The Legend of the Fishing Minigame God

  • It was a late night.
    I had just hauled in some treasure.
    I was onboard my ship getting drunk as a kite.
    Stumbling around my ship, I fell onto the bed.
    My eyes shut themselves closed almost instantly…..

    I woke up to the sound of the waves.
    I walked outside for some fresh salty sea air but was surprised to see my ship was in the middle of nowhere!
    “What happened last night?!?” I thought.
    Looking out into the waters, I see a ton of ship gathered into a giant circle…
    “Huh…weird..” I said to myself.
    Suddenly a blinding light came out of the circle the fishes formed…
    “My child, do not be afraid, it is me the Fishing Minigame God…”
    I covered my eyes from the bright light.
    “Fishing…Minigame? What’s that?”
    “Minigames exist within multiple realities. They are short activities, most of which exists for your enjoyment. The most common type of minigame is the Fishing Minigame, all of which are created by me, including the one in this here sea…”
    “Huh????” I exclaimed, very confused.
    The Fishing Minigame God ignored me and continued talking.
    “Sadly, more and more people give up on the fishing minigame here, due to hostile ship attacks…I tried to fix this with milestones but….things only got worse…
    and even more worse is the fact I lost one of my prophets…”
    “Wait…are you talking about…Merrick?!”
    “Yes. He used to be a humble fisherman…but then he got caught up in a big ordeal and now he’s dead…he’s probably never going to fish again…”
    “…Ok, but why are you telling me this?”
    “Because, my child, I want you to become a master at my fishing minigame I do lovingly created…”
    “B-but I don’t even fish that much!”
    “Oh, but you do…”
    “You exist in multiple realities…”
    “Hang o-“
    “And in some, you managed to become the fisherman I wanted you to be…the humble farmer…the small grape…even the slayer of the moon lord fished…”
    “But…I’m…me! There can’t be anymore me’s!
    “Oh yes, there are….and just like them, the spirit of fishing is inside of you…you just need to find a way to release it…go now my child and become a legendary fisher!”

    I woke up. Again.
    Was that just a drunken dream?
    It felt…different.
    It was like it was…real.
    I was so busy thinking about my dream, I didn’t even notice my headache I got from my excessive grog drinking last night.
    I got up and walked over to the painting of Merrick I had hung up on my sloop.
    That painting was from a simpler time, back from when things weren’t so…chaotic.
    Underneath the painting, leaned against the wall, was a replica of Merrick’s rod, from his ship, the killer whale.
    I picked it up and looked at it.
    The rod looked a bit old but was still reliable.
    I put my finger over the cool sapphire gem in the rod.
    I looked up at the painting of Merrick and knew what I must do…

    Walking out of the clothing store, I put on my new jacket. It was a Midshipman’s jacket and was sure to protect me from the rain and the ocean. I walked over to the shipwright and put a bunch of pouches of gold on the shipwrights table.
    “One sloop please.”
    “Another sloop, eh? What would you like to name it? The Hoarders Fortune? The Rich Parrot? The Ship of Royalty?”
    “The Humble Fisherman.”
    The Shipwright looked at me like I was messing with her.
    “The Humble Fisherman?!? That doesn’t sound like you at all! What’s gotten into you?!”
    “Look, just give me the ship…oh, and…”
    I pulled out a couple more pouches and put them on the table.
    “Make sure the sails are green, and fill up the barrels with bait, ok?”
    “Got it. One sloop coming up, “Humble Fisherman”.
    I rolled my eyes and went to the end of the dock.
    I pulled out my fishing rod.
    “Might as well get some practice in…”
    I cast my line in…
    And that was the start of my journey to please the Fishing Minigame God…

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  • Fantastic! I should learn how to fish, too. But I'll definitely not be a challenge for your far more skilled hands though. Nice tale, I hope many more will come!

  • @rockypirate3209
    Thanks you
    I’m not that experienced of a fisher yet, I still got a lot to go through before I become a master.
    It will probably take years
    But I’ll try my best…
    At the end of the day, it’s all about appeasing the Fishing Minigame God…

  • From one fishing god to another, well played! Well said 👌👌

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