ICYMI - Free Sails For Doing The Bird App Thing...

  • If you link your socials and tweet out with one of the hashtags, you can get some fancy Legacy of Golden Sands sails...

    Tweet text:

    Lay claim to the Legacy of Golden Sands Sails whether you strive to #SaveGoldenSands or scheme to #RuinGoldenSands! Sign up for Social Swag by linking your accounts below, then tweet using either of those hashtags by 9am UTC on June 9th to qualify.
    Link: seaofthieves.com/social-swag

    A large galleon ship on a blue ocean with a bright, sunlit sky. The sails are decorated with the silhouette of a ship, and the colours are cut diagonally with one side a bright orange, the other white.

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  • @realstyli I'm already registered on Twitch to get stuff...this goes too far...no twitter or fb for me

  • Yea getting tired of all the twitch drops and stuff like this put content in the game to unlock things like this.

  • Yeah I'm honestly getting sick of all this forced Twitter nonsense. Also considering I want golden sands to burn I could care less about those sails. But it's just like the mystery. Too much out of game action instead of putting things in game to do.

  • Lol well the tweet has been deleted.

  • Strangely that twitter post seems to be deleted. Can't find it now. Hoping I can still get the sails if they are offering them, I jumped through the hoop and tweeted after all :/

    Edit: The sails appeared in my inventory. I did tweet but not sure if they awarded to everyone anyway. Worth checking to see if you have.

  • IIRC the twitter privacy policy on collected data and access with your account was pretty severe. Not sure if they changed it, but it was enough for me to Nope my way out of it for good.

  • Aren’t these the sails you get from completing the event right now?

  • I have never and never will make any of these accounts. I bought and play my game, I don't need Rare in my personal life thanks. No cosmetic will ever tempt me out of my foxhole

  • @cptnpotbeard said in ICYMI - Free Sails For Doing The Bird App Thing...:

    Lol well the tweet has been deleted.

    They accidentally posted the tweet twice. Thanks for the heads up, I've replaced the link with the one that's still up.

  • @vinsanity324 said in ICYMI - Free Sails For Doing The Bird App Thing...:

    Aren’t these the sails you get from completing the event right now?

    Nope, the ones for doing the Adventure look like this:

    alt text

  • Mine took a while to show up but they showed up.

    I don't use personal social media so there isn't anything to spy on and I assume everything I post on the net isn't safe or private anyway. Might as well clutter my ship box a little more with some free sails. ty

  • @drizkillz said in ICYMI - Free Sails For Doing The Bird App Thing...:

    IIRC the twitter privacy policy on collected data and access with your account was pretty severe. Not sure if they changed it, but it was enough for me to Nope my way out of it for good.

    It was indeed changed. You can review it before linking though.

  • @realstyli looked and linked for 30 minutes, verified I had them and unlinked. Why "private" tweets would be open game as a requirement is beyond creepy.

  • I would rather see more stuff added in game that are unlockable by content, than this shameless pr stunts.

  • So we can get it in June 9? Or till June 9th

  • @drizkillz said in ICYMI - Free Sails For Doing The Bird App Thing...:

    @realstyli looked and linked for 30 minutes, verified I had them and unlinked. Why "private" tweets would be open game as a requirement is beyond creepy.

    That's in case your profile is set to private. You would need it to be public otherwise to tweet the hashtags.

  • @faceyourdemon said in ICYMI - Free Sails For Doing The Bird App Thing...:

    So we can get it in June 9? Or till June 9th

    Until June 9th...

    by 9am UTC on June 9th

  • @realstyli Thanks man!
    My english is decent but not my first language, or my second language.... but not my fourth 😅

  • I did everything and still I have no sails

  • Same, I didn't get it either. When to my account linking, clicked the link to my twitter and both tweeted/retweeted the promotional tweet days before the event ended. Waited, waited, waited. Didn't get the sails.
    Only then did I see, when I clicked the link to my twitter from SoT.com it logged me into another account, not the one which was linked.
    Anything I can do?

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