Cannon cove phantom orders not dropping

  • Idk if I’m the only one but me and my buddy have restarted this adventure 5 times because cannon coves phantom order doesn’t drop. Is there a way to fix it during the step or is constant restarts and hours of sailing hoping it’s fixed the next time we get to the island?

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  • Dig around where the last kill was done. You'll probably find it there. That's what we tried and it worked.

  • This just happened to me. I'm still in the game.
    When the Cannon Cove memory was finishing, two Ocean Crawlers also spawned with the phantoms, but I was already high-tailing it to a distance from the Ocean Crawlers.
    I took care of the Ocean Crawlers and two of the adventure phantoms...
    I've not seen a third adventure phantom. They have come in trios up until now.

    I've dug around where the memory occurred, and where I killed the two phantoms, with no luck finding the pages.
    I guess that's two hours of my life that are now on the Ferry of the Damned, never to return.

  • Digging worked for us! Thanks

  • That has happened to me I figured out that when the die their animation that makes the float back before the die affect where the order spawns which means it could have been inside a rock. I was lucky and I was in the cave on the opposite side. Next time lure them to an open area before u kill them

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