Pirate Inventory Disconnection

  • So I know I'm not the only one who has suffered from this issue before and I know it'll happen to me again in the future.

    Who else here agrees that it's unfair for you and your crew to lose supplies because you or a fellow crewmate was disconnected from the server and rejoins and has empty pockets?

    I feel this is a huge disadvantage to all of us who play. In the last 2 weeks of sailing.
    I was in the midst of engaging in PVE against a Skeleton Fleet with my crew.
    I had just filled my pockets with all the supplies for wood/food/combat.
    I fired myself out of the cannon to board one of the skeleton ships while they were about to sink.
    Once my pirate was mid-out out of the cannon, my game randomly crashed.
    I joined back into the server with my crew. All my supplies were deleted from the server.

    My crew ended up sinking to the fleet due to missing the supplies I l;ost upon the random disconnection.

    Why does this happen?

    I feel like should a player get disconnected from their crew.ship. Any and All items they have on their person should bee deposited back to the barrels on the ship they are on.

    This way, should that user not be able to rejoin because of Internet Outages/Other Issues. The crew will still retain these supplies and when the player eventually rejhoins the crew. They just need to recollect any and all supplies and continue where thery were last when they got disconnected.

    I can see the drawback on this though with relation to PVP and a player from another crew on your ship. That player could just take from your supplies and disconnected and the supplies would go to their ship.

    To Prevent that. It'd be a lot better to say the items revert back to the barrels where they were collected from if that's the case.

    This is my input. What do you all think of this?

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  • Who else here agrees that it's unfair for you and your crew to lose supplies because you or a fellow crewmate was disconnected from the server and rejoins and has empty pockets?

    If it happens to an enemy crew, its Fair.
    Besides....Always empty your pockets when your not in combat. Saves you a lot of trouble.

    My crew ended up sinking to the fleet due to missing the supplies

    Sounds more like your crew was out bested by a Npc and not due to lack of what was in your pocket. You crashed, what about what your other mates had? Did they not have enough or did you hoard all the good stuff?


  • @lots-of-pyro yea it’s annoying when you get disconnected and lose what in your pockets but it’s really not that much in supplies 10 cannon balls 5 wood 5 food 5 blunder bombs/Fire bombs and 5 chain shot and you don’t really need to fire a single shot to sink the Skeleton fleet you can just force them into rocks it’s just slow going

  • @burnbacon Normally, I'm the 1 on the ship who is with a bunch of newcomers. That said, I have a tendency to go for all the cursed cannonballs we may have and even then. I'm the guy who will bounce around from cannons to wheel to repairs like all good crews do. But when you have a crew out of sync or goes AFK due to connection loss and has all the good supplies. it's impactful on the ship.

    When it came to this Fleat. not only was it we had been sunk by a fleat. we had another ship lingering nearby who also join into the mix to try and fight. So I'd empty the cannonballs/wood and try to go to the Player Ship with 5pieces of High Quality Food. Had engaged with the other ship thinking my crew was safe vs the fleet. When I jumped off the enemy ship for a Mermaid. I was stuck on an endless Black screen and my game eventually just never loaded me back in.

    Similar Idea happened to me with this where my crew and I were a Galleon.
    Being chased by a reaper near the end of our sailing for that night, we wanted to sell all our cooked meats for Hunters Call.
    So knowing I'd have to be in combat/repairs. I prepped myself with supplies.
    I jumped ship with a Storage Crate full of all the cooked meats and swam it to a Sea Post.
    I sold all the Cooked Meats and took a Mermaid to get back to my ship.
    The Black loading screen was glitched and I was stuck on Black screen for well over 2-3+ Min.
    I sadly had to close my game and relaunch.
    At the time I'm relaunching, I know my crew and ship are still up as al of us were live on our Twitch Streams watching 1 and Other to see the status of the ship/crew.
    Crewmate says "Pyro! Where are you?" and I say "I'm stuck on a "Black Screen" and it won't let me back on the ship."
    Crew looks at my stream and confirms they see my issue and I'm forced to reconnect after closing my game.
    I get back online and while loading in. My crew in discord are upset that we've sunk and I'm seeing it on their streams.
    Crew says "We sunk because we rank out of supplies after that fleet."
    Now here's me. Upset that I had key supplies on me and even though I got us rep for Hunters Call before we were hopping off for the night. I'm feeling bad that those supplies could have been the game changer and if it wasn't for me not able to take a Mermaid back and be fored to Relaunch. I'd have been there and had us repaired ASAP and ensure that we at least get to safety and try to finish off the Reaper.

    This is why I don't like the fact that you lose your inventory when you disconnect.

    Plus you keep items on you if your ship were to sink. And what happens if say enemy boards you and you don't want them taking your supplies? this would be the main reason to grab them and then it's more User Error forgetting you had them on your person when the Disconnection happened.

  • @otherfanboy said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:
    "a single shot to sink the Skeleton fleet you can just force them into rocks it’s just slow going"

    Only time(s) I've ever sunk a skeleton ship in 1 shot is when it's a Sloop and they have a keg onboard and I hit that luck shot which strikes the keg.

    That's when you jsut need to go board the skeleton ship and be sure it doesn't repair and figh off the skeletons and let the holes from the keg explosion do the work for ya lol.

  • I wonder if it's easy for the devs to be able to keep the stuff you have in your inventory persistent after disconnecting. I'm computer illiterate but it does sound like that would put undue strain on servers already pushing to their max.

  • @hijack-hayes It would put no more strain than having that inventory saved on your character while your in game, an inventory takes up no more strain without a character model behind it, than it would with a character, it just requires adding a temporary save mechanic.

  • @goldsmen said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @hijack-hayes It would put no more strain than having that inventory saved on your character while your in game, an inventory takes up no more strain without a character model behind it, than it would with a character, it just requires adding a temporary save mechanic.

    That would have to save to the database server after every interaction with inventory (barrels, crates) and also actions of shooting cannons, eating, repairing, fishing and throwing balls.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @goldsmen said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @hijack-hayes It would put no more strain than having that inventory saved on your character while your in game, an inventory takes up no more strain without a character model behind it, than it would with a character, it just requires adding a temporary save mechanic.

    That would have to save to the database server after every interaction with inventory (barrels, crates) and also actions of shooting cannons, eating, repairing, fishing and throwing balls.

    That stuff is saved in server memory, not a database. It's already holding that information while you're running around with it, and it saves your 'slot' if you get disconnected, so having it retain your inventory information while your slot is saved shouldn't be any different than if you were still connected.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @lem0n-curry said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @goldsmen said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @hijack-hayes It would put no more strain than having that inventory saved on your character while your in game, an inventory takes up no more strain without a character model behind it, than it would with a character, it just requires adding a temporary save mechanic.

    That would have to save to the database server after every interaction with inventory (barrels, crates) and also actions of shooting cannons, eating, repairing, fishing and throwing balls.

    That stuff is saved in server memory, not a database. It's already holding that information while you're running around with it, and it saves your 'slot' if you get disconnected, so having it retain your inventory information while your slot is saved shouldn't be any different than if you were still connected.

    Are you sure it's in the server memory and not anything local ?

  • @lem0n-curry said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @d3adst1ck said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @lem0n-curry said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @goldsmen said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @hijack-hayes It would put no more strain than having that inventory saved on your character while your in game, an inventory takes up no more strain without a character model behind it, than it would with a character, it just requires adding a temporary save mechanic.

    That would have to save to the database server after every interaction with inventory (barrels, crates) and also actions of shooting cannons, eating, repairing, fishing and throwing balls.

    That stuff is saved in server memory, not a database. It's already holding that information while you're running around with it, and it saves your 'slot' if you get disconnected, so having it retain your inventory information while your slot is saved shouldn't be any different than if you were still connected.

    Are you sure it's in the server memory and not anything local ?

    Storing temporary things that get moved around a lot, like player inventory, would be best stored in memory. It's also probably why it gets dumped when you disconnect - your character is removed from the world and along with it go all the contents in your inventory.

    The barrel contents could be local files or db though since those persist when you leave the island space.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @lem0n-curry said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @d3adst1ck said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @lem0n-curry said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @goldsmen said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @hijack-hayes It would put no more strain than having that inventory saved on your character while your in game, an inventory takes up no more strain without a character model behind it, than it would with a character, it just requires adding a temporary save mechanic.

    That would have to save to the database server after every interaction with inventory (barrels, crates) and also actions of shooting cannons, eating, repairing, fishing and throwing balls.

    That stuff is saved in server memory, not a database. It's already holding that information while you're running around with it, and it saves your 'slot' if you get disconnected, so having it retain your inventory information while your slot is saved shouldn't be any different than if you were still connected.

    Are you sure it's in the server memory and not anything local ?

    Storing temporary things that get moved around a lot, like player inventory, would be best stored in memory. It's also probably why it gets dumped when you disconnect - your character is removed from the world and along with it go all the contents in your inventory.

    The barrel contents could be local files or db though since those persist when you leave the island space.

    Barrel contents would be on the server and not local, as the content should be the same when we both look at the same barrel and its content decrease when one of us takes something out.

    A Pirate's inventory could also be stored in local memory or server memory. For it to be possible to get items back after a disconnect either a copy should be made (that won't get updated as pirate leaves the crew other than by choice) very frequently (each second or even more often) or inventory should not be stored within the struct of a Pirate but separately which may cause a bit of delay when getting the information needed / updated.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @d3adst1ck said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @lem0n-curry said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @d3adst1ck said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @lem0n-curry said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @goldsmen said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @hijack-hayes It would put no more strain than having that inventory saved on your character while your in game, an inventory takes up no more strain without a character model behind it, than it would with a character, it just requires adding a temporary save mechanic.

    That would have to save to the database server after every interaction with inventory (barrels, crates) and also actions of shooting cannons, eating, repairing, fishing and throwing balls.

    That stuff is saved in server memory, not a database. It's already holding that information while you're running around with it, and it saves your 'slot' if you get disconnected, so having it retain your inventory information while your slot is saved shouldn't be any different than if you were still connected.

    Are you sure it's in the server memory and not anything local ?

    Storing temporary things that get moved around a lot, like player inventory, would be best stored in memory. It's also probably why it gets dumped when you disconnect - your character is removed from the world and along with it go all the contents in your inventory.

    The barrel contents could be local files or db though since those persist when you leave the island space.

    Barrel contents would be on the server and not local, as the content should be the same when we both look at the same barrel and its content decrease when one of us takes something out.

    Oh, you mean local as in on your pc/console. I doubt any of that is stored locally on the client end because that would open it up to memory hacks to get infinite supplies which as far as I know don't exist.

    The server itself may store elements in local non-memory files or databases if it needs to manage things longer term (like the island barrel contents), but player stuff is probably all in-memory since it will be accessed more often.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @lem0n-curry said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @d3adst1ck said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @lem0n-curry said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @d3adst1ck said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @lem0n-curry said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @goldsmen said in Pirate Inventory Disconnection:

    @hijack-hayes It would put no more strain than having that inventory saved on your character while your in game, an inventory takes up no more strain without a character model behind it, than it would with a character, it just requires adding a temporary save mechanic.

    That would have to save to the database server after every interaction with inventory (barrels, crates) and also actions of shooting cannons, eating, repairing, fishing and throwing balls.

    That stuff is saved in server memory, not a database. It's already holding that information while you're running around with it, and it saves your 'slot' if you get disconnected, so having it retain your inventory information while your slot is saved shouldn't be any different than if you were still connected.

    Are you sure it's in the server memory and not anything local ?

    Storing temporary things that get moved around a lot, like player inventory, would be best stored in memory. It's also probably why it gets dumped when you disconnect - your character is removed from the world and along with it go all the contents in your inventory.

    The barrel contents could be local files or db though since those persist when you leave the island space.

    Barrel contents would be on the server and not local, as the content should be the same when we both look at the same barrel and its content decrease when one of us takes something out.

    Oh, you mean local as in on your pc/console. I doubt any of that is stored locally on the client end because that would open it up to memory hacks to get infinite supplies which as far as I know don't exist.

    Good point. Hadn't considered that.

    The server itself may store elements in local non-memory files or databases if it needs to manage things longer term (like the island barrel contents), but player stuff is probably all in-memory since it will be accessed more often.


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