers that was, are and will be a part of this game.
    Thank you for making this game what it is now and from the bottom of my heart, I wanna thank you all!
    Developers, players, anyone involved with this game ... Thank you! :)

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    communityjust for funfeedbackgeneral
  • Awesome, thank you for sharing

    the appreciation and positive approach you exhibit while communicating your experiences no doubt plays a significant part in the positive outcomes

    Wishing you many more experiences that bring joy to your pirate life and personal life.

communityjust for funfeedbackgeneral
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