Sunk by a [Mod edit]

  • So, you've sunk everyone on the server in the hunt for flags except one solo who agreed to alliance and deliver their flag to you upon their completion.

    You stop at FOTD to set the lights while 2 people at on the ship. Suddenly, without any noise from the water, a character dressed in white robes, as if he just arrived onto the Sea of Thieves, teleports onto the ship and kills everyone with a blunderbus.

    But not just anyhow, yet from a distance, instantly as soon as 1 pellet touches your body.

    You notice that their name is [Mod edit] and know that can't be a real name.
    You respawn and see your ship exploding as if hit by a volley of cannonballs on the opposite side of the Fort, but, from what ship? There is no ship in sight? There are no cannonballs floating towards you, yet your ship is getting holes.

    You fight the assailant, 3v1 and all shoot him with blunderbusses point blank. He doesn't die, he doesn't eat, runs away, then hits you with the blunderbus from afar, and despite you being fully healthy, you die instantly?

    Where's his ship? Why doesn't he die?

    The inevitable happens. You Sunk and respawned on Ancient Spire. Determined, you try to go back, but the server gets lagged out, as if it was getting doxxed and you get disconnected.

    You also find out that your alliance member also got disconnected. This was purposeful, malicious.

    Would this be the best time to buy more ancient coins?

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  • @skylerpk Ahoy matey!

    So sorry to hear you have had a rough time out on the seas! I have removed the Gamertags from your post and have passed these details on. Please do in future make sure you report incidents like this via our dedicated Player Support tool here:

    Contact Support

    I am going to drop anchor here, but rest assured the appropriate actions will be taken and your report has been passed on. I don't want a witch hunt or name call outs as this will only promote their actions and give them notoriety which we do not want.

    Happy sailing!

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