The Tale of my First Day on the Sea of Thieves

  • Sea of Thieves hadn't been on my radar as a game I wanted to play until a few friends picked it up about a month ago. After hearing them have so much fun I bought a copy and started playing just yesterday, unaware of the massive adventure that we'd have.

    After beating the tutorial my friends invited me aboard their Brig, from where we would project our will upon the tides (to the best of our abilities) and sail for glory and plunder. They introduced me quickly to the Reaper's Bones and we would go on to hoist their flag for the rest of the day, inviting attention and relishing in it. I'm no stranger to PvP FPS games since I've sunk thousands of hours into Rainbow 6 and Hunt Showdown, so you can probably tell I grabbed hold of the Eye of Reach and didn't let go.

    I learned quickly to work the sails as part of a team as enemy ships either hunted us or ran from us, and when all was said and done we managed to send thirteen enemy player pirate ships -- most flying Envoys -- to Davy Jones without losing our Brig (and later Galleon) even once. For almost 10 hours straight with breaks for biology, food and water we patrolled the seas and generally just had a blast, making 1.5m Gold and 2,000 Doubloons in the process; but my true treasure was still out of reach. My friend had pointed out to me the Eye of Reach of the Ashen Dragon, and I had to have it. To possess such an item on my first day would be incredible, forever a memory on these Seas of the power of a full crew of friends working together and the memories we made.

    We had plundered for almost an entire day, and for all the combat and trials we had faced we grew kinder. We understood the ships and pirates around us, and when we chased down a Merchant ensign and ordered him to drop anchor or be destroyed and he obeyed, a turning point was reached. The poor man was destitute, with only six crates of tea on his deck. He surrendered, allowing us to just take it and go, but we desisted. Treasure flowed from our boat to his and with a wave, we set sail into the distance to face another Skeleton Fleet in stormy waters. Remember the name of our friend the Tea Merchant, WingedHussar779.

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    The storm was rough and the Skellie Galleons came hard and fast in more waves than we anticipated. Worse still, two players had spied our haul and joined in the battle hoping to take it all for themselves. Our masts fell, water poured into the hull as we fought desperately against nature, the undead and two skilled players with far more experience than me on the Seas. When we thought all was lost, a familiar Merchant Sloop broke the horizon, an explosive barrel on his deck and a cry into the text chat: 'WingedHussar779: "I JUST WANT TO BE REMEMBERED!"'

    With an explosion, our once-captive turned into our saviour, blasting apart one of the remaining two Skellie Galleons and giving us a chance to get things under control. The destruction of our player adversaries came swiftly, and before we knew it the battle was over. We claimed our loot and made our way to the Reaper's Hideout, harassed by more players all of the way there to turn in the last Tome I needed for my desired rifle, which I can now proudly say I hold in my hands.

    Thank you to Scoober1987, MoondewVT, Nevermore and our special guest WingedHussar779 for making my first day on this game absolutely unforgettable. May we have many more adventures like these.alt text

    And lastly, thank you Rare for creating such a fun game!

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  • As a veteran of these waters im here to say welcome to sea of thieves and remember its not about the gold its about the glory

    may the winds of fortune and the waves of glory guide you on your way

  • @icecube1940 said in The Tale of my First Day on the Sea of Thieves:

    As a veteran of these waters im here to say welcome to sea of thieves and remember its not about the gold

    Dont listen to him, dont let anyone stop you from GOLD hoarding :D

  • I wish my first day was as memorable and positive as your first day.

  • The Tale of my First Day
    1.5m Gold and 2,000 Doubloons

    the times they are a-changin'

    Welcome and best of luck to you

  • @captnselkirk Awesome story and well-written with a great twist in the middle!

    Welcome to the Seas and may Fortune smile on you!

  • Arr a fine voyage ye had. Welcome to the sea of thieves!

  • Captain Lucky Devil Poole welcomes you. A fine maiden voyage and a fine tale. Good luck out there, Pirate. The crew of Mindy’s Claw tips their hat to you! See you in the Captain’s Head!

  • And then people say this game is not uniqe.

    All players are thrown into the same server, creating player interaction that you cant see in any other games.

    This is a shining example of this. No matchmaking, No PVE servers. It created a memorable experience.

  • I have been playing so long that I don’t remember much about being a new pirate.

    I remember a few sessions.

    One session I played I joined an alliance. They told me about the skeleton forts and we did it together. All they took was the stronghold loot.

    Another session, I formed an alliance and did a skeleton fort. Once completed, I was killed, ship blown up and the alliance disbanded.

    I have even been chased across the map and sailed into the Red Sea so that all loot is lost. Gold is worthless this game and if I can’t have my loot, no one can I’m spiteful that way. lol

    My point is that literally anything can happen in this game, including a 5 mega keg detonation. I don’t judge others for their play style as long as they are respectful. No name calling and or harassing

  • @coffeelight5545 said in The Tale of my First Day on the Sea of Thieves:

    I have been playing so long that I don’t remember much about being a new pirate.

    I remember a few sessions.

    I think about this often. I remember the intensity of struggle but many of the details are lost in the fog.

  • @thorumsu Well... It's not. Pretty sure I had experiences in other games that were similar to what the OP described.

    The game's still pretty much a standard open world PvP game.

  • @kalgert, The Tale of my First Day on the Sea of Thieves içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu Well... It's not. Pretty sure I had experiences in other games that were similar to what the OP described.

    The game's still pretty much a standard open world PvP game.

    You cant tuck on ships and listen to hotmics go on about their business in other games though can you?

    Also this game throws all types of players in EQUAL power into the same server.

    Any other sandbox you are talking about has power systems and abusable micro transactions.

  • @thorumsu Tucking is irrelevant to me. But yeah, you actually can hide in a base in another game and listen to people. Assuming they aren't on Discord group chat.

    The game putting people into "Equal Power" doesn't make this automatically super unique and amazing.

    It's essentially a survival open world PvP game minus the crafting, building and actually has "Stuff" to do beyond making a base and sit on it forever because of invaders

  • @kalgert, The Tale of my First Day on the Sea of Thieves içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu Tucking is irrelevant to me. But yeah, you actually can hide in a base in another game and listen to people. Assuming they aren't on Discord group chat.

    The game putting people into "Equal Power" doesn't make this automatically super unique and amazing.

    It's essentially a survival open world PvP game minus the crafting, building and actually has "Stuff" to do beyond making a base and sit on it forever because of invaders

    I'd say That's uniqe. A game you can actually be a part of the sandbox without making it your office job and protecting your base. And there are actual stuff to do, along with an evolving world.

    So survival games are out of the picture. Sea Of Thieves is uniqe on that front.

    Before you talk about any MMO's and stuff, The only thing I will say is: microtransactions make you win.

    Talking about microtransactions, In this game, the main source of revenue of Rare, which is the Pirate Emporium work for the villians. So thats something too.

  • @thorumsu Okay, first off: I don't know what MMO games you play, certainly not the ones that I am aware of.

    Secondly: Evolving world? Office job defending your base? The world barely evolves, it's static outside of random events, if you call that an evolving world then Skyrim's random encounters makes the world evolve.
    Also last I checked, the ship you are commandeering is your "Base of operations", if I am not mistaken. So only difference is that it's a base that moves around.

    You keep insisting that the game is somehow unique when it's about as unique as Rings of Power having anything to do with Tolkien.

    But humor me. Why don't you actually SHOW me the "Amazing and unique"(TM) things this game has to offer?

  • @kalgert, The Tale of my First Day on the Sea of Thieves içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu Okay, first off: I don't know what MMO games you play, certainly not the ones that I am aware of.

    Secondly: Evolving world? Office job defending your base? The world barely evolves, it's static outside of random events, if you call that an evolving world then Skyrim's random encounters makes the world evolve.
    Also last I checked, the ship you are commandeering is your "Base of operations", if I am not mistaken. So only difference is that it's a base that moves around.

    You keep insisting that the game is somehow unique when it's about as unique as Rings of Power having anything to do with Tolkien.

    But humor me. Why don't you actually SHOW me the "Amazing and unique"(TM) things this game has to offer?

    Example 2

    A lot more examples but this two are highlights. Yes, Pace as he uses the sandbox best (Just look at that thumbnail lol).

  • @thorumsu I care not for streamers. I've seen my fill of them.

    Edit: I still am not seeing anything that can't be achieved in any other game.

  • @kalgert, The Tale of my First Day on the Sea of Thieves içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu I care not for streamers. I've seen my fill of them.

    Edit: I still am not seeing anything that can't be achieved in any other game.

    Then you didn't watch the second one.

  • we need more people like you, who don't kill noobs for fun "because they had loot [one loot piece]" or "because we were a reaper." see sweats, a little kindness goes a long way, do unto others...

  • @zig-zag-ltu ssssttt

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