Unplayable lag with others nearby?

  • I have been trying my hardest to play SOT for the last week or two. Every time I play, I get unplayable 300+ ping when others are nearby. I don't know how, as my partner rarely has these problems with me around, even while I have them - And no other game has ever done this that I have played. I quite literally could not play when I was sitting at a dock, fishing, and a galleon came by, immediately freezing me to 1000 ping constants.

    It can't be my connection, as every other service works perfectly fine. It shouldn't be my PC, as it doesn't lag or have any issue in other scenarios, such as solo, where I have ~80-120 ping ranges.

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  • I've found that this game is very forgiving to players with bad connections. I've experienced specific ships on a server causing insane ping spikes just by coming within player render distance before, though not as much recently that I can recall.

    I don't know if this is a bug or on purpose if they are expecting a large number of their players to be playing over inconsistent wifi connections and have given a bit more leniency.

  • While I understand that, I can confirm that it even happens at times with my partner being in the game, who has even better specs and the same wifi strength as myself (40m/40m). We're on two seperate connections, and I expect some ping because its being used sort of through hotspot (60ms default ping), but that shouldn't hinder more than it does as a base in the game.

    It seems the game's servers just cant handle players being near for me, regardless of who, and their connections.

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