Please let us go upstairs in the tavern

  • Please Devs I just want to go up there and hang out.

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  • @theeggoplant But what would be up there? Card games?

  • @musicmee This is what I've been dying to know ;_;

    Card games?
    Pet crabs?
    Shrouded ghost?
    Lost cosmetics?

  • Pirate Legend Curse Emporium Shop.

    It only sells the PL curse 🤪

  • @Musicmee said:

    But what would be up there?

    Webs and spiders probably. 🕸🕷

  • @galactic-geek They really need to get a merMAID in there!

  • I’m hoping they add something
    Similar to glitter beard hideout.

    You go up and teleport to a location only your crew can reach and you start a friendly card game…that puts you into a small lobby without player interactions and you only see POV of your hands, table, gold and cards.

    But they just wishful thinking

  • @musicmee said in Please let us go upstairs in the tavern:

    @theeggoplant But what would be up there? Card games?

    that's actually not a bad idea. There could be poker, shell games, and gambling rooms up there.

    I've seen posts before where people would like to have mini games in the game.

  • @musicmee said in Please let us go upstairs in the tavern:

    @theeggoplant But what would be up there?

    Alright, now I will tell ye a story.
    It is about... the sec'nd floor of the taverns.
    All other pirates at the campfire gasp
    'Tis is a mysterious and mystical place, shrouded with the unknown.
    S'me say it contains treasures of times long past.
    S'me say it is home to some sort o' odd creatures.
    S'me say it is simply where the tavernkeepers keep their unlimited supply of grog.
    But I know 'hey are all wrong.
    I hav' been called a madman for my claims. But I jus' know...
    I looked through the windows. I saw beyond the dark...
    Inside, strange people in stranger garb meet to discuss our future.
    They use odd, rec'angular con'tptions that glow like a boun'y skull, but witf mor' colors.
    With these things, they morph our reality to their will.
    They call me a madman.
    Bu' I saw it.
    I heard one speak 'bout 'hemselves a time.
    They call themselves "RARE".
    An' that be all I know.

  • @mr-whaletoes 😲

  • @mr-whaletoes just 👏👏👏

  • @theeggoplant I have an idea!, It could have a hotbath and some chairs and tables, pvp could be disabled, loot not allowed up there and ofcourse an immovable rowboat coz why not??!!

  • @galactic-geek said in Please let us go upstairs in the tavern:

    @Musicmee said:

    But what would be up there?

    Webs and spiders probably. 🕸🕷

    Oooo...maybe the rest of the Wicked Web set??????

  • I never go upstairs or downstairs

    there is always some dusty board game or some ancient book or some pile of bones that is just waiting to ruin a curious cat's day

  • @musicmee said in Please let us go upstairs in the tavern:

    @theeggoplant But what would be up there? Card games?

    You know those bulls eye shooting minigames that one usually seen at carnivals? I wouldn't mind seeing that around the tavern. A simon says dance jig mini game with emotes or instruments, fighting pits for friendly fights against your own crew mates

  • @wolfmanbush it could be a cool place for lore related story telling, maybe a place where you can find books on Wanda Shelly ships megs etc all the past events.

  • @theeggoplant said:

    maybe a place where you can find books on Wanda Shelly ships megs etc all the past events.

    But we already have those - courtesy of Glitterbeard, Umbra, Merrick, many others, and even Wanda herself.

    If you would just leave your bench and grog behind to go exploring, I'm sure you would have known that.

  • maybe there could even just be more tables up there, another place to spawn at? or maybey you would have to be legendary sea dog, or max level in all rep company's to go up there!

  • @galactic-geek, Yes! experienced players like you and me might know this but what about the newer players who might not even have known about all the lore! this could be a cool place for them to get a taste of what the lore in SoT has to offer!

  • @galactic-geek how can the tavern owners even afford repairs?

    I thought theft and numerous back door deals has left the Sea's economy in rotation? Constantly rotating hands, rather than actually growing.
    Thoughts? 👍🤣

  • @theeggoplant said in Please let us go upstairs in the tavern:

    @galactic-geek, Yes! experienced players like you and me might know this but what about the newer players who might not even have known about all the lore! this could be a cool place for them to get a taste of what the lore in SoT has to offer!

    Or they could explore and do that over an extended period of time as they grow along with the Sea.

  • i would love for some sort of gambling upstairs. card games, bets, coin tosses ect.

  • @musicmee said in Please let us go upstairs in the tavern:

    @galactic-geek They really need to get a merMAID in there!

    I see what you merMAID there !!

  • Fools...

    It's clearly where all the outpost sellers go to sleep when your not around.

  • no

  • @lovelocc said in Please let us go upstairs in the tavern:


    No to what? Why no? No to who?
    Please be more clear.

  • @musicmee probably the purchasable bait everyone has been asking for

  • I would like to make the Bilge Rays their own trading company. Then give them the upstairs to them. They could have mini games and voyages that are like their adventures like the ones from the first year.

  • @musicmee said in Please let us go upstairs in the tavern:

    @theeggoplant But what would be up there? Card games?

    I told you, that's where I store my beans. Get outta there!

  • @sweetsandman said in Please let us go upstairs in the tavern:

    @galactic-geek said in Please let us go upstairs in the tavern:

    @Musicmee said:

    But what would be up there?

    Webs and spiders probably. 🕸🕷

    Oooo...maybe the rest of the Wicked Web set??????

    Considering we’re still missing the rest of the frostbite set I’d doubt that. Dang you season 2 menu lantern!

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