• I know this debate has raged like wildfire since the game came out - but I wanted to put my spin on it.

    First and foremost: playing this game to chill and being sunk, and griefed sucks. It feels awful. A lot of great work has gone in to reduce the impact and loss of this, but the actual gameplay experiences for a significant player demographic is pretty poor, and leads to players dropping the game on a regular basis.

    I understand and appreciate the design intent of the game. The core philosophy of letting different players bump into each other and not knowing what will happen is neat. The actual experience of this though can be just awful.

    Yes, I would love a PvE option. Would I only use it? No. I would swap between it and "classic" based on my mood. There's an excitement and suspense of the PvEvP world, but sometimes I just wanna chill with my friends.

    I think there's a few factors at play which really hinder this experience, balancing and combat systems being chief among them.

    I got back into this game after a year hiatus last night and it took all of 20 minutes for someone to pretend to be friendly and then blast our ship and scope headshot kill me and my friend. There was no contest or anything, we were just trying to get back into the game.

    In game theory there are a few archetypes of players: referred to as the four suits: Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds and Spades. Sea of Thieves caters to each group as it can, but the fundamental experience of a Heart player sucks.

    Hearts are characterised as socialites. They're in it to hang out, make friends, chill.

    Clubs are characterised as killers, they love griefing, asserting dominance, and preying on hearts because they get the best reaction and least resistance to their playstyle.

    I know I'm gonna get a lot of people saying "it's sea of THIEVES" and all that. But the fundamental fact, proven tirelessly by the threads, is that Heart players would love a PvE only experience. I think it should be penalised, lower risk means less rewards. Let's say half the gold per redemption.

    There's a few decisions to make about loot, I'd lean towards just locking loot to crews who picked them up, unless you physically offer something to another one - for the best experience. I think you should be able to send a challenge to another boat to fight them, to practice on your terms. Let hearts help hearts move back into PvP, but if we wanna relax let us.

    I think the overall game experience would be better for both server types; players would still have reason to do PvEvP, and those in there would be more likely to offer a competitive and interesting fight. But also if you get griefed you can go somewhere safe and relax, calm down. Get better. And come back on your terms ready to hunt someone else.

    Please RARE, please offer this ability. Heck I think all of us who want it would even pay for the privilege. I'd be fine starting over with a separate character and account. I would really just enjoy not coming up against the worst kinds of players unless I choose to take on that risk, and enjoy the rewards when I do.

    I don't think there's really valid reasons for not doing this when it's so clearly wanted. I believe it'll make a better experience for all players - PvP players won't have to worry about players running from them the whole time as much, and would be able to have more interesting and engaging fights. PvE players can enjoy what they want most: a calm treasure hunting and puzzle solving adventure where the danger is the world, and not someone who takes joy in ruining your session.

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  • @thirddegreepun said in PvE/PvP:

    I would swap between it and "classic" based on my mood.

    That's exactly why separation shouldn't exist. Everyone will gather loot in safety and switch to the other one to shoot cannons at each other. It becomes two completely separate games, neither of which is as engaging as the current one.

    Also this is a topic no longer up for discussion. Check out the links that a mod will likely be posting here very soon.

  • @d3adst1ck

    I disagree. If there is a reward penalty in PvE people will still gather in PvPvE to make gold faster, and if PvP is as enjoyable as PvP players claim it is people will still be in it for that option. This is an option specifically for players who don't want to have that poor experience.

    I've seen the large locked megathread but need to read through the official responses - not super easy on mobile.

    I would think you'd want to share your game world and experience as broadly as possible - especially when so many components of it are loved. It's a shame to force an unsatisfying game experience on a chunk of the player base which perpetuates other problems when it could be trialled and remedied so easily.

    If this gets locked so be it...just wanted to add my voice to the sea of hope.

  • As a "heart" player myself (I just want to chill with the bros!), spending the precious little game time I have grinding loot just to be ambushed at an outpost or chased all over creation and losing it all is devastating.

    Alas, the irony of complaining about getting ganked by pirates in a pirate game is not lost on me. 'Tis a tale as old as time.

  • Ahoy, going to be dropping anchor on this thread as there is a post about Rare's thoughts on PvPvE (including a link to the Sea of Thieves Podcast that discusses it) here: https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/topic/136693/pvpve-the-team-s-thoughts/1

    You can read an article by Joe here in regards to Private/Custom Servers.

    Thank you.

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