I just realised I should have put this here.

  • So... I was open crew in comm day. I always do this to help returning players. I found one. So... I was a reaper and had a lot of loot and a grade 5 hoarders flag and a golden vault key that I stole. I sold it all but got no gold OR reputation. I thought it was just server latency so I just left and rejoined. Well... I still got no rep or gold. I have no interest in gold but I would have liked that rep.

    Anyone having the same issue?

    Video Footage

    I kinda wrote this in a rush so... I just butchered english.

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  • @thorumsu There was an issue with delay in gold yesterday, yet the issue was solved by the support team

  • @metal-ravage, I just realised I should have put this here. içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu There was an issue with delay in gold yesterday, yet the issue was solved by the support team

    But I did not get any reputation either. Also, I still did not get the gold OR reputation. How was it solved?

  • @thorumsu This is the message from the support team:

    "After investigation, the team have resolved the issues around delays in gold and Alabasterbeard errors. Any delayed gold will now be appearing in your accounts and you will be able to load into the game successfully. Thank you for your patience"

    I suggest you to follow the SOT support team in Twitter or Discord to keep up to date.

  • @metal-ravage, I just realised I should have put this here. içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu This is the message from the support team:

    "After investigation, the team have resolved the issues around delays in gold and Alabasterbeard errors. Any delayed gold will now be appearing in your accounts and you will be able to load into the game successfully. Thank you for your patience"

    I suggest you to follow the SOT support team in Twitter or Discord to keep up to date.

    But I did not experience the generic gold delay. I did not get reputation too.

    And still did not get it. I guess a support ticket might help but again, is 150K gold and a chunk of reaper rep that important enough to write a support ticket? It might be just wasting their time.

  • @thorumsu If you think this is important enough, you can go ahead and open a support ticket:

  • @metal-ravage, I just realised I should have put this here. içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu If you think this is important enough, you can go ahead and open a support ticket:

    How long does it take them to answer? It has been 3 days. Which is not a lot. I just thought I would at least get an auto answer.

  • @thorumsu Check the email you have connected with you account. SOT support always answers to our queries.

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