Protect new players

  • So, as a new player, sometimes you are forced into pvp, and sometimes it isn't a bad thing but sometimes it's just harassment. Bare with me there is a story to explain my point.

    Last night, we were harassed by someone that was solo slooping with over 1200 hours on the game. Between us, we barely have 2.

    As soon as we seen this guy heading for us, we set sails and took off. 5 minutes of chasing before a single shot was fired (from the sloop) you would think we aren't interested in pvp, not to mention he could hear that we weren't.

    He eventually caught us due to inexperience and almost accidently sailing off the map and having to turn back into him... We got sunk, he boarded and killed us all.

    Now normally, pvp is fine, being forced into is fine... (although we hate it) Posting a video online of your achievement of destroying a bunch of new players, and then linking them the video, that's harassment.

    But it didn't end there, he found us while we beached, island hopping to try and get back some kind of loot.
    With one player on our ship as look out... (who wasn't quite looking out, but was looking at the video linked to us, of us getting destroyed) (another question is how come he could hear us from so far away without the speaker thing, it gave him a big advantage in the chase) he came back and sunk and killed us again.
    But why? At this stage he knows we have nothing and he knows he can kill us, where is the point or challenge?
    He was laughing the whole time, which is insulting

    We personally feel like he found us as an easy target, so he attacked us again, we haven't even figured out controls properly. We struggle to kill a skelysloop in a galley.
    We understand learning about pvp and the best way to just doing it but... You aren't going to learn by just getting dominated, sometimes the skill gap is too large.

    -- My suggestion. Survers that link you with players with closely matching experience and/or hours in the game.--

    Last night being forced into pvp, then humiliated online makes us not want to play a game we immediately fell in love with.

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  • One thing I agree with you on is that using people as a content pawn for mocking style content especially if they are inexperienced players is an inconsiderate way to approach content and something that this game certainly has a history of as far as content creation goes. The mic/audio situation in this game long feeding into that.

    Often using non competition to create a padded version of history and stats at the expense of inexperienced players.

  • Servers that match hours and experience is only a good thing for players imho

    It gives the good players, challenging players to play with and a full intended game experience and gives new players a way to grow and become those good players by giving them an appropriate challenge without feeling like it's an unfair match up because you're surrounded by players matching your skill level

  • Last night, we were harassed by someone that was solo slooping with over 1200 hours on the game. Between us, we barely have 2.

    How you know they have more hours than you? Maybe they are also new and just want to be a pirate and attack ships? Idk

  • @burnbacon You can see the days played in their Xbox stats/profile

  • @pabio-escobar thank you for answering that for me.

  • Video was a bit much. Report for harassment.

  • Always a big issue, it is hard to do anything even when u are a long term player sometimes. Trying to grind 4 hrs of stuff and get robbed again and again. Have not played in 2 years logged back on and got robbed 5 x in one day I'm deleting the game again

  • Targeted harassment is an actual offense that can be punished and this is pushing in that direction. Next time, if there is one, I would grab a clip or two (both the Xbox and Gamebar make this easy, so can be done on console or PC). If they send you a video like that also include that. Head over to support and report them for that behavior.

    Matchmaking not being a thing is actually good for the game in many ways. You have no idea what kind of fight you might be in for when you target any other ship. They might be inexperienced with low tier loot and not put up a fight, or you might find yourself in a slog where the fight lasts potentially an hour or more and becomes a battle of attrition, and sometimes you come in and get absolutely rolled yourself.

    But, there is no need to be offensive in encounters, and that is something that can be reported. There is no grounds to continually target the same players, that is harassment and reportable. And there is no good reason to go out of game and pester people about the game, that is also targeted harassment and reportable.

    The fact of the matter is, in my experience, most people are fine in encounters - win or lose. However, people have the potential to be unpleasant and outright terrible, and as this is an online environment it does mean they will be out there and can be encountered. However, when we as a community come across this we need to report it and make them at least face the consequences of those actions (even if they can be circumvented in many cases, but there are loads without the time and patience for this so it still weeds out bad actors).

    Sorry that this person provided you with an unpleasant experience. Certainly report these kinds of things as that stuff is not welcome out on the Seas. However, PvP absolutely is and as it is a core part of the gameplay it is always consented to engage in it when you login (just like any other game with PvP). It is just important to be a good sport in both winning and losing.

  • To be fair, most people are fair game. I don’t check peoples stats before shooting at them. But one thing I do despise in this game is unnecessary killing. If I need more supplies I might keep their boat afloat a moment or two longer whilst I takes theirs, but killing over and over again for no good reason is just pathetic. I don’t like folk that think it’s ok, and won’t sail with someone again if that’s what they like to do.
    Also people who message over and over if you sink them or they sink you.

  • @redeyesith very constructive and I see your point in regards to server matching...
    And while I do see that as a valid point... I dunno... I've got nothing to say to that but a disgruntled sigh.
    Fresh wounds I guess.

    Unfortunately I don't get on as often as I would like to, it might be a few days before I can report it, but the stage I get around to getting on... I might not care enough anymore. But. I definitely will for next time knowing that.

  • @ibake-x for sure, and I do feel that pain. Now, even though I say all that there are still steps that could be taken to improve the situation for sure. And I would wager these are things that Rare is thinking about. They have confirmed things like spawn camping being an issue as it currently stands, but that they need to make sure the solve for it is a good one. I'm sure other factors of combat would fall under that umbrella as well, so we'll just have to see what all happens in the future. After all, we did just see a buff to Sloops recently, so they are for sure assessing the situation.

    So yea, you may have to let this one slide for now, but as you say try to keep it in mind if someone is crossing lines in the future. And also, never forget this is a session based game - while it isn't always ideal, sometimes you need to get your evidence and swap servers to get away from the problem (since actions won't be able to be immediate). Pop back to the menu and load back in, you'll likely have better progress overall starting something over (or tackling something else fresh) than sticking it out when things do go a bad way like that.

    I hope your next few sessions at least, even if they involve PvP, are a more pleasant experience and that you get to have a better time - win or lose. Just do your best to keep your chin up, cause losses in this game can hurt, but Rare currently plans for around another 6 years of the game being around (based on their original lifecycle plans), so there is plenty of time to complete all the goals you might have.

    Favorable wind in your sail, pirate!

  • @ibake-x that sort of behaviour is certainly report worthy. Matchmaking won't help stop this though, as those sorts of players will often appear on accounts that are mysteriously a few hours old.

  • @ibake-x
    I would echo the advice of everyone in this thread; I would get his gamer-tag and report him to Rare/Xbox. This is a clear violation of the Pirate Code and I'm sorry you had to go through that.

  • @drizzit53 said in Protect new players:

    Always a big issue, it is hard to do anything even when u are a long term player sometimes. Trying to grind 4 hrs of stuff and get robbed again and again. Have not played in 2 years logged back on and got robbed 5 x in one day I'm deleting the game again

    Turn in more often. Mitigate your losses. Turning in at G2, then a little more at G4 makes you as much emissary points as everything at G5.

    .5 less money is better than no money...

  • @pithyrumble
    I do regularly, but again. For me it's more supplys honestly. And to bring peoplr into the game and watch thrm quit so fast is frustrating

  • @drizzit53

    You're mad about supplies when they can be bought?

  • People like these is what gives TDM community a bad name.

    I can't think of anything more cringe than clipping on fresh sailors.

    I don't think that you should be worried about beeing humiliated online, as people like this are a laughing stock of TDM communitys anyway.

    I do encourage you to keep on playing tho. This is rather rare instance and not representetive of actual game.

  • @pithyrumble said in Protect new players:


    You're mad about supplies when they can be bought?

    Someone who has just started playing the game may not have enough gold to buy the crates from the Merchant, that's quite an investment when you do not have millions.

  • @drizzit53 said in Protect new players:

    I do regularly, but again. For me it's more supplys honestly. And to bring peoplr into the game and watch thrm quit so fast is frustrating

    Yeah but there's six fortresses around the map that have more supplies in most cases.
    I've been attacked like this guy was as nd I'm not new I'm just not good PVP and I only go solo. What bugs me is when I have no loot no flags just default supplies and I get camped. That's wrong and not needed and when they add the laughing and they throw gamer words they need to be purged.
    You don't need toxic players it's better to pull in people that won't go overboard to camp people for no reason let them go play call of duty

  • It can be a tough learning curve sometimes and I certainly remember being salty at my losses for a long time after I started playing.

    You are going to sink and you are going to get robbed. Those two things are unavoidable, so you need to change how you frame those experiences. Learn to laugh at how unfair the game can be sometimes. Remember that the loot isn't yours till you turn it in and most of all remember that some day, you'll be the experienced player who instinctively knows what to do in a combat situation and it will have been experiences like this that taught you.

    In saying all of that, videoing your sink and sending it to you out of game is bordering on harassment, it was unneccessary, uncool and probably goes against the pirate code. Especially when they guy came and sank you a second time when you had nothing. I suggest you report them.

    If that player was any good they wouldn't be flexing on brand new players. That's a scrub move with small P (pirate, ya filthy minded landlubbers) energy. One day, if you keep playing you'll be the kind of player who doesn't need to resort to that kinda thing.

    I'm against changing the matchmaking though. Some of us old hands are nice to new players and the game wouldn't be as fun for me if I was denied the opportunity to interact with them.

  • Nothing cringier in this game than flexing on beginners. What a loser move. Chasing and sinking you, nothing wrong with that. But using beginners to create humiliating content should be ban worthy if it not already is.

  • I think servers for new players would be a great way to learn! It's a shame you sunk but you shouldn't let a few sinks spoil the entire game.

    I think sinking players and getting sunk is just how the game is intended but communication should stay clean.

  • @ukillmelongtime said:

    I've been attacked like this guy was as nd I'm not new I'm just not good PVP and I only go solo. What bugs me is when I have no loot no flags just default supplies and I get camped. That's wrong and not needed

    Pirates may not know that you don't have loot or supplies until they board (or even believe you if you tell them). Even if you don't, it's not about you. They're sailing how they want to - and there's nothing wrong with that. How do you know that they're not trying to sink you so you can't easily seek revenge? How do you know that they're not using you for practice?

    You are not safe just because you have no loot, supplies, or flag. Sure, it's a stronger incentive to leave you alone, but that may not happen until after they encounter you, chase, you, shoot at you, board you, and kill you. By then, it doesn't really matter that much - your time has already been taken from you. So, in order to save time if you know you're going to lose and know that you have nothing to lose, go ahead and scuttle. It's a heavily under-utilized tool that can help ease your suffering and get you back on track to what you were doing.

    Other than that, as you said, there's no place for vulgar or otherwise harsh language - but you have tools for that too such as muting other crews, and recording/reporting them, if necessary.

  • @ibake-x so the guy made a video of sinking u?

  • @ibake-x Happy to run up a Gally if you want a couple more crewmates :)

  • @guyrza. yeah :/

    It's ok, reading all this now I feel happier knowing that there seems like a decent community and even second guessing my first holla for server change.

  • @lizalaroo I might take you up on that one night.
    Although I'm an Australian player and it doesn't seem much of the world is on when I am :p

  • It's probably still reportable if you grab a screen cap of the chat as well.
    Their video and that they sent it in chat is the evidence.

  • @ibake-x aww you wanna get hold of @tartansnake (deckhand) and @Stacky-a, from your neck of the woods. I’m sure they’d be happy to crew up on occasion.

  • I'm sorry about your experience.
    Unfortunately the devs have said over and over again that the magic of Sea of Thieves is entirely and completely contained in the mysterious nature of player interactions. You just never know if the players on other ships you see are going to be decent human beings or not. You'll find lots of aggressive players like me who might clear you out of my way but never say a word to you or spam emotes in a childish manner to insult you. And thats kinda just part of the game, unfortunately you'll also find the worst of the internet plays this game too, and there's no recourse about that except reporting them after the fact because the devs value protecting the "magic" of players interacting (read: content creation) over your experience as a player.

    Fair Winds!

  • @galactic-geek you describe exactly why I would quit the game. What about the pirate code bro when you board a boat check it out up and down and you're leaving the dock don't tell me you don't know they're new... I don't need to be told how the play or not to play I've been gaming since before there were things called video games. We grow up on Monopoly cards etc. Again you know it if you're being an butt don't try to play it all for some excuse.

    Some kids these days have grown up so spoiled and abusive that common Sense can't even take over any situation yeah it's a game I have controls I can use that's not the point. The point is be a decent human. Stop making the person harassed biggest fault because they didn't quit the game and difficult server or scuttle. That still leaves little brat to pray on others. If I saw this once in four years sure but no it's way too common.

  • Trying to fix this by matchmaking based on game time isn't going to work. The type of people who target new players for fun are the exact type of people who would go out of their way to create brand new accounts on family share just to continue doing it in servers filled with new players and no one experienced enough to stop them. It's literally creating a smaller pond for them to be a bigger fish in.

    Just report them with as much evidence as possible.

  • @mintharp184509 said:

    Also, there is a mermaid bug in the game that occurs after being sunk. The mermaid that spawns after your ship despawns occasionally will serve as a remote speaker so to speak, broadcasting what that crew is saying in gamechat as if they were where they just sunk.

    This allows the enemy that just sunk you to listen in on your conversation which usually will end up resulting in them knowing where you are abouts on the map and where you are heading if you spoke about those topics in gamechat. This is a bug and was previously fixed but has reappeared.

    Ooh, I didn't even know about that 1! I gotta sink someone and try it! 😅

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