Sea of "Thieves" really ? Emptyserv

  • First of all sorry for my english i am from algeria
    Me and my friends since we purchased the game (2 weeks now ) every time we enter the game we spend almost 3 to 4 hours just to find another player
    The servers seems too empty so please do something
    The game seem to have a lot of potential but need more players per server

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  • @lunaticsnake770 There are always ships on the server, but it all depends on the day and your luck, there are 5 per server, I didn't see if they changed that.

    If you want to pvp focus on reapers, either to change servers until you find one and hunt him or represent the company and hunt other emissaries

  • @lunaticsnake770
    Might just be the time and day of the week that you play. Also, there are some time during the year that are more quiet than other but empty server should not be an issue most of the time. Give it a bit more than two weeks. Also, when you start a game, look at the emissary tables if there are any boats on them. If there are, you can be sure some people are on the server. If not, they might still be people but they are not sailing with an emissary flag. Just change server until you get one with people sailing emissary flags.

  • @lunaticsnake770 Try to do a FOF with Reapers 5 flag on and they will come to you.

  • every time we enter the game we spend almost 3 to 4 hours just to find another player

    Funny part. People who look for players, never find them. But those who don’t look, encounter them.

  • There are the players on the map always, you are never alone, never, otherwise, servers will merge if the player count becomes too low and you will be transferred automatically to another server with other players. The game is designed to always keep the same amount of players on the map.

    Is just that nowadays nobody wants to interact with other players too much, everyone avoids others at all costs and that's the reason why you can spend weeks and not find any players around or even if you find them they will just change the course to get away from you.

  • I’d love to play on those kinds of servers. I unfortunately see other players every 15-20 mins. Luckily most of the time they don’t want to fight but I’d still rather them not be there at all

  • Sharpen your tracking skills and make a search plan.

    If you plot a course that can view all the hot spots on the world map you can often find ships in the distance.

    Depending on the type and volume of emissary present on the server I pick different paths to check vaults for Gold Hoarders, small islands near outposts for OoS, between outposts for Merchants and finally memorize all the locations the cyclone spawns for a Legend of the Veil if you see an Athena.

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