Buying fruit crate, instead of getting 50 bananas, you get different fruit types - Ideas/thoughts

  • Ahoy,

    Currently, if you buy a fruit crate from the Merchant Alliance for 3,500 gold, you get 50 bananas in return. 50 bananas is not really useful, wouldn't it be better that instead of buying 50 bananas you buy this for example:

    Bananas - 32
    Coconuts - 10
    Pomegranates - 5
    Mangos - 2
    pineapples - 1

    Would this make the fruit crate too good? I'm curious if you guys think this is a good or a bad idea and if you might change the amount you get from the different fruit types.

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  • I'm not for this, personally. I think for things that have various "tiers" to them (Food and Munitions currently) we should only be able to purchase the most basic "tier" (Bananas and Cannonballs in this case). This encourages still doing some supply hunting, which is a core part of the game, in order to net a few higher "tier" items alongside the basics.

    With that in mind, if we ever see an expansion to the Maintenance portion of things, if Planks don't end up being the bottom "tier" in that anymore I would say whatever ends up being that low end should be the purchasable option (though, for simplicity, if this is ever expanded I would think they would make the existing item the low "tier" much like they did with Bananas when they expanded the Food and Cannonballs when they expanded Munitions).

    That is my personal sentiment on the matter. However, that said, I would be open to allowing Pirates to purchase Bait (though I would do this at the Seaposts with the Hunters Call) as well as Collectors Chests (and these I would have picked up from the Gold Hoarders) with the same limits as seen on the existing Supplies. I might even consider having Tridents available (from the Order of Souls in this case) to give all the Factions various luxuries you can purchase that are sort of themed around the respective Factions and what they might have an interest in selling (you could make these sellable too, for significantly less than they cost to purchase - as should be the way for all the purchasable things, they are an investment for speeding up various things you could just do otherwise). Hell, would could even do the most basic Rowboat from the Shipwright too.

    Again, just my two cents on the matter.

  • Ahoy @RedEyeSith,

    You're kind of right about this:

    I'm not for this, personally. I think for things that have various "tiers" to them (Food and Munitions currently) we should only be able to purchase the most basic "tier" (Bananas and Cannonballs in this case). This encourages still doing some supply hunting, which is a core part of the game, in order to net a few higher "tier" items alongside the basics.

    How I think about this is that weapons are the same for everyone because there is no RNG in this, on the other hand the fruit you get from barrels is random and because of this it is already in itself not fair to others who have gotten less good food.

  • @jtye-b how about we get rid of buyable supplies in general...worst decision ever made by Rare

  • Ahoy @schwammlgott,

    I'm not sure about that I have to think about that.

    How it is now according to me is that Sea of Thieves added buyable supplies because the community wanted this (You shouldn't assume this is what I think). If Sea of Thieves/community wants to do this away for, say, these dilemmas, then that is up to them I also don't know if Sea of Thieves has any ideas for future update to expand this.

  • I wouldn't want anything but the lowest tier in any category to be purchasable. Some people might think that adding better fruits is harmless, but then we'll start to see requests for purchasable chain shots and cursed cannonballs, and I positively hate the thought of that

  • I wouldn't be against this, but if it has anything better than bananas, that price needs to go up. I am talking north of the empty storage crate up!

  • @schwammlgott dijo en Buying fruit crate, instead of getting 50 bananas, you get different fruit types - Ideas/thoughts:

    @jtye-b how about we get rid of buyable supplies in general...worst decision ever made by Rare

    Agree. I remember Season 2 was out of hands. Every ship you sank had nothing but supplies crates. They're everywhere... Farming supplies is part of the game.

  • In a shared environment with a massive pvp skill gap all this stuff does is make the risk/reward/combat environment more and more imbalanced in the name of QoL.

    The foundation of the game is risk/reward and effort

    but on one end we pay people extra to remove the risk through alliances

    and on the other we make it easier and easier to join a server and take no risk for maximum reward in the shortest time possible through supplies that can be purchased and abundant chain shot.

    Imo the environment would be far better off if people actually had to leave the dock to get much of anything at all. Even just the barrels at outposts are too much imo. The average SOT player is convinced these easy supplies are QoL but easy supplies really aren't QoL when they are the ones doing all the producing and their much more skilled opponents are able to load on a server and instantly have access to piles of supplies and can go take them out on their way to reapers or an outpost in a few minutes.

    Game is better when supplies are linked entirely to activity and production imo.

  • Bananas aren’t useful? Then that health I regain is worthless? Hmph.

    I rather use something so small to regain a small amount of health that I need. Then waste a coconut. Like stitching up a paper cut instead of using a bandaid to seal the wound.

    Besides. You don’t have to buy them.

  • Ahoy @BurnBacon,

    Bananas are indeed in those cases useful, but I'm also not saying that bananas are useless, but buying 50 bananas is not really useful.

  • Hmm

    I know a crate can hold 50 though here's my though

    • 50 Banana


    • 20 fruit with 10% chance of rarer than banana's at the same price.

    This below is just to much higher tier fruit.

    Bananas - 32
    Coconuts - 10
    Pomegranates - 5
    Mangos - 2
    pineapples - 1

  • I see where you are coming from, but I always liked that you can get a lot of supplies at the start, but if you want the really important stuff like good food, chainshots, throwables, and cursed cannonballs.

  • Remove supply buying instead.

  • @jtye-b sagte in Buying fruit crate, instead of getting 50 bananas, you get different fruit types - Ideas/thoughts:

    Ahoy @schwammlgott,

    I'm not sure about that I have to think about that.

    How it is now according to me is that Sea of Thieves added buyable supplies because the community wanted this (You shouldn't assume this is what I think). If Sea of Thieves/community wants to do this away for, say, these dilemmas, then that is up to them I also don't know if Sea of Thieves has any ideas for future update to expand this.

    The community wants this you say? I'd more say, that the community asked for a way to spend the money, a gold sink...some wanted buyable supplies and that's what we got then...
    Anyway, no need for thinking to much about this for you...I just write this into some threads like this, as I'm obviously still against that decision...just hope I don't get banned for that one day 😅🙈

  • @schwammlgott said in Buying fruit crate, instead of getting 50 bananas, you get different fruit types - Ideas/thoughts:

    @jtye-b sagte in Buying fruit crate, instead of getting 50 bananas, you get different fruit types - Ideas/thoughts:

    Ahoy @schwammlgott,

    I'm not sure about that I have to think about that.

    How it is now according to me is that Sea of Thieves added buyable supplies because the community wanted this (You shouldn't assume this is what I think). If Sea of Thieves/community wants to do this away for, say, these dilemmas, then that is up to them I also don't know if Sea of Thieves has any ideas for future update to expand this.

    The community wants this you say? I'd more say, that the community asked for a way to spend the money, a gold sink...some wanted buyable supplies and that's what we got then...
    Anyway, no need for thinking to much about this for you...I just write this into some threads like this, as I'm obviously still against that decision...just hope I don't get banned for that one day 😅🙈

    No worries, I was trying to think with you at that moment, because I hadn't thought of it myself yet 😄

  • If I was Rare, I would have just made it so that when a pirate purchases a supply crate that it would be empty - that way you're buying it for the utility and ease of use; not for the instant gratification.

    Besides, as is now, there's nothing stopping you from emptying out the fruit crate and resupplying it with much better fruit.

  • @jtye-b a lot of people think bananas are worthless until they have nothing else. On the other side I cook fish, pigs, chickens, shark, Megladon whenever possible. This is an old school tip. Don’t stock at outpost go to a fort instead. I don’t buy crates as I can have over 100 cannon balls in a few minutes and enough food and lumber to last hours from barrels floating and on land. Supply crate price is outrageous and risky. As a solo player I bank supplies I find and dump the crates. No sense in giving the enemy more than they can carry.

  • @schwammlgott said in Buying fruit crate, instead of getting 50 bananas, you get different fruit types - Ideas/thoughts:

    how about we get rid of buyable supplies in general...worst decision ever made by Rare

    This. So much of this.

  • i love this idea…its just something small that will help alot of people when they run into toxic people just looking to sink…the more helpful the better…we need more purchaseable items to counter the toxicity in the game

  • @madfrito99 said in Buying fruit crate, instead of getting 50 bananas, you get different fruit types - Ideas/thoughts:

    i love this idea…its just something small that will help alot of people when they run into toxic people just looking to sink…the more helpful the better…we need more purchaseable items to counter the toxicity in the game

    Supplies that can be purchased, easy to obtain and prestocked chainshots, and close respawns are the worst things that exist in this game for risk/reward balanced in a shared environment with a massive skill gap

    It's people signing their own sink warrant and being concinved they are better off because they can do things quicker and don't have to gather supplies.

    This game has a portion of players that are piratical MacGyvers
    They aren't investing in loot production, they aren't contributing other than to the risk of a server . They play entirely to get quick kills with no risk and maximum reward and people want to arm them.

    The average player does nothing with a few chain shots and some pineapples. The average player does nothing with some more cannonballs and wood when versing people that are significantly more skilled than them.

    A skilled pvper can take a pineapple and chain shot and do what happens every day. Mast/s down, get the board, spawn camp, easy sink/steal

    It benefits the impatient and speeds up imbalanced risk/reward conflict but someone in your shoes isn't better off with what exists.

  • @wolfmanbush i hear ya….problem is this game. 99% risk 1% reward

  • @madfrito99 said in Buying fruit crate, instead of getting 50 bananas, you get different fruit types - Ideas/thoughts:

    @wolfmanbush i hear ya….problem is this game. 99% risk 1% reward

    balance in a risk/reward environment is rewarding activity

    that's why chainshots should have always been tied to something and limited like wraithballs and supplies for purchase should have never been a thing

    Effort and activity for supplies naturally works out a balance. When people are required to truly participate in the risk/reward environment by collecting before combat everything works itself out pretty well.

    They gave into the impatient and it's largely benefited those that are not producing. No balance in that. Over time that makes higher risk and higher reward much more unappealing to people that embrace the foundation that the game is built on

    and what ends up happening? a lot of the running and chasing that happens now. Lack of production which happens now.

  • @wolfmanbush think of it in a different way…you just set sail…you didnt buy any crates…you come across a ship that has been playing for awhile that has hundreds of cannon balls, wraith balls, chainshots, etc…your dead in the water…a balance to that is to beable to buy supplies so if you have that type of encounter you have some chance instead of none lol

  • Not really for this since you can buy a supply crate and loot the island. Not to mention its frustrating enough when a ship has nothing to lose and they keep coming back after sinking 5 times. Don't need to give them pineapples and make it easier to terrorize ships. I save pomegranates and up for PvP. What you mentioned is 9 good pieces of food. (9 because pineapple is 2 bites.) Sometimes you can't even find 9 good pieces of food at an outpost.

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