Betrayal of a trusting pirate

  • This is my most favorite moment of recent times, hope you all enjoy the story.

    From the memoirs of Captain VoidShipwrecks of the Gilded Arrow, Year of our Lord 27th September 1706. We've been at sea for weeks, with barely any sport for the sinking of those that sail parallel to us. We'd been doing treasury vaults and shrines for most of the day with only one sloop and a brig challenging us. Sadly, neither proved much of a challenge as they both sailed right into our broadside and while I boarded, me mates unloaded a volley of cannons into each. Just as we were about to park our ship at Old Salt's Atoll for the night and rest in the beached ship that we've restored to the aspect of having cannons on the aft and fore decks as well as cots in and below the captain's cabin. Aye, we've certainly used our wealth to improve quality of life hear on the seas. As I was reflecting on, we had just parked our ship at our base when a loud horn sounded and we saw the Fort of Fortune pop up, being the greedy pirates we are we immediately sailed for the fort. However, on the way there I spotted a small sloop with no skins on his ship sitting at a nearby island, being the pvper I am, I shot over and tucked on the sloop behind his water barrel. I stayed there for a good ten minutes until I was spotted and I jumped ship, thankfuly I was able to figure out what he was doing for he had a vault quest down and I knew he was at least semi competent because he was wearing the full Purple PL outfit. After I teleported back to my ship and we finished the fort I sent a message in a bottle over to the sloop, and got a few back so I knew either he was getting them or some random ship was messaging me through MBPS (message in a bottle postal service). My last message to him was that we'd trade two stronghold chests for the chest of tributes (which he did not reply to, naturally I assumed he was not interested and we finished the fort and sailed north. After a few hours of sailing we finally saw Golden Sands (I'm being realistic, it didn't take us hours to go three blocks north) I notice that there is a sloop just parked in the direct middle of Crescent Isle, now any knowledgeable sailor or pirate will know that parking i the middle of an island like that means one of two things 1. Either you want to roleplay waves doing something and protect your ship from the currents, or the far more likely 2. the ship that you've spotted is doing the vault that is located in the middle of the island. It just so happens that this sloop was the same one I had tucked on earlier in the day and as I shot over to his sloop I noticed that there was no voyage on the table. I thought this was great because it meant he'd have no reason to be here unless it was the vault. As my crew sank the sloop ( he had gotten locked in the vault and drowned) I went down to the vault and started taking his, no our loot up to the top for him, no us to harpoon to our ship. As I was coming back up, I noticed someone walking around the sloop in a daze. I jollily swam over to him, thanked him for doing a vault for us and dispatched him quickly, as he was returning to the ferry I heard a few choice profanities that I wouldn't even copy down on this personal journal.

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  • I noticed someone walking around the sloop in a daze. I jollily swam over to him, thanked him for doing a vault for us

    You're a pirate, thievery runs through your veins
    but arrogantly kicking an outnumbered man with less experience while he is down only adds bitterness to the tale

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