The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible

  • @tre-oni said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:


    @Meroviel said in [Bring back Pirate legend Curse]:

    As already stated by @sshteeve we have mentioned multiple times that we are looking into bringing back seasonal rewards but we have yet finalised what those plans might look like. Once we have a plan in place on how best to deliver these cosmetics we will likely do an announcement on one or multiple channels so keep an eye out.

    Thanks. Well im glad everyone will be able to get it. Its an awesome curse and I have never been a fan of having cosmetics locked away forever.

  • @papatankers2041 said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    Obsidian capstan, ferryman,mightnight blunderbuss, time limited cosmetics.

    How do people get so obsessed over some pixels is beyond me.

    This games progression system is centered around cosmetics, quite easy to see why people obsess over certain ones in my opinion.

  • @alienmagi said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @tre-oni said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:


    @Meroviel said in [Bring back Pirate legend Curse]:

    As already stated by @sshteeve we have mentioned multiple times that we are looking into bringing back seasonal rewards but we have yet finalised what those plans might look like. Once we have a plan in place on how best to deliver these cosmetics we will likely do an announcement on one or multiple channels so keep an eye out.

    Thanks. Well im glad everyone will be able to get it. Its an awesome curse and I have never been a fan of having cosmetics locked away forever.

    I know it's been almost a year since that particular post, but it's still being re-confirmed on the regular by the deckhands to this day.

    So I'm still sure it'll drop at some point

  • @alienmagi

    I guess having time limited items in a video game is some form of accomplishment to some, but don't you dare getting the same stuff they do. I don't get it, isn't video gaming about having fun and socialize? Why does it matter if others have the same stuff as you do? Doesn't make it go away or less valuable.
    TL cosmetics should return, but they should be earned.
    The Gold Curse is a good example, it doesn't go away so you have all the time you want to get it but you have to invest time to do it.
    FOMO isn't fun whatsoever, one-time only stuff i mean. There is so much cool content in SoT that's been unavailable for years. You could make them unlockable through commendations that take abit longer, but are still fun and, not repetitive (i.e. Veil Seeker).

    Pros of TL content returning:

    Returning players who missed out are gonna play again
    These in turn could bring in more players
    People who never heard of SoT and see the cool stuff that's available again could raise interest
    When the players unlock these cosmetics they fill good, they are happy, and with that they will play longer while enjoying them
    And with the content returning and the players occupied, the devs have more time to create new things

    Cons of TL content returning:

    People will be able to have what you have
    That's it

    SoT players are not only customers, but also loyal fans of the game. They deserve the opportunity to earn cosmetics they missed.
    There is so much potential in the game. Unlock it, instead of tighten up the chains.

  • @shenlongkazama said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    SoT players are not only customers, but also loyal fans of the game. They deserve the opportunity to earn cosmetics they missed.

    Gold curse is not a good example.. it isn't the same, nor has it ever been. It isn't and never was a time limited item. It was always an earned, unlocked TT reward. If it were given as a timed exclusive reward at one point, and then released into game to unlock.. then it would work as an example here..

    Ignoring your terrible pros/cons list that is obviously only intended to make your point of view seem like the only sensible one...

    Many of the TL stuff people can't get now are in the hands of the SoT customers and loyal fans who were actually there, active, and participating in whatever the situation was. Loyal early adopters to the game, and active when they were supposed to be.. If that's the game you want to play on who "deserves" what.

    People so ironically quick to downplay others getting rereleased TL items like "why does it matter!?"

    When on the flip.. there's thousands of cosmetics in game already, you have plenty to still earn and unlock. The ones you can't get because you weren't there don't affect your socializing and participating in the game currently so.. "Why does it matter!?"

    The opportunity WAS there for everyone to earn. It's not unfair, or anyone else's problem if you weren't there, or couldn't be.

    Missed is missed. TL is TL. They're gone. You've got plenty currently, there'll be plenty more, and Rare have been pretty clear now about what is what when it comes to time limited stuff in the future.

    Most you'll be getting is the recolours they've released for some of the TL variants. The FOMO is your problem, if you can't let it go, and you NEED the few things you can't have vs going for the thousands you can

  • Apparantly you youngns don't know what collecting baseball cards was like lol

  • @tre-oni

    You said it, why does it matter? Why would it matter if TL content returns? And the pros and cons are accurate. Tell me a good reason why TL content shouldn't return, that doesn't include selfishness or factual statements like you weren't there so that's why.
    Guess if you were bleeding out on the sidewalk and missed the TL stuff you can't have it anymore right?
    Why should people that just weren't able to participate be locked out of content?
    No idea how you can defend this. FOMO is a problem, creating some form of urgency is not fun at all.
    But i already know it doesn't matter what people discuss here. Tl stuff will be defended like Helm's Deep by the gatekeepers while people proposing ideas on how to make TL return in a satisfying way get shot by an arrow like that Uruk-Hai.

    ''Is there a way to make TL cosmetics return?''
    ''No, if you weren't there you can't have it''
    ''I know i wasn't there, that's why i'm asking if they could return. I missed them unfortunately''
    ''Why are you crying for TL stuff to return?''

    Every thread involving TL cosmetics in a nutshell.


  • @fishyjoesalt

    I know what i was like collecting Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! cards though. If you had Charizard, Exodia and the God Cards you were the master of the school yard. xD

  • @shenlongkazama said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    Tell me a good reason why TL content shouldn't return, that doesn't include selfishness or factual statements like you weren't there so that's why.

    Good job addressing the irony of your "why does it matter" by doubling down and just asking it again instead of actually focusing on the point.

    ..Because those cosmetics are entirely used to be able to mark that you were there during a moment. In a game where Rare are using cosmetics to try and tell a story of the adventures you've been on the ones that were awarded for certain world changes and events end up serving that purpose and having a meaning. Just like the title and item that are earned during adventures now. The others were promotional, paid, exclusive time limited extras for supporting or buying merch. They are what they are. No merch, no item.

    Simple fact is.. you weren't there, if you were, then you just didn't participate. You don't get the cosmetics made to tell your pirates story that you were. I honestly couldn't care if that's not a good enough reason for you personally. That's THE reason. That's Rare's reason. They want to maintain that with those event items.. again just like the one you get each adventure now.

    And bleeding out on the sidewalk? Listen to yourself.. dramatic.. You'd think you'd have bigger priorities at that point, and that maybe you could learn to let things go and just.. enjoy what you have.

    Again.. in a game FULL of cosmetics, tell me why the handfull you can't have matters. Tell me a good reason why TL should return that doesn't include selfish statements like your personal FOMO.

    Game as a service. Its the nature of its design. It's always changing. If you're not there.. You're always missing something. That's not anyone else's problem tbh.

  • @tre-oni

    You still didn't answer my question. FOMO is a problem that anyone can have, but it shouldn't even exist in the first place. How can you contradict your own post like that? There are hundreds if not thousands of players who missed a specific cosmetic and would be happy to get it at some point. Happy players equals happy customers equals more playtime and exposure.
    You deflect questions, answer your own questions and contradict yourself. That's actually impressive. Still, FOMO isn't a personal issue if a huge amount of players has the same problem. Cheers.

  • @shenlongkazama said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:


    You still didn't answer my question. FOMO is a problem that anyone can have, but it shouldn't even exist in the first place. How can you contradict your own post like that? There are hundreds if not thousands of players who missed a specific cosmetic and would be happy to get it at some point. Happy players equals happy customers equals more playtime and exposure.
    You deflect questions, answer your own questions and contradict yourself. That's actually impressive. Still, FOMO isn't a personal issue if a huge amount of players has the same problem. Cheers.

    Welcome to life.. you can't always get what you want, and not everything bends around you because you couldn't be there for something or get something and can't get over your FOMO

    FOMO IS still a personal problem. Regardless of how many people can't get over they missed something. It affects you, an individual who can't accept they can't get something that is no longer available. The game is moving on just fine, you're the one who isn't, it seems.

    It doesn't affect the game overall. It's not a game issue, its a you issue.

    Happy players = happy customers.. so I guess we should bring back all the sea dog rewards (in their original scheme) for all of those people who weren't around, or didn't play arena to get them.. because someone feels left out.

    While were at it.. we should just bring back arena altogether, right? Its not fair that a whole mode of content is now subject to someone's FOMO when they decide to get into the game 3 months from now. Who knows, they might have been part of the playerbase that actually like it, but now we'll never know.. unfair. Happy players = happy customers = more playime = more exposure.

    I guess happy players = happy customers yadda yadda only applies when you get what you want?

    Not when players who were loyal, and active in the first place (since you want to play the loyalty card) when they were supposed to be, and participated in events and promotions and were rewarded for it get their exclusivity maintained, and you get reskins as a compromise?

    Makes more sense to me for Rare to stick to their intention of using certain cosmetics to tell your stories and maintain exclusives for event participation and give recolours/reskins than to turn around and disregard that because people who weren't there refuse to accept the compromise.

    It's a you problem if you can't let it go. It's no one elses problem if someone can't get or didn't get a time limited item and they're unable to come to terms with it or accept the variants and move on. There'll always be more cosmetics.

    The game will move on just fine whenever Rare releases limited time stuff, and whether you get them or not, and whether you come to terms with if you did or didn't. It's been 4 years of it already so..

    All you're saying is "make us happy because we really want it. Happy players = happy customers"

  • @tre-oni


    I agree with Arena though.

  • @shenlongkazama said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:



    I agree with Arena though.

    Rare doesn't.

    And after 4 years, adventures now are putting out a limited item each time.. it seems they don't agree with your FOMO concern either.

    They've scaled back the amount they do, but it's not going away. It's the incentive to return and participate. Get rewarded, and show it off later, use it as a token of rememberance, and participation well after. Use it to enhance your pirate and their journey through a visible collection of items.

    Miss it.. and that's it. Game's moving on with or without you anyway.

  • @papatankers2041

    "How do people get so obsessed over some pixels is beyond me."

    I never understood this point. It's 2022, no surprise that a lot of people spend more time online then IRL.
    Online gaming is serious business for some folks and yes, whether you see it as sad, that includes cosmetics in video games that bring a sense of inclusion of owning rare items to identity themselves separate from others (Not in a negative way mind you) But that's really how the whole cosmetics system works in a lot of games...
    And even money can be earned that way (Of course its against ToS to sell accounts etc...) But the point remains...

    Go take that same mindset to people who collect Rare Pokemen cards or whatever for that reason and see what they have to say lol...

  • @ix-indi-xi said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    Go take that same mindset to people who collect Rare Pokemen cards or whatever for that reason and see what they have to say lol...

    "It's just cardboard! Why should you have a special $500 card that was only exclusive to some japanese convention in 2010. I was only 10 years old, and wasn't into pokemon cards yet, why should I have to deal with FOMO, they'd make way more money by just selling everyone these cards! It's not my fault I couldn't attend or wasn't aware"

  • There are some things you just can’t have. Unfortunately for both of us this is one of them. I would be disgusted if Rare reissued this weapon.

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